Mrs. Mo's words made it clear that she was unwilling to accept the girls they brought over. The people at the table looked at the calm Chu Yunyao with different thoughts.

Mrs. Wang was still a little unwilling, and said with a sneer: "I don't know how Mrs. Mo will guarantee that Mr. Mo will not take concubines in his life."

Chu Yunyao didn't bother to deal with these noble wives who harbored evil intentions: "This is not going to bother Mrs. Wang, her family background is not enough for outsiders."

Mrs. Yang looked worried: "Anyway, we also worked hard. It's fine if Mrs. Mo doesn't accept it. Why let a girl despise us so much."

Boa: "..."

She really couldn't bear to look at it and couldn't listen to it. She just stated a fact. How could she be a little bit contemptuous? Even if he was contemptuous, he didn't show it, okay?

Everyone didn't dare to provoke Chu Yunyao, so they directed their anger at Bao'er: "This girl is really outrageous."

"Young madam, do you lack discipline, your girl is indeed a bit lawless."

"Master, there is no reason for this girl to interrupt at any time. Isn't the meaning behind the words, is it ironic that we are not even as good as a few concubines?"

Bao'er was in a hurry, and was about to explain, but was stopped by Chu Yunyao.

She coldly glanced at the ladies at the table who were all older than her, and said word by word: "Before you come to the mansion, I'm afraid you haven't figured out one thing."

"What's the matter?" Everyone asked.

"The girl who lacks discipline and lawlessness in your mouth is not a servant, but a sister of a different surname recognized by my wife. Even my wife's child must respect her as an aunt.

She and Mrs. Ben founded Yunlai Pavilion together, and she and Mrs. Ben took care of the internal affairs of the mansion together. When Mrs. Ben didn't handle things well, she took care of Mrs. Ben's aftermath.

Mrs. Ben is extremely dependent on her, so her words, deeds, and actions, no matter how outrageous they are in your eyes, are all acquiesced by Mrs. Ben. "

Everyone was in an uproar, and their expressions changed drastically.

"You have opinions on my wife, but I don't care much." Chu Yunyao's voice became colder, "But you have opinions on Bao'er, this lady will never allow it."

Boa: "..."

Bao'er bit her lip, hearing Chu Yunyao's words, she was so moved that she almost shed tears.

She couldn't understand these people forcing the young lady to take concubines for the master, and because of the young lady's current status, she was afraid that the young lady would not be able to refuse clearly, so she directly cut off the thoughts of these people for the young lady, but she didn't expect that these people would A cavity of anger was directed at himself.

How could these people be dissatisfied with her? They clearly did not dare to touch Mrs. Mo, and wanted to make an example of others, so they would use her to show Miss Color.

It's just that these noble ladies never expected that the young lady would face these people directly for her sake.

"We have no complaints against you, Young Madam, and we don't know Miss Bao'er is your sister." Seeing that Chu Yunyao was angry, Mrs. Wang smiled, "It's just that I think our good intentions were misunderstood by Miss Bao'er." That's all..."

"There is no misunderstanding." Chu Yunyao sneered coldly, and there was frost and snow between her brows: "You have spent all your time and tongue just to put people in my wife's husband's room with all your heart and soul in the name of my wife's good, and expect Mrs. Ben is grateful to you, isn't it?

You hate the aunts in your house so much, but you want to put the women in your family as aunts into my wife's house, haven't you heard the saying that do not do to others what you don't want to be done to others? ?

Or, have you selectively forgotten how Mrs. Ben treated those women who wanted to be superior? "