Qin Zhirou hurriedly got up from the ground, watched as Nanny Rong was escorted out of the Governor's Mansion, endured the pain in her heart and went back to her room, with the help of her servants, she changed her clothes, rearranged her makeup and hair...

Chu Yunyao and Mo Lingwei followed the second aunt to the front yard, and Mo Lingwei asked worriedly: "How can the toxin in the father's body be detoxified?"

Chu Yunyao: "This is simple, just drink some boiled mung bean soup."

Mo Lingwei stared at Chu Yunyao with a pair of beautiful moist eyes, her eyes glowed with admiration, "Sister-in-law is really knowledgeable and talented, no wonder my brother wants me to get along with you more and learn from you."

At first, Mo Lingwei thought that Mo Lingyuan said this because she was afraid that their sister-in-law's relationship would not be good, but she didn't expect that Chu Yunyao knew much more than her at such a young age.

The second aunt was too confused, so: "Is it the mung bean soup we drink in summer? This thing can also detoxify?"

Chu Yunyao nodded: "Of course, mung beans are not only delicious, but also can clear away heat and detoxify, relieve summer heat and annoyance, quench thirst and invigorate stomach, diuretic and reduce swelling.

It is mainly used for treating excessive thirst due to summer heat, damp-heat diarrhea, edema and abdominal distension, sore swelling, erysipelas furuncle, mumps, pox, and poisoning by Jinshi arsenic.

It can also be combined with other ingredients to make a variety of delicious dishes. "

When it came to the efficacy and taste of the ingredients, Chu Yunyao committed the old habit of doctors, talking endlessly and couldn't stop.

The second aunt took out her handkerchief in a desperate manner: "Young madam, write me some more prescriptions for diet therapy, and I will make them for the governor myself."

Chu Yunyao nodded, took the handkerchief, borrowed a pen from Mo Lingwei, and wrote three prescriptions for invigorating qi and health in one go, and returned the handkerchief to the second aunt after writing, and the second aunt held it like a treasure. in arms.

Mo Lingwei looked at the Chinese medicinal materials on the prescription, "Sister-in-law is proficient in Chinese medicine, can you teach me? I learned a little bit of Chinese medicine and went abroad to study Western medicine.

Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, especially acupuncture and moxibustion. If you can master Chinese medicine well, those new schools will not even look down on our local medical skills and only praise Western medicine. "

Seeing Mo Lingwei's delicate and charming appearance, Chu Yunyao sighed in her heart.

Mo Lingyuan's two brothers and sisters are people who care about the country and the people, unlike her, she just wants to live well and protect everyone around her, while Mo Lingwei and Mo Lingyuan both want to revitalize the nation, Complete justice.

Compared with them, Chu Yunyao instantly felt that she was too small.

The two sat in the gazebo built under the stage, and Chu Yunyao was bored watching the servants rushing about.

Taking advantage of the fact that no outsiders were present, Chu Yunyao leaned close to Mo Lingwei and whispered something to her: "I heard that the warlord and the president intend to make you and Mr. Gong a pair. Mr. Gong is a man with a different appearance and a good match." If it’s not for you, you’d better refuse him and find another good relationship.”

Mo Lingwei's white and delicate face was blushing, her face was like a peach blossom, and she lowered her head shyly: "How did sister-in-law know?"

Chu Yunyao dragged her chin with the palm of her hand, ate the washed grapes on the plate, and replied: "His woman suffered from dystocia, and met me by accident, and I helped deliver the baby, mother and daughter are safe.

Gong Yao didn't know my identity at the beginning, and he called my wife one by one very affectionately, so he must like it very much.

Hearing that the president doesn't like that woman, he hasn't acknowledged the woman's identity until now, and this matter has been kept secret.

If Gong Yao desperately wants to be with his woman, I respect him as a man of love and righteousness. Now, under the pressure of his family, he comes to talk to you again...


This kind of man, not worth mentioning. "