The candlelight was flickering, and a warm halo was spreading in the bedroom. Chu Yunyao was sitting at the table, with her head bowed, holding an embroidery needle, threading the needle carefully and carefully, embroidering a purse with a pattern of mandarin ducks playing in water.

Her eyes were focused, her expression was serious, and her expression was dignified, as if she was doing an unattainable and extremely important event.

Occasionally, when she gets tired, she looks sideways at the little lady who is sleeping soundly in the cradle, and smiles tiredly and joyfully.

Bao'er sat at the table with her, and quickly made Siyu a small padded jacket for winter. Seeing that she accidentally poked her finger again, she felt distressed: "Miss, it's almost dawn, you have been busy all day , Go lie down and rest for a while and close your eyes.

Otherwise, it would be better to change to a simpler pattern embroidery, the pattern of mandarin ducks playing in the water is really too many colors. "

Chu Yunyao put the bloody fingertips in her mouth and licked it, and continued to embroider as if nothing had happened: "Just this pattern, I can even hold a scalpel steadily, and I never miss the acupuncture point, it doesn't make sense Not even a tiny embroidery needle can handle it.

Practice makes perfect in everything, and it is normal to be a little unfamiliar with needles and threads in the past.

Just practice more and you will be fine.

This is the first time that I seriously and willingly give him a gift made by myself. The design should be more delicate, lest he always wear that ugly purse that can't be seen directly, how ugly it is. "

Chu Yunyao clearly smiled, but her heart seemed to be dripping with blood.

Who knows if this purse will be the last thing she gave Mo Lingyuan.

Maybe in the future, when he thinks of her, he can only miss this pocket.

Of course, she wanted to embroider it more beautifully, and put all her hard work and affection for him into this purse.

Chu Yunyao raised her eyes and glanced at Bao'er, pointing to the limp in the bedroom: "Lie down and sleep for a while, you have to take Siyu with you tomorrow, what if you can't bear it? You are not fully recovered yet, It can't be dragged down casually."

Bao'er thought for a moment, put down the cotton padded clothes and needlework, took a blanket and lay down on the bed: "Then I'll squint for a while, so as not to be unable to hold on tomorrow."

If the body is broken, not only will it not be able to help the young lady, but it will also cause trouble for the young lady. Now is the critical period, and the young lady is still counting on her to take it with her. She needs to maintain a good spirit and maintain enough physical strength.

As soon as she lay down, Bao'er seemed to have remembered something, and got up from the soft bed again: "Miss, I will leave in three days and go to the Feng family's territory, so you must pay attention to it, the smell on your body is extremely rare. "

The smell of Siyu's rations is all over the body, and only women who feed their children after giving birth will have them.

Chu Yunyao paused for a moment, the needle poked her fingertips again, she lowered her head and smelled her body, and there was indeed a milky milky smell, which she didn't notice in the past, but outsiders would know it as soon as she smelled it, especially when giving birth A woman who has personally fed a child, walking by her probably knows her identity as a woman.

It wasn't Bao'er who reminded her, she almost forgot about it.

Bao'er is really meticulous, if Siyu hadn't been carefully looked after, she really wanted to take Bao'er with her as before.

Chu Yunyao smiled slightly, and said warmly: "I'll cover it with incense, thank you for reminding me, even if I wean Siyu from now on, the smell on my body will not disappear within three days.

Forget it, be more cautious when the time comes, unless you are someone like me who specializes in smelling medicinal herbs and has an extremely keen sense of smell, otherwise, most people will not be able to smell it. "