Chu Yunyao left Bao'er and Uncle Li in the mansion to take care of the Mo Lingyuan brothers and sisters, and brought the basket of live and dead rats and rat cubs to the shelter with Mu Qing.

Handed the written prescription to Dr. Zhang: "I have found the prescription to cure the disease. I have antibacterial western medicine here. Injecting the medicine into the patient's body can suppress the aggravation of the disease.

Then use the prescriptions I prescribed to recuperate well, and these patients will gradually get better.

If nothing else, the epidemic will be under control before the Chinese New Year. "

Dr. Jiang came over to take a look, and saw the prescription read: Forsythia 3 qian, Bupleurum 2 qian, Gegen 2 qian, raw land 5 qian, angelica qian half, red peony 3 qian, peach kernel 8 qian, safflower 5 qian, Chuanpu one coin, licorice two coins...

Dr. Jiang frowned his long gray eyebrows: "Isn't this the decoction for detoxification and blood circulation?"

Chu Yunyao nodded: "Exactly, the prescription for plague."

Dr. Jiang said angrily: "It's nonsense. We used this prescription at the beginning, but those who are strong and healthy are still infected, and they died or were injured. You actually said that this prescription can cure the disease... ..”

Doctor Jiang blew his beard angrily and stared at his eyes: "The old man delayed a day to accompany you to Snake Mountain, thinking that you would find something, but you just took a few mice back for fun.

Now that the rats are dead, you are perfunctory throwing this paper prescription to us, saying that this will cure the epidemic.

Are you an old man or a three-year-old child?

The old man has been practicing medicine for decades and has not been able to research it, so you have been fooled by running around and wandering around all day long? "

Mu Qing was furious when he heard that, others didn't know what the young lady did every night, but he knew.

Just about to get angry, but was stopped by Chu Yunyao.

Chu Yunyao said in a low voice: "Doctor Jiang, I understand your feelings, but whether the medical skills are superb is not proved by the number of years of practicing medicine, otherwise, the person who is called a genius doctor today is not Doctor Zhang.

I have been to Snake Mountain several times, and I have carefully checked with Feng Yichen the water quality and soil at the foot of the mountain, as well as the people who still live there and are not infected by the epidemic. "

Chu Yunyao twisted up a basket of mice and put them heavily on the table: "I brought back the water from there and injected them into the mice respectively. After several nights of experiments, I found that there were germs in the river at the foot of Snake Mountain. .

This disease is transmitted through the water we drink on weekdays.

It is winter now, and it is not a period of high incidence of plague infection, but it has been infected one after another.

Disease enters through the mouth. If it is not airborne, there must be something wrong with the food you eat.

Rats live on snake meat, and there are many parasites in their bodies. They are caught by people at the foot of the mountain, grilled, swallowed into their stomachs, and die of disease. After death, their bodies are thrown on the mountain, where they rot and flow into rivers. inside......

Again and again, the dead rats floated on the river, and the people at the foot of the mountain drank the water from the river and got sick...

Only the person who sat in a blacksmith shop at the foot of the mountain was intact. There were more than a dozen members of the family, including the elderly and the young, but none of them got sick.

On the one hand they drank the water from which alum had been thrown in the well.

On the other hand, and most importantly, it was cold and cold in winter, and all the drinking water in their house was boiled in the stove before drinking. "

If you want to eradicate the disease, you need to get rid of these rats first, then manage the river and burn the corpses on the mountain..."

Doctor Zhang nodded again and again: "The little doctor is right. If you don't control the source, it can be regarded as treating the symptoms but not the root cause. It's just that the old man doesn't know. The river is clear. How did the little doctor know that there is a problem with the water source?"