Mo Zhongtian always thought that he hid Mo Lingwei's life experience very well, it was impossible for outsiders to know, let alone Mo Lingwei, who was entrusted to him by Su Wan before his death, but he did not expect that the child would know about it at the age of three own life experience.

It's no wonder that she has always been unhappy, unsmiling, and cold-tempered.

When she was a little older, she clamored to go abroad. She went away for several years, and when she came back, she didn't even return to the Governor's Mansion, and lived directly in Mo Lingyuan's mansion.

I see.

It turned out that when she was three years old, she heard what Qin Zhirou and Nanny Rong said in secret.

However, in order to preserve Su Wan's reputation, he had concealed this matter from the very beginning, and even Mo Lingyuan had used so many means to find out the truth of the matter.

How did Qin Zhirou know about this?

Mo Zhongtian's gaze shot towards Qin Zhirou like a sharp knife, Qin Zhirou couldn't help but shuddered, and took a step back involuntarily.

"Father commander, since Ling Wei wants to know whether she is your biological daughter, please ask father commander to donate a little blood, let Yun Yao take it to the pharmaceutical factory for appraisal, and when the result comes out, I can also return my mother." Fairness." Mo Lingyuan's voice was cold, and chills spread all over his body: "I didn't know that my mother was humiliated before she died.

If I find out that she was wronged, I will definitely get back this debt with interest. "

Mo Zhongtian ordered someone to get a syringe from the family doctor, and handed it to Mo Zhongtian: "Father, are you going to do it yourself or do it yourself?"

The past was tumbling through his mind, Mo Zhongtian staggered back a step, and looked at Mo Lingwei: "Lingwei has always been my child, as long as it is Wan'er's child, it is my child... ..”

Mo Lingyuan sneered: "Do you not want to do a paternity test, or are you afraid to do a paternity test?"

Mo Zhongtian seemed to have been hit by someone's mind, his face turned gray.

It's not that he doesn't want to do a paternity test, it's that he doesn't dare to do it at all.

Once Mo Lingwei is not his biological daughter, it means that Su Wan has truly betrayed him.

But once Mo Lingwei is his biological daughter, what should he do?

Su Wan was wronged to death by him, and she fell into the trap of these people from the very beginning.

After all, it was all his fault.

He didn't believe her and didn't want to hear her explanation.

He locked her in Wan Yuan and did not allow her to step out of Wan Yuan.

She did it even worse, knowing that Qin Zhirou had entered the Governor's Mansion, she never wanted to see him again.

It was not until she died that she was finally willing to say the last word to him: "Ling Wei is your child, please take good care of her, otherwise, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost."

Seeing that Mo Zhongtian was in a trance, he didn't want to do a paternity test at all.

Mo Lingyuan took a step forward, quickly grabbed Mo Zhongtian's arm, took a tube of blood with his own hands, and handed it to Chu Yunyao.

Just as Mo Lingyuan took Chu Yunyao and Mo Lingwei out of the hall, intending to rush to the pharmaceutical factory, he saw Cheng's father kneeling at the gate of the courtyard, with his forehead touching the bottom, weeping uncontrollably: "I beg the governor to see that Cheng saved your life For my sake, make the decision for my Cheng family!

Cheng's wife and daughter can't just die at the hands of Mrs. Mo for no reason.

Chu Yunyao was very jealous, avenged her personal revenge, and beat Cheng's wife and daughter to death on trumped-up charges!

I beg the governor to give my Cheng family justice, otherwise, Cheng will risk his life to rush in front of the palace family and ask Chu Yunyao to pay for Cheng's wife and daughter! "