The guard didn't know how to read words and expressions, seeing her just smiled and said nothing, thinking that Chu Yunyao had a problem with Chi Yebai, he explained: "Mrs. Mo, our workshop owner has always been very busy, and we really don't have time today, so we didn't accompany him personally." With the little lady."

Chu Yunyao waved her hand generously: "It's okay, it's okay, this is already very good."

Chu Yunyao leaned over and hugged Siyu: "Siyu, I'm going back with my mother, come over to play tomorrow."

Watching Chu Yunyao leave with Siyu in her arms, the guards wanted to stop him but did not dare, so they had to order someone to inform Chi Yebai.

When Chi Yebai hurried back, his goddaughter had already left, and he asked angrily, "Did Mrs. Mo say anything?"

"No." The guard shook his head, and told Chi Yebai exactly what Chu Yunyao's reaction was, and at the end, he added a few more words: "Seeing that Mrs. Mo didn't say anything, I will explain it to you. You really don't have time to spare today, so you didn't accompany the little lady yourself."

Chi Yebai rubbed his smooth chin, pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out what Chu Yunyao meant, so he said to himself: "What do you mean by not saying anything?

Do you think I am not with Siyu? Or do you think I'm too busy? "

The guard interrupted: "I probably think you are too busy."

Chi Yebai: "..."

It seems that in the future, we can't just leave the child alone in Lan Kwai Fong, and take it with us as much as possible, lest Chu Yunyao, in a fit of anger, feel that he didn't take care of Siyu personally and leave the child in the house without giving it to her. He brought it.

From then on, Chi Fangzhu, who was famous for his cruelty, would carry a child who couldn't even walk in his arms wherever he went. The child was wearing a gauze hat covering his head and face, so he couldn't see what he looked like.

Master Chi's kindness to that child was unbearable, to the point of obedience.

Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, hold it in your palm for fear of falling.

However, Chi Yebai knew that Chu Yunyao would not allow him to bring Siyu to such a mixed occasion, so he ordered people to block the news, so that everyone in Lan Kwai Fong could unify the caliber: Miss is in the boudoir every day. Reading, painting and playing, listening to the master read articles, learning Western dialect from Western teachers...

The Mo family's army and the Gong's family's army were fighting fiercely, and Mo Lingyuan was so busy that he couldn't spare time to go back home once in half a month.

Chu Yunyao was either visiting the countryside or spending day and night in the gunpowder warehouse of Lingyunmen developing new weapons and explosives. She didn't have much time and thought to pay attention to the rumors and gossip outside, such as: Master Chi had an illegitimate daughter, I don't know which woman gave birth to him.

What kind of illegitimate daughter, I heard it is his goddaughter, I don't know whose family the little girl belongs to.

I heard that it was the young lady of the Mo family, when the child hosted the full moon banquet, Master Chifang even gave half of the price to the child.

Wrong, wrong, I asked Sister Hua about this child, it was not an illegitimate daughter at all, it was an illegitimate child, and the child was a boy.

boy? No way, how could it be a boy?

On weekdays, he wears boy's clothes. As for his appearance, he wears a gauze hat to cover his head all day long. None of us have ever seen what that child looks like?

Sister Hua said it was a boy, so it must be a boy.

So, the eyeball-like child that Master Chi brought with him is his illegitimate child?

It's not impossible, Lord Chi's conditions are so good, I heard that he once had a fiancée who was a princess from the previous dynasty, I don't know if it's true...

The more rumors and rumors spread, the more outrageous they became. By the time the news reached Chu Yunyao and Baoer's ears, it had already changed completely. .