[Posted almost every day] Rua Hime-sama cuts it down! ~ Be aware~

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[Hello hello, Youtubes!]

[I’m Rua, aka Princess Rua!]

[Today, I have a great event to share with you all!]

[My “girl friend,” who has been pretending not to care about me for a long time, finally confessed to me!]

[She said that she really really really loves me! You know♥]

[Kufufu. You’ve been holding back all this time, I see.]

[Jeez, it is wasted effort. You can’t resist my charm. You should be aware of that!]

[But you know, Rua-chan-sama, I won’t go down so easily.]

[I’m going to hurry her even more here, and rush her and —- I’m going to make her cry.]

[“I can’t take it anymore, Rua-sama, I was wrong, please forgive me!” I’m not going to forgive you until you cry out]

[Actually, I’ve already thought of a plan for that.]

[Everyone, look forward to it.]

[Gufufufu. Ahahahaha. HAHAHAHAH!! Shashashashasha!]

[Comment section 1942]

Table-topping, 1 minute ago

The last laugh. Lol!

Rua-sama’s servant #2, 1 minute ago

I’m glad the Princess is happy!

Ruanor, 1 minute ago

I can’t stop crying at the beautiful friendship.

Jotsunbine, 1 minute ago

More yuri yuri!

Truth fanatic, 1 minute ago

Is she really your girl friend?



The next morning.

When I arrived at school an hour early, as I did the other day, I found a silver hair swaying once again on the sports field.

Our student council president, looking beautiful even in his jersey.

Today, she is all alone, picking up rocks for the students.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

I squat down next to her and start picking up stones.

The president looked at me as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she just kept on working.

I was alone with a beautiful returnee on an unoccupied field.

After a while…

“Hey, Suzuki.”

“Kazu is fine.”

The president’s cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment.

“Then, you can call me Suzuka, too. Okay? Kazu-kun.”

“Understood. President Suzuka.”

“You don’t need to add ‘president,’ though. ……”

She looks a little disappointed.

After school yesterday, a special student council meeting was held to discuss the matter. It is likely that the badge system will be abolished.

“As I expected.”

“I heard that Rua rushed to the director’s office right after the meeting. That selfish girl listens to someone else, huh?”

“Heh. Someone I see”

That piggy would never listen to anyone else.

All I did was to get the pig to make that decision for herself.

“Yesterday afternoon, you were all over the news. They were asking why such a great guy has no badge. That’s one of the reasons why they decided the badge system is meaningless. ……Who are you, really?”

“As you can see, I’m just a shady character.”

Overestimation is also a good thing.

The president rested her hand on my face and stared at me intently.

“Kazu-kun, …… do you prefer little girl with the small bre*sts?”

It seems that she had overheard my conversation with the pig in the cafeteria yesterday.

“No I like the big ones.”


“It is a given”

The chairman opened her mouth in a small, dumbfounded manner.

“Then you lied when you told Rua-san?”

“Now. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“……You are a scary person, you know that?”

The sigh escapes from the well-shaped lips.

“But why? I’m really interested in you right now. ……”

The president’s hot gaze was on my cheek.

“We’re both idiots. We are.”

“…… yeah. We’re idiots.”

Despite the words, her voice was gentle.

And so we continued to pick up rocks until the first period bell rang.

It was going to be our new morning routine.

After school.

As usual, I was in the basement library with Amane-chan for her voice training.

“Kazu-kun. I’m sorry to disturb you.”

The blue-eyed student council president entered the room.

There was no more gold badge on the chest of her blouse, which was puffed up with a lot of fat.

“I’ve heard rumors, but I didn’t know this was where you hung out.”

She looks around at the bookshelves, which are lined up tightly, with a curious look on her face.

Amane-chan gives her a hard look.

“W-what can I do for you in our room?”


The president meets Amane-chan’s gaze with cold eyes.

“This is a school facility, not a private place for some students.”

“Are you trying to get us kicked out?”

“You are the voice actress Amane Minase, right? I hear your popularity is skyrocketing. What do you do?”

“I’ve decided to practice here after school. With Kazu-kun!”

Amane took my arm and held on to it.

The president didn’t seem to be intimidated.

“Are you two officially dating?”

“Not exactly, but we’ve kissed before!”

Oi oi

However, the president maintains a relaxed attitude. She brushes her silver hair back coolly.

“The “claiming possession with just a kiss? How cute”


“That’s just a greeting to me, a returnee. Like this.”

She took my other arm and pulled me close to her.

Hmm, I thought I heard a raised voice —- smooth, glossy lips pressed against mine.


Amane-chan, who screamed with a rich volume of voice, froze with a jerk. She didn’t move even a twitch with her white eyes peeled back. No, are you that shocked?

The president, on the other hand, was indifferent.

“Hey Kazu-kun. Would you show me around the bookshelf? I want to read the books you recommend.”

She pulled me toward the back of the room.

Behind the bookshelf, She leaned in close to me. She pressed her softness against me.

I let out a sweet sound, my cheeks tinting.

“Although I told her like that, …… it was actually my first time.”

What a bombshell.

“My knees are still shaking.”


“I want you to take responsibility.”

It was a huge embarrassment.

Yare yare

I was getting myself into trouble all over again.

–And then…

“Hello, Kazu! I’m here! Or rather, I’m here for you!”

The door opened again with a bam! In walked a woman named Piggy, a.k.a. resident pig

She was smiling her usual confident and composed smile, but today she was accompanied by a male student.

He is looking out of place with a troubled smile on his face. It’s obvious that she forced him to come with her.

Upon spotting me, the piggy proudly shook her blonde hair and said.

“Fufufu! Kazu! I have a boyfriend!”

……Now, what book would I recommend?