But the more she persuaded her, the more Mrs. Feng felt that Gu Shichen's death was wronged, and her hatred for Chu Yunyao grew, almost to the point of deep hatred.

It just so happened that Feng Yichen's servant hurried in from outside, holding an exquisite box in his hand.

Seeing this, Mrs. Feng asked casually: "Stop, Yichen bought something again, open it for me to see."

Seeing a circle of wives and ladies looking at him, the young man was quick to think, "This is not something the young master bought, it is a gift from others to the young master."

As he said that, regardless of the presence of so many people, he caught sight of Feng Yichen from the corner of his eye, and immediately shouted at the top of his voice, "Master, your things."

As she spoke, she turned her back to Mrs. Feng and blinked desperately at Feng Yichen.

Feng Yichen saw the exquisite wooden box at a glance, strode over, took the wooden box handed over by the servant, refused to agree to Mrs. Feng's request, hugged it in his arms, and went upstairs, lowering his voice Ask: "Did the rest of the money be settled?"

The little servant nodded repeatedly: "It's settled."

Mrs. Feng's eyes fell on Feng Yichen's back, she found an excuse, and followed her upstairs.

Quietly pushing open Feng Yichen's unclosed bedroom door, Mrs. Feng clearly saw what Feng Yichen took out from the box through the crack of the door.

A small wooden doll, Feng Yichen caressed the wooden doll with his fingers, with smiles on his brows and eyes, he couldn't put it down, he really liked it.

Mrs. Feng breathed a sigh of relief, no wonder the child was dissatisfied with the ladies she had arranged. It turned out that there was someone he liked. Thinking of Feng Shaojin's unsure marriage, Mrs. Feng just felt exhausted physically and mentally too lazy to take care of it. up.

First arranged for Feng Yichen to get married, and it would be nice to have a grandson in the arms early.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot more at ease, suddenly opened the door and broke in, said with a smile: "Mother thinks that you are a good girl, you don't like any of them, so there is a girl you like.

Which family's woman is it? My mother sent someone to come to propose marriage, how about marrying you back for you? "

Feng Yichen didn't expect Mrs. Feng to leave the group of noble ladies downstairs and follow him into his bedroom. He hurriedly stuffed the wood carving in his hand to his chest, and said perfunctorily: "It's just a wood carving, what do you like?" Miss, mother misunderstood."

Mrs. Feng brought up the two brothers of the Feng family. Feng Shaojin's nature was stable and deep. She couldn't figure out Feng Shaojin's thoughts. This Feng Yichen was raised by her side since birth.

How can she not see Feng Yichen's hidden tension and panic when she knows her son better than her mother?

Seeing this, Mrs. Feng grabbed the carved wooden box and was about to throw it to the ground.

Feng Yichen hurried to grab the box in her hand.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Feng wanted the wooden carving hidden on his chest.

As soon as he caught the box, the wooden doll fell into Mrs. Feng's hands.

Mrs. Feng stared at the lifelike doll's face like a bolt from the blue.

This was clearly Chu Yunyao's face.

Those delicate eyebrows and eyes.

The slightly upturned lips.

That black long hair, and the clothes on her body.

Apart from not being able to speak or move, this puppet was almost carved out of the same mold as Chu Yunyao.

Countless crows flew over Madam Feng's forehead, and she felt her body was spinning and her body was on the verge of falling...

What crime did the Feng family commit?

She raised her as her darling, such excellent and perfect two sons, a young lady who fell in love with the Mo family, and refused to marry the young lady of the He family who had a stake in the Feng family.

The other one was even more amazing, and even fell in love with the young lady of the Mo family.

That's Mo Lingyuan's woman!