The faces of the aunts and wives paled in fright.

Especially the third aunt, because of the sudden incident, she almost couldn't dodge in time, fell to the ground with her chair, clutched her stomach, and cried out in pain.

Chu Yunyao hugged Mo Lingyuan's arm tightly with both arms: "Calm down, all the women are here, don't scare the concubines."

She unloaded the bullet in the gun two or three times, walked quickly to the third aunt, and felt the pulse of the third aunt.

The second concubine and the fourth concubine supported the third concubine, and asked anxiously, "Young Madam, how is the fetus in her womb?"

Qin Zhirou stared gloatingly at the third aunt's stomach, wishing her eyes could turn into two knives and cut the child out of her belly alive.

Chu Yunyao let go of her hands, supported the third aunt, and rubbed her swollen belly. She said softly: "It's just a little frightened, the fetus is very stable, it's okay, help her back to the room and have a good rest, it's okay."

The second concubine and the fourth concubine didn't want to get involved in these family affairs, so they blessed Mo Zhongtian and withdrew.

Mo Lingwei was kidnapped by Feng Shaojin, the current head of the Feng family.

When Qin Zhirou heard the news, she was overjoyed.

Mo Lingwei seemed pure and innocent, but she didn't expect to have a close relationship with Feng Shaojin from the Feng family.

In this way, if the Gong family knows about this, no matter whether it is Gong Su or Gong Yao, it is impossible to marry Mo Lingwei as his wife.

The Gong family always paid attention to the innocence of women, Mrs. Gong would never allow such a woman with corrupt personal morality to enter the palace family.

The only woman Gong Su can marry is her precious daughter Mo Jinlan.

If Mrs. Gong knew that Gong Su was almost shot because of Mo Lingwei, she would hate Mo Lingwei even more.

When Mo Zhongtian heard the news, he swayed and couldn't believe it: "You, what are you talking about? Ling Wei was taken away by Feng Shaojin?"

He looked at Mo Lingyuan: "She said, but is it true?"

Mo Lingyuan's eyebrows and eyes were full of hostility, since the news was leaked by Cheng Xinqi, there was nothing left to hide: "What do you think?"

Mo Zhongtian sat down on the chair, "Isn't the person Feng Shaojin wants to marry the eldest lady of the He family? After the Lantern Festival, he got engaged to He Jingshu, the eldest lady of the He family.

Why did you take Ling Wei away?

As an older brother, how on earth did you protect her? "

Why wasn't the kidnapped person Chu Yunyao, but Su Wan's daughter, Mo Lingwei, who was exchanged for her life?

Ling Wei had been withdrawn since childhood, if something happened, how would he explain to the dead Su Wan?

Mo Zhongtian seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

Mo Lingyuan's eyes were stained with a storm, and he raised his finger to Cheng Xinqi: "Are you asking how this commander-in-chief protects her? You might as well ask the person you have always favored in your heart, how she avenged her personal revenge and helped Feng Shaojin to kill her." Ling Wei took it away.

Yunyao and I kindly took her in, and Gong Su took her back to Jincheng. Her reward was to deliberately conceal the illusion that Ling Wei was still in the car, and prevent us from knowing that Ling Wei was kidnapped by Feng Shaojin. "

Mo Lingyuan flicked his sleeves, squinted his long and narrow eyes, and said in a cold tone like a sharp blade, "You'd better pray that Ling Wei is fine, otherwise, let alone you, it's the entire Cheng family, what I gave away , will be taken back one by one.”

The Cheng family only saved Mo Zhongtian's life by accident, and it was inseparable from the full support of the Mo family to be able to reach the current heights in the upper class in a short period of time.

It was probably because the Mo family responded to the Cheng family's request and fed the Cheng family's appetite, making these people feel ungrateful and instead push forward, as if everything the Cheng family currently has was obtained by themselves with justifiable ability.