Feng Yichen couldn't help defending his team members: "They're actually pretty good."

At any rate, they are also the favored children of heaven that he has chosen thousands of times. They are all people who have made great achievements in medicine, but they did not expect that in the eyes of his brother, they all became useless things.

There was a bit of coldness in Feng Shaojin's voice: "A team of people can't compare to a little girl, how useful is it?"

Feng Yichen: "..."

little girl? Hu Suya?

There are specializations in the surgery industry, and Western medicine and Chinese medicine have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Seeing that Feng Shaojin's expression was not good, Feng Yichen didn't want to argue with him, so he pushed him to the restaurant: "After breakfast, do you still want to go out?"


"Go to a nursing home?"


"See Miss Hu?"


Feng Yichen suddenly remembered Feng Shaojin's confession last night, and said embarrassingly: "You just think I'm talking too much, as long as you are safe, I won't bother you in the future."

Feng Shaojin lowered his eyes, picked up the coffee cup, and took a few sips...

In a nursing home.

As usual, Mo Lingwei was flipping through the handwritten medical book and was developing drugs in the research room. The door was pushed open from the outside, and the dean walked in, with a touch of inquiry in his tone: "Master Feng is here, and he is in the consulting room." Wait for you."

Mo Lingwei didn't raise her head: "I gave him the medicine powder yesterday, it's not suitable to give acupuncture today, let him go back."

Dean: "..."

The dean looked embarrassed: "Miss Mo, you have to know that almost all of our nursing homes are owned by the Feng family...all the funds used for drug research are also given by the Feng family... "

Mo Lingwei: "..."

The dean continued: "Young Master Feng also specially asked the logistics staff to raise a few rabbits, saying that they are specially for your research..."

Mo Lingwei: "..."

According to the dean, if she doesn't go out, she will be ungrateful and wolf-hearted.

Mo Lingwei had no choice but to interrupt the research in her hand, closed the handwritten medical book, took off the mask, and walked out: "Then I will receive it."

Mo Lingwei entered the consultation room and saw Feng Shaojin sitting in a wheelchair, flipping through her manuscript.

Mo Lingwei raised her hand and took away the notebook from Feng Shaojin's hand, her face darkened: "Young Master Feng, just because you're doing nothing doesn't mean that everyone is like you.

I'm very busy, please don't bother me if you have nothing to do in the future.

Also, please don't touch my things. "

Feng Shaojin smiled warmly, her pretty eyebrows tinged with indulgence: "I'm sorry, I heard that Miss Mo likes plum blossoms yesterday, so today I sent some plum trees here.

Your aunt asked me to come and see you and ask for your opinion, where is it better to transplant it? "

Mo Lingwei: "..."

It turned out that it was my aunt who asked people to come over.

Feng Shaojin said again: "I saw this manuscript fell on the ground, and thought it wasn't something important, after I picked it up, I saw the handwriting on the cover was very beautiful, so I flipped through it casually.

Sorry, shouldn't have rummaged through your things. "

Mo Lingwei: "..."

Mo Lingwei's face flushed slightly, and she became more and more embarrassed. It wasn't anything important at all, and there was nothing written in the manuscript. It was nothing more than a few more words of nostalgia for the past.

Feng Shaojin saw her embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes, and his beautiful thin lips slightly curled up: "Your aunt is still waiting for your reply, you are busy with your work, I will pass the message for you."

Mo Lingwei waved her hands again and again, "No need, I'll go back by myself, those flowers..."

Feng Shaojin answered casually: "There happened to be many in the castle. The flower farmer transplanted some as bonsai, so I brought a few over here."