After the spring snow melted, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was still not high, but compared to the coldness of the previous few days, it was warmer.

Bao'er pushed open the door and saw that the charcoal fire in the bedroom was about to go out. Chu Yunyao was concentrating on looking at the documents on the table, and didn't dare to disturb her. She just added charcoal fire and left the bedroom to go to the next room to give her Turn on the stove to make breakfast.

At noon, Bao'er happily ran in, "Miss, Jiuer and Shishi are here."

Chu Yunyao put down her pen, stood up immediately, and went out to greet her.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the dignified faces of the two delicate and sweet people, and asked, "But there was an ambush on the road?"

Yun Jiu shook her head: "That's not true, it's just that we came all the way and heard a vague news that the master is unconscious and is about to, about..."

Chu Yunyao sneered: "I really didn't expect that the news would spread so far, it's like growing wings."

Eleven asked in puzzlement: "Is this true or not? When we came here today to handover, we clearly heard that the Lord has awakened."

Chu Yunyao led the two into the bedroom, pointed to the motionless person on the bed: "It's true."


Yun Jiu: "..."

Yun Jiu was calmer than Eleven, and spoke first: "When will Master wake up? What can our Lingyun Sect do to help?"

Chu Yunyao tapped her fingers on the table: "Let Yun Dayun Three Cloud Four Cloud Five send a group of people from Lingyun Sect. The Mohist army has a secret operation. I can't bet on Ling Yuan's life. I only trust my subordinates." people."

Yun Jiu: "I am willing to come over, Miss Zhu..."

"No, you will still escort gunpowder, medicine, food and grass as before, and then call some doctors from Lingyunmen, and they will simply hug and treat the wounds. Now there are too many wounded people here, and the group of people sent here in the past can't be busy at all. coming."

Nod at eleven: "Yes, Miss."

"Go back quickly, tell Yun Da and Yun Si what they saw and heard on the way, and they will know what to do." Chu Yunyao clenched her fists: "Ling Yuan is in a coma, the Gong family and Westerners and Easterners are colluding with each other.

Let’s just say that both Gong Yao and Gong Jue were seriously injured, and now they are unable to manage affairs, and all the power of the Gong family has fallen into the hands of outsiders..."

The Gong family is used to manipulating public opinion, and now that rumors are rampant, it depends on how the Gong family cleans themselves up again.

Selling the country and seeking glory, putting the people in the fire and water, going against the will of the people, everyone gets it and punishes him.

Yun Da and Yun San Yun Si Yun Wu brought people over quickly, and kept Mo Lingyuan's bedroom so tight that not even a fly could fly in, especially the windows and several gates. , Like a wall of iron and steel, impregnable.

Chu Yunyao finally let go of the heart she had been carrying all along.

She sat in the bedroom with peace of mind and reviewed the documents sent by Mu Qing and Duan Changyu, discussed internal affairs in the hall, delegated power to the two, and stamped the end of the documents.

Duan Changyu widened his eyes, staring at the seal that was more precious than jade, and asked, "This is..."

This is clearly capable of mobilizing thousands of troops from the Mo family...

Chu Yunyao put away the seal, and said calmly: "The handsome seal. Ling Yuan gave it to me a long time ago."

Such a valuable thing, the master actually gave it to Mrs. Mo, what is the difference between entrusting his wealth and life to Mrs. Mo?

Mu Qing and Duan Changyu looked at Chu Yunyao with a layer of awe.

Mu Qing asked anxiously: "Is there no sign of my lord waking up? Gong Yao was injured, and there were rumors and rumors from the outside world. In order to prevent the news that the power of the Gong family was falling apart, Gong Jue didn't act like a turtle, and personally led the army to attack. , Zifeng is desperately resisting...

Young Madam, if you lie down like this, sooner or later you will reveal your secrets, after all, the paper will not be able to contain the fire..."