Hearing what she said, Mo Lingyuan seemed to find some comfort, "Since Bao'er embroidered this purse for you, I will give it back to you. You embroidered the purse for me with your own hands. When is it good? When will I go get it?" .”

Seeing that she seemed to want to refuse, Mo Lingyuan said in a cold voice, "I will go to Yunlai Pavilion every day to see how much you have embroidered. If you haven't finished embroidering in half a month, I will move in." Yunlai Pavilion, until you finish embroidering."

Well, that's a great idea.

Mo Lingyuan silently praised his wit in his heart.

Not only can I see her every day, but I can also stay in Yunlai Pavilion openly and aboveboard.

As for the purse, it's best if you can't finish embroidering it in this life.

Chu Yunyao has always been a person who keeps promises, and will basically do what she promises to others.

Chu Yunyao hurriedly promised: "Since I promised you, I will definitely not break my promise. It's just that my work is not very good, so just don't dislike me."

"Don't dislike it, as long as it is embroidered by yourself."

At this moment, Mo Lingyuan has not realized how bad the Chu Yunyao Embroidery Guild is. The ugliest thing is that the pattern is a little simpler. With Bao'er beside her to guide her, it is not so ugly that she cannot bear to look directly at it.

It was the first time that Mo Lingyuan was so blindly optimistic.

Chu Yunyao continued to ask him for the purse: "I remember that you took away the two purses that Nanyan gave me, and you never returned them to me. Where are the two purses?"

Mo Lingyuan: "..."

He cut it into pieces with scissors in a fit of anger.

Chu Yunyao became anxious: "Could it be that you lost it? That sky-blue purse, Nan Yan is still thinking about it even though she's so ill. I want to return it."

Mo Lingyuan looked calm: "I lost it."

Chu Yunyao: "..."

Chu Yunyao asked unwillingly, "Where did you lose it?"

"When I came back from the Governor's Mansion that day, I threw it out of the car window while you were not paying attention..." Mo Lingyuan secretly observed the expression on her face.

Chu Yunyao: "..."

Chu Yunyao glared at him like a deflated ball, "Then what should I do? What should I give back to others?"

Mo Lingyuan volunteered: "I can explain clearly to Miss Nanyan that I lost those two purses. Nanyan is reasonable, so I shouldn't blame you."

Chu Yunyao: "..."

Chu Yunyao is really a dumb eater of coptis, she can't tell her suffering.

She disguised herself as a man and used Yun Che's identity to inadvertently flirt with Nan Yan. It was enough to cause her headaches. How could it be possible for Mo Lingyuan to intervene in it and continue to add trouble to her.

Chu Yunyao waved her hand bitterly, "Forget it, just throw it away, you don't need to explain to her."

Chu Yunyao was in an extremely upset mood, she didn't even bother to say hello to Mo Lingyuan, and walked out.

Mo Lingyuan chased after him: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to Yunlai Pavilion." Chu Yunyao squinted at the five fingers he was holding on her wrist, and replied tiredly, "I'll embroider a purse for you."

Hearing this, Mo Lingyuan obediently let go of his hand, "I'll take you back."

"No need, I'll just go back with Bao'er." Chu Yunyao glanced in the direction of Lanlou: "Go and see Miss Qin, that blue snake-shaped totem, I'm delivering the baby to the wife of the eldest son of the palace. I saw it when..."

A cold light flashed in Mo Lingyuan's eyes. Hearing this, he directly took her hand and got into the carriage together: "You said you saw the same snake-shaped totem on Mu Qingcheng's body?"

There were a few small boxes in the carriage, and Bao'er drove the carriage.

Mo Lingyuan put down the curtain, and the originally spacious carriage suddenly seemed much more crowded because of his presence...