Chi Yebai stood up, dusted off the dust that didn't exist on his clothes, wiped his hands with a warm towel, and excitedly came over to embrace Siyu: "The goddaughter of the owner of the workshop is here, of course the owner of the workshop wants to give some greetings. .”

He picked up the toy thrown in a pile of gold, silver and jewelry: "I heard that the baby girl of the owner of the workshop likes to play with bows and arrows. The owner of the workshop searched around for a while. This bow is made of pure gold. From now on, it can be played with , It can also be used as money.

This bow and arrow is made of jade. It looks good, but it is not very practical.

And this bow and arrow..."

Chu Yunyao got a headache when she heard that, and raised her hand to pinch her forehead: "Siyu is a girl, I don't require her to know how to embroider women, I don't need her to learn three obediences and four virtues, but I can't let her spend all day with these bows and arrows. For company.

If you put away all these things, can't you give her something more elegant?

Such as piano, chess, books, paintings, etc.? "

Chu Yunyao raised her foot and kicked the toy gun on the ground, "It's not yet half a year old, you can just let her go, what will happen when she grows up? The next time I see these things, I won't put them down." Siyu hugged you and came to see you."

Chi Yebai: "..."

Forced by Chu Yunyao's threat and warning, Chi Yebai, who originally wanted to refute, obediently agreed, called the servant over, cleaned up the messy mess on the ground, and only gave Siyu a small pure The bow and arrow made by Jin, "This is for Siyu to play with, and I will put it away when she gets tired of playing in a few days."

As he said that, he called Sister Hua to take out the pictures of beauties in his collection: "Hurry up, open the box, and show my daughter the famous painting of the owner of this workshop."

Chu Yunyao: "..."

Chu Yunyao sighed helplessly as she looked at the box full of pictures of beauties.

That's all, these pictures of beauties can be classified as artworks anyway, just look at them.

Chu Yunyao didn't bother to argue with Chi Yebai anymore, and directly stated the purpose of coming: "I heard that you caught a few secret agents from the Gong family who sneaked into the gambling house, so Yun Si and I came here specially to take a look.

Can you find out their code word for connection? "

Chi Yebai hugged Siyu, and played with Siyu with his head down, without lifting his head: "It's still under trial, you can go to the dungeon to see for yourself."

In a place like a dungeon, there is a strong smell of blood and blood, Chu Yunyao had no choice but to leave Siyu here, and went down to the dungeon with Yun Si.

Chi Yebai's dungeon was designed by the original Feng family. When you go down the steps, the inside is dark and terrifying. There are various tortures hanging on the walls. Torches are lit every other place, making the gloomy dungeon even more horrifying. .

The guards took Chu Yunyao and Yun Si to the innermost dungeon, and Yun Si pointed to the dying people on the ground: "They are the regulars in the gambling house, if they were not noticed by the guards among the gamblers, It's not yet known how many people they will kill."

Chu Yunyao looked down at the few people lying on the ground, bloody all over, very embarrassed.

Yun Si asked the guard who executed the sentence: "Did you pry your mouth open?"

The guard shook his head: "The mouth is very rigid, and he refuses to say anything."

Chu Yunyao commented: "It's still a tough one."

Hearing the woman's sweet voice, the people who fell on the ground opened their eyes, and saw a gorgeously dressed and beautiful lady, trying to take advantage of the woman's sympathy, crying and begging: "Madam, we were wronged, please Let us out."

Chu Yunyao stood quietly in front of the iron fence, watching these people perform without being moved at all.

Some even crawled over, grabbed the iron railing, and stretched out their bloody and dirty hands to Chu Yunyao: "Madam, please do me a favor and let us out, otherwise, even if I become a ghost, I won't be able to get around you. "

Threats and persecutions, Chu Yunyao turned a deaf ear.