However, He Jingshu had already been dazzled by jealousy. Hearing what Mo Lingwei said, she thought she was trying to show how important she was in Feng Shaojin's heart, and she was afraid that she would go back on her word.

Angrily, he pushed away He Jingxian, who was persuading him, and grabbed Mo Lingwei's arm: "So what if it irritates him? Could it be that there is Governor Feng and Mrs. Feng around, and he wants to break up with me on the spot and stay with you?" ?

Feng Shaojin is very ambitious, and he will choose what is most beneficial to him. Compared with you, the He family is the economic backing that supports him to gain a foothold in the south. You, a delicate young lady in the north, cannot compare.

If he really cared about you so much, he wouldn't have agreed to marry the He family back then. "

The last sentence seemed to turn into a sharp knife, piercing Mo Lingwei's heart, and those tortured pasts emerged one by one in his mind. It's over long ago, and I really don't need to keep avoiding him.

I just wronged the second son of the palace, thank you! "

The smile on the corners of Gong Su's lips spread uncontrollably, his gaze enveloped her gently, and he said softly, "It's okay, for you, I'm happy."

He Jingshu looked back and forth between the two of them, lowered her eyelids, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

When Mo Lingyuan and Chu Yunyao arrived at Fengfu, they just got out of the car when they saw He Jingyu who happened to get out of another car.

When He Jingyu saw the white sable in Chu Yunyao's arms, he instinctively touched the position of his ears, and stopped in fear.

Chu Yunyao glanced at He Jingyu, and saw that he was very thin, his eyes were completely sunken, and a human ear grew back in the place where the ear was bitten off by Diao Er.

Chu Yunyao glanced at the boy who was following He Jingyu, and saw that the boy was wearing a hat with bandages on the edge of the hat. It seemed that He Jingyu had cut off the boy's ears and sewed them on to himself.

Chu Yunyao took Mo Lingyuan's arm, and lowered her voice: "This He family has a prodigal son like He Jingyu. Sooner or later, the He family will disintegrate from within. If there is no external trouble, there will be internal trouble."

Mo Lingyuan chuckled, "Hasn't Madam already selected an heir for the He family? The second son of the He family is a man to be made."

Feng Shaojin dragged his sick body and stood at the door, looking at the two people who came over eagerly, but he didn't find Mo Lingwei. He looked over the shoulders of the two people, searched around, and asked, "Did the second son of the palace follow?" You guys come together?"

Ling Wei didn't come, so could it be possible that Gong Su also stayed in the mansion with Ling Wei?

Thinking of the possibility that the two of them might be together, Feng Shaojin's mind recalled the scene he saw at the wooden ladder that day, and unconsciously depicted Gong Su hugging Mo Lingwei intimately, and Mo Lingwei holding Gong Su's arm The picture, and automatically extended, the brain fills up the possibility of more intimacy between the two...

These images tortured his tense nerves all the time.

Mo Lingyuan pretended not to know what Feng Shaojin was thinking, but just let out a low "hmm".

Seeing Feng Shaojin's complexion getting worse, Chu Yunyao said gloatingly, "It's still early, and if you can accompany a beautiful woman, who cares to participate in this feast of trouble?"

Speaking so thoroughly, Feng Shaojin's expression turned cold instantly.

He stood at the door without moving a step for a long time, until Feng Yichen dragged him into the hall, "Brother, the guests are almost here, my father asked you to go to the study room, and said he wanted to confirm with you, you and Miss He What date is your engagement date?"

Feng Shaojin rolled his Adam's apple, and walked towards the study.