Mo Siyu opened the curtain, stepped into the small kitchen, and saw the gray-haired old man sitting by the stove, warming himself by the fire, with a worn-out thread-bound book in his hand...

Seeing Mo Siyu coming in, he didn't lift his eyelids, still looking arrogant and stubborn.

Mo Siyu didn't care about his attitude, walked straight over, raised his hand and pulled his gray beard.

This immediately angered Old Sun, and he slapped Mo Siyu hard on the back of his hand, almost furious: "You brat, you are too presumptuous, how can you be so indifferent? "

Mo Siyu was grinning, and when the slap came over, he hid quickly and quickly hid his hand behind his back.

She looked at the old man blowing his beard and staring at his eyes, but she didn't care too much, and sat down lazily beside him, "You are full of energy, quick in response, the redness in your face and eyes has faded, with your current body, you This old man can live for at least ten or eight years, and if he is lucky, he can really live a long life."

Hearing what Mo Siyu said, Elder Sun sat down again and remained silent.

Mo Siyu took out a pair of prescriptions from his pocket, and handed them to him: "This is a diet plan. From now on, you should eat according to this prescription. After three months, your body will be fully recuperated, and your blood will be replenished. It's totally fine."

Saying that, he patted the prescription in the palm of the old man's hand: "Take it."

Elder Sun held the prescription, coughed twice, the anger on his face faded, and he said unnaturally: "So many prescriptions, did you just give them away like this?"

"How could I give it away at random?" Mo Siyu retorted, "Didn't I only give it to your granddaughter?"

Old Sun's expression was a little unnatural: "Don't think so, I won't reprimand you for being indifferent."

"You reprimand, whatever you want, as long as I don't care, you are the one who cares." Mo Siyu's tone was sloppy, "There are too many people who tell me these truths, those my parents invited back Masters are all eloquent and earnest. If I cared about that, I would have corrected it a long time ago.

It is because I don't care that I am what I am today. "

Old Sun: "..."

Fortunately, this kid is not his grandson. If he is his own grandson, he will probably be pissed off sooner or later, and he will not live until now.

Mo Siyu continued: "Miss Sun Qing has mastered the golden needle acupuncture technique quite well, but she probably wants to take a chance, and sometimes she may be too eager to learn.

On that day, when she needs to give needles to treat patients, you will always stand by, don't rush her, just let her not be in a hurry.

If I had been here all the time, I would have been able to teach her until she was proficient, but unfortunately I am leaving tomorrow, and this girl is extremely motivated, I am afraid that she will be under too much pressure..."

Elder Sun gave a cold "hmm".

Seeing the old man's appearance, Mo Siyu couldn't help laughing.

The old man got angry again, "What are you laughing at?"

Mo Siyu showed a mouthful of neat and white glutinous rice teeth, and his smile became more and more unbearable: "Every time I see you, I think of the stinky stones in the latrine..."

Old Sun: "..."

Elder Sun clutched his chest, feeling a surge of energy and blood rushing straight to his forehead. He felt dizzy and was about to pass out from the anger.

Mo Siyu slapped the old man's back several times, "Don't get dizzy, I'll wake you up with a needle if you don't mind, trouble!"

The fondness for Mo Siyu that had just risen in Elder Sun's heart disappeared without a trace in an instant...