The woman smiled with bright eyes and bright teeth, charming and touching, and her beauty was shocking, dazzled Feng Shaojin's eyes, and he remembered vaguely in his mind that in the past, he seemed to have taught a girl to dance.

At that time, he had both legs intact, hugged the woman's slender waist, held the woman's hand, and let her step on his instep with bare feet, on the white fox fur carpet, teaching him as he does now. She dances the waltz she never learned.

Mo Lingwei's hand rested lightly on Feng Shaojin's palm, her fingertips were soft and warm. Following Feng Shaojin's instructions, she moved her right foot back to the beat of the music, moving left and right and moving left and right... ..

It doesn't seem to be very difficult, why can't I learn it when my aunt taught me?

When she was familiar with the rhythm, Feng Shaojin let go of her hand, rolled the wheelchair, and followed her steps, moving forward, backward, and rotating...

He always kept a safe distance from her, neither too close nor too far away.

The fourth aunt saw that the time was almost up, and Mo Lingwei had already learned how to control the rhythm and pace, so she entered the hall with the re-brewed coffee.

"Master Feng, Ling Wei, the coffee is ready, take a rest."

As soon as the fourth aunt approached, Mo Lingwei's rhythm became chaotic again, and she could no longer find the tacit understanding and rhythm with Feng Shaojin just now.

Feng Shaojin stopped, stared at the sweat on her forehead, and smiled: "Don't be in a hurry, after you are proficient, the dance steps will follow the instinctive drive of the music, and you don't need to memorize these rules later.

I see you are tired too, take a rest. "

Panting slightly, Mo Lingwei sat on the wooden chair beside the table, took the handkerchief handed over by the fourth aunt, and wiped the sweat on her forehead earnestly.

Her delicate porcelain-white face was slightly pink, as if dyed with rouge, her eyes were as clear and black as shiny obsidian, and the chest of the cheongsam rose and fell slightly because of her heavy breathing...

Feng Shaojin turned his eyes away, took the coffee that was served, lowered his eyes, and took a sip.

There is a slight sweetness hidden in the faint bitter taste.

The taste is very good!

On the way back, the setting sun was about to set, and the afterglow sprinkled on the earth, as if covering the scenery outside the car window with a hazy golden veil.

Feng Shaojin looked out of the window with a rare peaceful and joyful mood.

The forehead that was aching when I woke up in the morning seemed to be gone.

Feng Yichen stood at the gate of the courtyard and looked forward to it. He looked at the setting sun receding to the horizon, and finally heard the sound of horseshoes.

As soon as the carriage entered the castle, Feng Yichen, whose wound had just healed, rushed over and lifted the curtain.

Moving a wheelchair out of the carriage and putting it on the ground, Feng Yichen helped Feng Shaojin get out of the carriage.

"Brother, why are you only here now?" Feng Yichen pushed the wheelchair, "Are you hungry? The food is ready."

"I'm not hungry, I had some snacks in the afternoon." Feng Shaojin was pushed straight to the table in the restaurant by Feng Yichen, "I have something to do these few days, so I probably won't stay in the castle as usual. Don't wait for me to come back to eat with you.

If you are hungry, eat first. "

Feng Yichen: "..."

what happened? The elder brother came back at noon last time, and he went out today, so it's fine to stay so late and come back, and he won't even eat dinner with him in the future?

After a while, will it be too late to have breakfast with him?

That Ms. Hu, who is so richly dressed, actually has such a great charm? I'm going to win my brother's heart so soon!