Feng Shaojin paused, seeing that she didn't seem to be willing to continue the conversation, and wanted to dig out her inner impression of Feng Shaoqing, Xu Xu asked kindly: "You can't remember a single word that person said to you. Did he live? For example, did he say he would go back to you?

Or, he's a good guy, you saved him, and he wants to pay you back or something? "

Mo Lingwei thought about it seriously, and said firmly: "I don't remember. At that time, I was only afraid. The sky was so dark and the car was so dark. At that time, I only thought about how to get rid of him. As for what he said, it probably made me Don't make a sound or something.

If he is a good person, it would not be in vain for me to save him.

As for the return, forget it, I never thought about seeing him again. "

Feng Shaojin: "..."

So from the beginning to the end, is it all brother's wishful thinking?

Ling Wei never noticed the existence of her brother at all?

Feng Shaojin didn't know whether to be happy for herself or sad for her brother.

Emotions are metaphysics, there is no rules to find.

If you pay, you may not be rewarded, and if you don't pay, you may not get nothing.

All of this is voluntary and there are no rules to follow.

Feng Shaojin moved his head close to her, and sniffed her hair, the faint scent of osmanthus hair oil burst into his breath.

The man's voice was low and hoarse: "Ling Wei, do you still remember my brother?"


Although they got along for a short time, Feng Shaoqing, a gentle and modest gentleman like jade, is extremely easy to enter people's hearts and is unforgettable.

"What kind of person do you think my brother is?"

"You asked me this question before, and I answered it."

"I want to hear you say it again."

"He is a very good person, gentle and peaceful. If he was born in a family of merchants, he must be a well-known benevolent person. If he was born in a scholarly family, he must be a great Confucianist with a lot of knowledge."

"It's a pity that he was born in the Feng family." Feng Shaojin curled his lips mockingly: "Born at the wrong time, right?"

"I don't know." Mo Lingwei said quietly: "It is much better to be born in the Feng family than to be born in a poor family.

In this world, there are so many people who sacrifice their lives for the good, and so does he. "

In any war-torn era, someone always pays and someone sacrifices.

If Feng Shaoqing hadn't passed away, she and Feng Shaojin wouldn't have come to this point, Mo Lingwei thought.

Feng Shaojin pushed her black hair aside with his long fingers, "If the first person you met was my brother, and if he also liked you, would you be with him?"

Mo Lingwei turned around and gave him a push, "Sleep, it will be dawn again later, if you are busy all night without rest, you will not be able to hold on after a long time.

Why think about such an impossible thing? "

If you only need to assume that time can be turned back, the person she least wants to see must be Feng Shaojin, followed by the rest of the Feng family.

Feng Shaojin was a little bit unwilling to give up, but thinking that the deceased was already dead, it would be useless to talk more, so he couldn't bear to ask further.

He opened his eyes, looked at the top of the tent, and the scenes of the past echoed in his mind. Feng Shaoqing blocked the explosive gunpowder with his body, and protected him in his arms...

Feng Shaojin didn't know when he fell asleep, it seemed that he just squinted for a while, then there was a knock on the door, Gu Wei called him to the meeting room, and heard that the bandit extermination team had returned with heavy casualties.

Feng Shaojin quickly got up from the bed, put on his clothes and went out.

As he approached the door, he looked back on the bed and saw that Mo Lingwei had been woken up by him, "I'll go to the meeting hall first, and you will go to the infirmary to help treat the wounds of the injured..."