After the three karate idiots left, the aftermath of the commotion continued for a while.

The guests who were leaving went out of their way to congratulate me. Some even asked me to shake their hands.

“I was so exhilarated, man!”

“Those karate guys do a lot of mischief here in the shopping district.”

“They’re so big, they do whatever they want, and it’s a nuisance to all the stores.”

“That was really heartwarming!”

I feel like they are giving me a little too much praise, but I don’t feel bad about being useful.

This coffee shop is frequented by people from the shopping district. Everyone is nice. The lady at the candy store gave me a candy bar, the guy at the fruit and vegetable store gave me an orange, and so on. I can’t thank them enough for being so kind to me, a “newcomer.”

Meanwhile, Ayukawa was standing there in a daze. She seemed to have completely lost her mind.

The woman at the candy store patted her on the back.

“Ayaka, you’re so lucky! You’ve got such a wonderful boyfriend!”

Ayukawa’s face turned red as if on fire.

…..I’m beaten

I don’t want to be misunderstood that way. I have to correct it because Ayukawa has a proper boyfriend.


“…Y-e…….s, thank you very much….”

Ayukawa nodded shyly.

Thanks to her, I missed the timing of that correction.

“You should take good care of her, rookie!”

The lady left with a complete misunderstanding.


“Ayukawa, I’m going out for a minute.”


“The customer at table 8 seems to have left something behind. I’ll go after him.”

I gently patted her anxious shoulder and ran out.

As I left the store, the afternoon sun was beating down with a cacophony of light.

As I looked around with my hands making a canopy, I saw the back of a gray hoodie.

I followed him into a deserted alleyway.


The man turned around slowly.

He was in his mid-thirties. Average build and appearance, with a small scar above his right eyebrow as his only distinguishing feature.

“What can I do for you?”

The man smiled pleasantly.

“You forgot something.”

“Eh? Really?”

The man fumbled through his hoodie and denim pockets.

“No, I have my keys, cell phone, and wallet. It belonged to someone else who came here before me.”

“Oh, I see.”

I pulled a small box out of my pocket. It was made of gray plastic. It was about the size of the palm of my hand.

“It was stuck under table No. 8, on the underside of the tabletop.”

The man looked at the box in my palm as if it were a curiosity.

“Heh. It’s a strange thing to forget.”

“I won’t know for sure until I take it apart, but it’s probably a listening device. I’ve seen one of the same type before.”

“That’s not very gentle. You’d better be careful. There are some dangerous people out there, like those three guys.”

I stared into the man’s eyes.

“To me, you look more dangerous than those three.”

“Me? Why?”

“At the time of the riot, when everyone was looking at Table 7, you were alone in the corner, looking down.”

“I was afraid. If I looked at him, I didn’t know what he would do to me.”

“You seemed very calm. You seemed very calm. You have the composure to quickly reach under the table just as I’m about to slash a bottle of cider—-you rat.”


The rat’s lips turned up and white teeth peeked out. It looked like the fangs of a beast.

“As expected of the youngest “Tenro Juketsu”. No wonder you are the favorite of Rua-sama.”

“Did the Takayashiki family send you?”

“I’ve been told to guard you secretly. I hope you believe me.”

“Of course I believe you.”

I dropped the bug on the ground and crushed it.

“If they wanted to harm me, they wouldn’t have sent a rat like you. The same ‘ten greats’ would be out there. More importantly, there is no need to guard me. So the objective is–to get rid of the women who approach me. Right?”

“I can’t answer that question.”

“That answer is the best answer.”

It’s just as Amane-chan warned me.

That pig is using the old man’s power to interfere with my life again.

“I’m just a lowly guy. I have never met either you or Rua directly. I haven’t even been informed of the details of this mission.”

“Well, go home and tell your boss. All I want is to have a normal summer vacation. Tell him to stop hanging around me.”

“Do you think I can just go home?”

Something thoughtful came into Rat’s eyes.

I’m not going to be mocked by a high school kid, even if you’re one of the ten best. If I get screwed over, it’s the end of me. My business–“

“Then you should live a normal life.”

“It’s too late for that. Normal is impossible.”

“What then?”

The rat showed his white teeth again.

“If I beat you, I’ll make a name for myself in the underworld. There may be another job opening for me. Or I could hurt that pretty maid and win the pleasure of Rua-sama…”

The rat moved.

It was approaching low, like a snake crawling on the ground.

The fist was pulled out of his pocket and thrust downward toward my heart, as if to gouge it out. A skilled move. And a move without hesitation. It was indeed the movement of a man who could only live in this world, as he said.



I lightly parried his fist with the palm of my hand.

Dispelling the feet of the rat that had lost its stance.

If he were an amateur, he could have been killed instantly by hitting his head on the concrete, but he was a professional. He quickly protected the back of his head with his hand and avoided a hard hit.

However, a concussion would have been unavoidable.

Unable to fight.

“I’ll let it slide this time. You should ” break off” from the Takayashiki family. Just like me.”

“……, gu……”

Rats slinking around in the back alleys. It is at least a mean to not make a sound.

“I’ll tell you one last thing. That bug, if I missed it, I’m sure she would have noticed it.”

“The maid? No way…”

“She’s a hard worker. She never skips a detail in cleaning. She wipes down the table with the utmost care and attention. She probably would have noticed and taken it to the police by the end of today or tomorrow.”

Ayukawa told me on my first day of work.

[Eeeee? Suzuki. You have to wipe under the table, too, okay? Don’t think that it’s a place that rarely gets dirty, so you’ll just have to do it next time. That’s where the true character of the restaurant comes out.]

[Do you get it? If you get it, tell senpai!]

Yes, I understand. Ayukawa-senpai.

Thanks to you—

I was able to protect you.