The next morning.

I arrived at school an hour earlier than usual. I wanted to read a book in the basement stacks.

It was sunny this morning, even though it was June. It seems to be an empty rainy season this year. It is good that it doesn’t rain. The basement stacks are very humid, which damages the books. This school is rich, but they don’t take good care of their books. I wish they would give one-tenth of the budget to the sports club to the library.

Passing through the school gate, I see the entrance to the school on my right and the general grounds on my left.

The athletic teams are practicing in the morning on the other grounds, but the field is deserted. Besides being used by the general student body for physical education classes, this field is shared by clubs with limited track records. It seems that none of the clubs are using the field this morning.

On such a lonely field, there was a solitary figure—-.

A strand of familiar silver hair is swaying.

She was crouched down in her jersey, working on something.

“Good morning, president Kocho.”

When I called out to her, the beautiful half-Northern European girl stood up as if surprised. Her ample breasts swayed tightly in her jersey.

“When did you get so close to me? I didn’t notice you at all.”

“I’m often told that I don’t have much of a presence. I’m the shadow”

“I didn’t even hear your footsteps. ……”

“Oh, come on, I’m not a ninja.”

I laughed it off and changed the subject.

“What are you doing here?”

“Nothing, ……. not really interesting.”

The president’s hands were covered in sand. The fingers, as delicate as glasswork, were dirty down to the fingernails.

When the president noticed my gaze, she hid her hands behind her back in embarrassment. Such a gesture makes her high school beauty look a little young. No wonder she is the object of admiration of the entire school.

At her feet was a plastic bag. There were many pebbles in it.

“Picking up pebbles from the ground? Aren’t these things the work of contractors?”

“The contractors have their hands full with other grounds and rarely come in here.”

“Are they stingy with the budget? The very same Teikai Academy.”

“I think they do that on purpose. To differentiate between the clubs that have made achievements and those that haven’t.”

I see. It is just like a family of pigs would do.

“And yet, the chairman personally picked up the rocks.”

“Someone has to do it. In fact, last year a student on the track team stepped on a sharp stone and got hurt. …… Even though they didn’t have a track record, they were all working hard.”

The chairman kept her long eyelashes down. She seemed to regret having spoken too much.

“Now, go away. Don’t tell anyone what you just said.”

Squatting down on the ground again, she began to pick up stones.

I wondered how long it would take her to pick up all the pebbles in this vast field. How much effort would it take? Would he be able to accomplish this alone, without telling anyone, without being noticed? No one would praise her for it.


The president raised her voice in surprise.

I squatted down and started to pick up the stones.

“It will go faster if we do it together.”

“…… You’re an idiot. You will not get a badge for doing this. You are being stared at by Rua.”

“What’s wrong with that? At least one person is an idiot.”

The president stared at me for a while in silence as I picked up the stone.

Then she said…

“No. There are two idiots.”

She started to pick up stones along with me.

Thus, I spent the morning alone with a beautiful senior.