The next day, when Chu Yunyao was about to go out with Mo Lingwei, the Second Aunt from the Governor's Mansion came over in person.

"Young Madam." As soon as she saw Chu Yunyao, the Second Aunt felt as if she had seen a savior, she held Chu Yunyao's hand, overjoyed: "The warlord specially asked me to come over to pick you up... ..”

Mo Lingwei looked vigilant, and asked vigilantly: "My father let my sister-in-law go, why?"

The second aunt pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "The third younger sister has been feeling sore recently and retched frequently. I asked her quietly with the fourth younger sister, and she said that it was probably because of embarrassment, but she didn't dare to ask the family doctor in the house to take the pulse. trust you.

The warlord ordered me to come and pick up the young lady. "

Chu Yunyao counted the time, and it has been several months since the third aunt had an operation last time, and she might be really pregnant.

Chu Yunyao had to change the itinerary, "In that case, let me go with you to the Governor's Mansion."

Seeing this, Mo Lingwei also got into the car: "I'll go with my sister-in-law."

Chu Yunyao gave her a meaningful look, and seeing Mo Lingwei's normal expression, she thought for a moment, and then swallowed the words that came to her lips.

When they arrived at the governor's mansion, the second aunt welcomed Chu Yunyao in, and saw the fourth aunt sitting in the hall eating melon seeds.

Seeing that Chu Yunyao arrived, the fourth aunt smiled and waved her handkerchief: "The warlord is upstairs with the third sister, I will take the young lady up, this table is the dessert made by the second sister for the eldest lady, the eldest lady Try it first."

"Second aunt is too much trouble." Mo Lingwei looked upstairs: "Please trouble fourth aunt to tell father, I want to talk to father."

Chu Yunyao followed the fourth aunt to the third aunt's bedroom.

Pushing open the door, I saw Third Aunt lying sickly on the bed, pale, tired, much thinner, with a veil tied on her forehead, talking to Mo Zhongtian.

Seeing Chu Yunyao come in, she forced herself to sit up, she was overjoyed: "Young Madam."

Mo Zhongtian's always majestic face showed a little softness, he turned his head and glanced at Chu Yunyao, and held down the third concubine, "You are very dizzy, don't need to get up, just lie down, I hope that in a few months, you can give you My Mo family has added a fat boy."

The third aunt's face was slightly stiff, she smiled sadly, and said against her will: "I hope so."

The fourth aunt knew that Mo Zhongtian never wanted to see Chu Yunyao, so she hurriedly said, "Miss is downstairs, she said she came to visit you specially, and wants to talk to you, come down with me .”

When Mo Zhongtian heard that Mo Lingwei had come to see him specially, he became more and more happy, and strode downstairs.

Seeing this, the fourth aunt thoughtfully closed the bedroom door.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Chu Yunyao took the pulse for the third aunt, and saw that the pulse was smooth, smooth as a ball, powerful, fast and not stagnant, which was a standard slippery pulse.

Chu Yunyao asked the third aunt again, she recovered very well after the operation, and her menstrual period has already returned to normal.

This time the sunflower water did not come for a long time, my body was sleepy and weak, my lower abdomen and chest were swollen, and when I smelled fish with a slightly fishy smell, I would feel nauseous and vomit, which was exactly the same as the symptoms of the pregnancy of the second wife and the fourth wife, so I thought it was pregnancy on.

Chu Yunyao withdrew her hand, smiling at the corners of her brows and eyes: "Congratulations to the third aunt, it really is a happy pulse."

The third aunt heard the words, grabbed Chu Yunyao's hand excitedly, and confirmed again and again: "Young Madam, is it true? I really have a child?"

Chu Yunyao nodded resolutely: "Yes, it's just that the fetus is only a month old, so it's not very stable, so you have to be careful in the first three months and the last three months, try to eat as light as possible, and don't eat raw, cold, spicy, or too greasy things. "