Mo Siyu smiled, took the gold ingot out of the box, and stroked the neat tooth marks on it with his fingertips, "The money is not for you, but I just want to lend your hand to help with something that will help you." It's just a matter of people's livelihood.

It is good for you and me, and it will also allow you to quickly gain a good reputation among the people and secure your position as the city lord. "

Hearing that the gold was not used to bribe himself, the city lord secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and his nervous heart relaxed a little.

Mo Siyu smiled, and also took out the two thousand taels of silver note that was pressed under the gold ingot, and handed it to the city lord: "This is five hundred taels of gold and two thousand taels of silver note, please keep it for me. "

The city lord held the small wooden box Mo Siyu handed over, feeling heavy.

Mo Siyu said: "This is the consultation money I got when I was treating patients in Yuecheng, and now I donate all the coefficients.

I heard that this year is the coldest year in the history of Yuecheng. It has snowed heavily for several days, and some people in the city have froze to death and starved to death.

I hope that you, the city lord, will use this money to open a porridge shed and have three meals a day, so that the people in the city can survive this winter and live until tomorrow when the spring blossoms..."

When the city lord heard it, he didn't move for a while.

Chu Chuyan was surprised and asked, "What's the matter? But is there any difficulty?"

The city lord came to his senses and almost burst into tears: "I planned to do this, and I ordered people to dig caves on the top of the mountain to keep out the cold wind, and to build a shelter for the homeless. It cannot be obtained locally.

But I have returned all the things I found from the warehouse of the previous city lord to others. There is really no extra money to find food for these people.

Now with this money, these people are saved.

Mr. Yu is kind-hearted, please rest assured that Mr. Yuan will definitely use all the money to buy food to feed the hunger, open a porridge shed, eat three meals a day, and help the poor..."

Mo Siyu and Chu Chuyan looked at each other, "Since that's the case, I entrust this matter to you, the city lord."

The city lord asked again: "Is this money donated by Mr. Yu alone?"

Mo Siyu nodded: "Of course."

"Understood." The city lord put the banknotes into the wooden box, and asked the servant to call two children to visit Mo Siyu.

Mo Siyu waited for a while, and then saw two children dressed in pink and jade come in, saluting Mo Siyu and Chu Chuyan in a proper manner.

Mo Siyu waved to the two children, "Come here, come closer, let me take a good look."

The two children came in front of Mo Siyu, and timidly let Mo Siyu look at them.

Mo Siyu pinched the little boy's chubby face, then stroked the little girl's neatly combed hair, and nodded in satisfaction: "It seems that the city lord has a heart, and the two children really treat each other equally. Treat it right, this girl is probably well nourished, not only is she fatter, but her complexion is also rosy."

As he spoke, he dug in his bosom, "It's the first time we officially meet in the city lord's mansion, and I'll give you some greeting gifts."

After digging for a long time, she didn't take out anything, except for a one thousand tael bank note, she didn't bring anything with her.

But even if the one thousand taels of silver was given to these two little dolls, the city lord probably thought she was a bribe in disguise, not only would she not accept it, she might even feel uneasy.

What's more, it is not appropriate to give so much money to two young children.

Mo Siyu looked at Chu Chuyan eagerly, and stretched out his hand towards him: "Brother Yan, please lend me some broken silver as a greeting gift."