At this moment, Mo Lingyuan realized belatedly that he seemed to have been kept in the dark by Chu Yunyao.

After entering the study, Mo Lingyuan took advantage of Mu Qing to move the books.

Lowering his voice, he couldn't help asking: "You really know how to read accounts?"

"Of course, is it possible that I will lie to you?" Chu Yunyao pulled the chair and sat down calmly.

"So, do you know how to read?" Mo Lingyuan's deep eyes stared at her, his expression not very good.

Fortunately, he took time out of his busy schedule to teach her how to read...

"Cough." Chu Yunyao instantly realized the meaning of Mo Lingyuan's words, and coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment on her face, "You know most of the characters here, but some traditional characters are too complicated to write, so"

Chu Yunyao raised her eyelids and stole a glance at him.

It's over, the man is really angry.

Mo Lingyuan's face was gloomy, and he felt like he was being teased.

When Mu Qing came over with a thick stack of ledgers, he saw that the atmosphere between the two was a bit strange.

in argument? It seems impossible to talk about it.

No quarrel? The young commander was obviously angry.

The young lady was also cautious, with a guilty and uneasy expression on her face.

Seeing Mu Qing approaching, Chu Yunyao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly broke the silence in the study.

"Are all of these?" Chu Yunyao flipped through the books, scanning ten lines at a glance: "Bring two abacus."

Mu Qing sorted the ledgers into different categories: "These books are for incoming accounts, these few books are for outgoing accounts, and these are all the account books for the last six months..."

Mu Qing stared at the densely packed small characters and felt a headache, as if thousands of ants were crawling in his brain.

Chu Yunyao neatly arranged the ledgers that were nearly as tall as her, and without raising her head, she held a pen and began to settle the books one by one...

In the quiet study room, the sound of crackling abacus can be heard.

When turning the abacus with one hand, Mu Qing was just a little surprised. This speed is completely comparable to the old accountant.

But when Chu Yunyao moved the abacus with both hands at the same time, only the afterimages of both hands remained, Mu Qing was dumbfounded.

When Chu Yunyao fiddled with the two abacus quickly with both hands at the same time.

Mu Qing: "..."

She can't be fooling around, playing around.

How can anyone plan to be so fast?

It's a thick account, and it didn't take long to finish it?

If this continues, the half a year's account book that he worked so hard to move over can be settled in one night?

Sitting across from her, Mo Lingyuan would sulk, hoping that Chu Yunyao would take the initiative to apologize this time, and comfort and reconcile.

He can hold her and pamper her, but he can't spoil her.

The little girl couldn't get used to it, the more she got used to it, the more presumptuous she became, and she played around with him.

Know medicine.

can drive.

Can handle knives.

will shoot.

Can read and recognize characters.

I will also look at the ledger.

Maybe there will be some things that are deliberately hidden from him.

Mo Lingyuan felt tight in his chest.

He is also a person with a temper, and he is determined not to take the initiative to talk to her, and to keep her cold all night, to let the little girl know where he is wrong.

Anyway, she will ask herself sooner or later what she can't understand about these ledgers.

But Mo Lingyuan didn't expect that after Chu Yunyao took over the ledger and abacus, she seemed to completely forget that there were other people in the study.

Immersed in it, unable to extricate myself.

He didn't even have time to look up, let alone look at him.

Mo Lingyuan felt extremely uncomfortable.

Standing up, she took the initiative to pour a cup of tea, tested the temperature of the water, pushed the bone china cup in front of her, and said, "Drink some water and take a rest."