An unspeakable joy welled up in Chu Yunyao's throat, mixed with infinite sourness and sadness, and she said in a complicated tone: "Yes, it is Xiaoxue, and it recognized us."

The scene when it was released back to the mountains and forests is vivid in my memory.

She finally fell into a pool of blood. If Mo Lingyuan hadn't arrived in time, her life might have been buried in that deep pit.

Bao'er cried and laughed: "I didn't expect to see him in half a year, but he has grown so big, so good, and so brave and smart."

He has a fit body, long bones, quick movements, and runs as fast as lightning.

So clever that in order to eat them, he ordered other wolves to bite the tree trunk.

It feels better to die in the mouth of other wolves.

Why should he die in the mouth of the little wolf who was raised by him with love and care, and released back to the forest with his own hands.

Bao'er's tears fell more ferociously, "In the days when I just let it go, I thought about it every day, and in my dreams I worried that it would not live well, that it would not find a companion, and that it would be eaten by other beasts... ..

But I didn't expect that when we meet again, it will be such a scene. "

Chu Yunyao felt better, but once the wolf's wild nature was awakened, there would only be fighting and bloodshed.

It is extremely hungry, and it is normal to want to eat them.

What's more, they also inhaled the powder scattered in the air, trying to control them with the sound of the bamboo flute, forcing them to be more irritable.

The pack of wolves under the tree are its companions.

The benefactor on the tree has become food to the mouth.

Chu Yunyao only felt unprecedented despair. In the past, scenes of it and Xiaobai catching sparrows in the yard floated in her mind.

It is so small, like a puppy, it likes to cling to her and Bao'er, and likes to nest in their arms.

When catching sparrows, compared with Xiaobai, his movements are clumsy and inflexible.

He likes to bully the slow-moving chickens and ducks in captivity, and flees the ones they chased, panicking.

Even if it is sent back to the mountains, it is not willing.

Chu Yunyao took out the bone whistle, put it to her lips, and played a gentle tune, like a lullaby.

The woman hiding in the dark sneered, her red lips curved into a sarcasm: "Death is imminent, there is no hope of escape, have you started playing the seductive song for yourself?

It took me a lot of manpower and material resources to tame them for my use, and this is the day I'm waiting for. "

The horseshoe stopped behind her, and the subordinate bowed to report: "Miss, after the bone whistle sounded, the wolves have stopped gnawing on the tree trunk."

The woman was furious: "What's going on?"

Compared with lions, elephants and tigers, it is said that wolves are the least tame animals among wild beasts.

Are these beasts out of her control just after listening to someone else's bone whistle once?

What Chu Yunyao is playing at the moment is clearly not the whistle of the royal beast, but rather like the music when playing with domestic pets.

The woman took out the bamboo flute and put it to her lips.

The high-pitched and sharp sound of the flute is like a needle point, stimulating the eardrums of all people and animals.

The pack of wolves gathered under the tree started to move again, and amidst the long howl of another equally majestic gray wolf, it began to gnaw on the tree trunk again.

The tree trunk, which the two of them couldn't even close their arms together, soon became only half of it, shaking desperately.

Chu Yunyao took a deep breath, had to pull out her pistol, and killed several wolves.

The bullets were exhausted, Chu Yunyao looked around, and began to think of another way to escape.

"Bao'er, don't be afraid. When this tree falls, I will hold you and jump to another big tree."

Chu Yunyao untied Baoer's belt, and tied herself and Baoer together...