Rong Xiu was startled: "Young madam, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this, it's too dangerous, this boat is full of girls' homes, I'm afraid it's..."

Bao'er interrupted Rong Xiu's words: "Our young lady has her own discretion, don't worry, there will be no big trouble."

How could Rong Xiu be at ease, although he knew Chu Yunyao's skillful skills and had seen Chu Yunyao's methods, but most of the women on this boat were as weak and weak as Miss Bao'er, and only Miss Yunda walked with the wind, and she had a few tricks.

Although there are some guards on this ship who specialize in protecting them, they are outnumbered.

These three big ships are so luxurious, each ship is at least five stories high, with advanced equipment, gorgeous and luxurious decoration, and there are so many people on it, and the speed of sailing is so fast.

The ship carrying the young wife of the Mo family is already the best ship of the Bai family. Before seeing these three big ships, Rong Xiu thought that his brother-in-law's ship was one of the best, but compared with the three big ships approaching their ship , but it seems so petty, a bit shabby, and a bit out of place.

Rong Xiu persuaded: "Young Madam, don't act recklessly. Although our ship is not as good as theirs, its sailing speed is about the same as theirs. If you want to escape, you can escape. When you get close to the pier and pass this deep water area, Their boats have a deep draft, so they can't get close to our boats."

Chu Yunyao insisted: "It's okay, let them come over."

Rong Xiu was so anxious that he was about to cry, the big man's rough facial features were wrinkled, "We have gunpowder and weapons in our boat, it is good to attack across the water, we must not let their people come to our boat.

Young Madam, the matter is important and urgent, and I will tell you at the risk of offending you.

Those who live on the water are all men, and very few women can survive.

These people are no different from those bandits in the mountains.

It's just that the bandits in the mountains will snatch some passing women as Mrs. Yazhai.

The thieves in the water are more hateful than the bandits on the mountain. They haven't seen women for a long time, and they drifted on the boat, maybe they don't go ashore all year round. Now they see that our boat is full of unarmed young girls. I don't know how happy they will be Sample?

Young Madam, I know you are skilled, but these people are so numerous that we are outnumbered. Even if all of us men fight with all our strength, we cannot guarantee the safety of all the women on board.

Young Madam, please think twice before acting. "

Rong Xiu almost knelt down for Chu Yunyao.

Lingyun Sect was originally a department established secretly by Chu Yunyao, and it was never open to outsiders. Although Su Chenxi had a good relationship with Rong Xiu, she never said anything to Rong Xiu.

Although Rong Xiu knew that Lingyunmen were all girls, and every girl was quite capable, but in his impression, he just thought that these girls were picked up by Chu Yunyao to help Chu Yunyao with work, Assigned to poor homeless people who make medicine in the pharmacy.

Even though girls from ordinary families have endured more and are a little bit more courageous, they are not so powerful that they will not change their faces in the face of so many fierce and terrifying thieves.

Chu Yunyao glanced sideways at Rong Xiu who was standing beside her, and smiled lightly, "I've heard that the Rong family is a generous and loving family, with good deeds and good deeds, and the children are pure and righteous. I heard what you said today, it's really so .”

Rong Xiu: "..."

No matter what time it is, the young lady still has the time to comment on the Rong family's family style.

Rong Xiu said with a bitter face: "Young Madam, you are almost on fire. You should change your mind quickly. It is still too late to make the right choice. I will try my best to escort you to a safe shallow water."