Compared with the previous vivid portraits, this portrait is much more youthful. On a snowy night, a carriage is driving alone in the snow. The curtains of the window are pulled a little bit, revealing a small half of the picture. faces.

Xiu'er couldn't recognize who was drawn, but Mo Lingwei recognized the jade sash hanging on the carriage at a glance, and the nuns who served her were in awe of ghosts and gods.

After she took the human anatomy class for the first time, she didn't eat or drink in the other hospital. She was so frightened that she had a high fever and was very sick.

Mammy was about to die of anxiety, so she used the ancient method, tied red silk cloth into a jade ribbon for her, and put it under her pillow, saying it was to ward off evil spirits.

After she recovered, the jade sash was hung on her carriage. Mammy said that if you walk a lot at night, you will inevitably encounter unclean things. Jade is used to ward off evil spirits, and red is used to drive away ghosts. It was hung on the carriage. , far away, those unclean things will automatically avoid and will not approach her.

She is a doctor, although she didn't believe this, but she was grateful for the old man's sincerity, and she didn't refute it, so she let the mother hang the jade sash on the carriage.

The whole painting is black and white ink, only the touch of red next to the window of the carriage is particularly dazzling.

There is no signature in the lower right corner of the drawing paper, only two small characters and the date: first encounter, heavy snow on December 16th.

Mo Lingwei clearly remembered what happened on that day a few years ago.

Mo Lingwei's finger bones holding the drawing paper turned white, and she answered Xiu'er's question hoarsely: "It's my aunt, and the person sitting inside is my aunt."

"Uncle drew it?" Xiu'er's voice was full of a child's softness.

Mo Lingwei shook her head, noncommittal.

After a long time, Mo Lingwei stacked the drawing papers one by one neatly, put the booklet on the drawing paper, and touched Xiu'er's head: "Xiu'er, can you go and play by yourself for a while? Read a book and be quiet."

Xiu'er nodded obediently, took the darts and went downstairs to the backyard to play with the guards.

Mo Lingwei put the drawing paper and booklet on the desk, as if her body had been drained of blood, she sat down slowly with her arms propped up.

She stared at the title page of the booklet, and finally couldn't help it, and opened the first page:

On February 3, it was sunny.

It's still a day with no news, I don't know where you are, I hope I can find you soon.

On February 6, it rained heavily.

It's cold in the spring, I was woken up by the sound of rain at night, and I suddenly thought of you. I don't know if I scared you that night, but I didn't mean it.

February 8, overcast.

Marriage is on the agenda, I push it again and again, my wife presses every step of the way, if that person is you, I will definitely wish for it, but that person is not you, you still have no news.

On May 26, it was cloudy.

Hearing that the girl Shaojin chased so hard finally responded, Yichen, who had always had eyes above her head, had such a high opinion of that girl, no wonder she got into Shaojin's eyes.

where are you? Yichen asked me to take time to go to Xiyang Country to see Shaojin's prospective fiancée. It would be great if I could go with you.

Mo Lingwei quickly flipped through the pages, and almost all of the records in this booklet were Feng Shaoqing's hard search and willingness to miss her.

Every few days, Feng Shaoqing would record it and talk about lovesickness.

A few words, although simple and unpretentious, are deeply affectionate and full of longing for the future.

The more Mo Lingwei turned back, the more uneasiness in her heart became stronger.

It seemed that he had guessed the result somewhere, but he refused in his heart.

The world is so big, Mo Lingwei thought, no, it can't be such a coincidence...