It was the delicious smell of fish soup. I don't know if it was because of the special fish species in the water, but the fish soup without any condiments had an unusual smell.

Mo Siyu opened the curtain, and saw a guard who couldn't resist the temptation of fresh soup, had already broken off a branch, lifted the lid of the pot, and went to fish in the milky white soup.

Mo Siyu hurriedly stopped: "Wait, don't eat it yet, let me test whether this soup is poisonous."

When the guard heard this, he was so frightened that the branch that was used as chopsticks in his hand almost fell into the fish soup.

The fish is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.

Mo Siyu jumped out of the carriage, went to the boiler, took out the silver needle, and stabbed it into the remaining half of the fish on the snow.

The needles are not blackened.

Mo Siyu put the lid of the pot aside, dipped a drop of soup with his chopsticks, tasted it into his mouth, and then spit out the soup.

The guard asked anxiously, "Doctor Yu, is this soup poisonous? Can I eat it?"

Mo Siyu nodded: "This pot of soup can be eaten, and this fish can be eaten."

"What do you mean?" The guard was puzzled.

"It is the nature of creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and fish schools are no exception. If my guess is correct, this kind of carnivorous fish has always lived in the bottom of the water, and this water area leads to the big river.

It stands to reason that since they live in groups, they will gather wherever there is food.

It shows that this water area has always had their food source. They hover at the bottom of the water. The longer they grow, the bigger they have no natural enemies. They are frozen in winter, and the longer they are hungry, the more ferocious they will be.

But no matter how cruel the school of fish is, it is impossible to take the initiative to launch a life-threatening attack on people, let alone see their companions killed, continue to rush forward, and even eat the corpses of their companions...

Drugs were put into the bloody water, which aroused the fish's ferocious nature to the greatest extent.

I have tasted this soup just now, the boiled fish soup is non-toxic to the human body, can be eaten, at most, it can make people become more irritable like this fish, and it will be fine after a night of sleep. Mo Siyu said: "However, these fish ate the dead bodies and bloody water tied under the water, don't you feel disgusted?" "

Guard: "..."

Hearing that this fish soup is non-toxic to human body, the guards are greedy for the aroma of this fish soup, and some of them can't wait to take out a bowl for themselves and start to taste it.

So, Doctor Yu, you have been talking at length for so long, why did you have to wait until the end to tell them the most crucial facts?

These people only saw the fish eating the fish with their own eyes. The two sides of the canyon were far apart, and they only knew that the other side suddenly turned blood red, and they had no idea what happened.

Hearing what Mo Siyu said at this time, several guards couldn't take it anymore, dropped the bowl in their hands, splashed the fish soup, ran behind the tree and scratched their throat desperately, trying to get out the fish soup they just drank.

Mo Siyu looked up at the rolling water: "I heard that the music played by the high priest here can command all things.

Do you think these fish can understand the tune? "

When the high priest was mentioned, the guards immediately became respectful: "That is our high priest here, the Chosen One, since the high priest's repertoire can command all things, of course it can also be understood by these fish.

If there is a high priest here at this moment, maybe these fish won't..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Siyu took out a bone whistle from his bosom, put it in his mouth and began to play it.

The repertoire is "Return to Yuan" that few people have heard.

The woman sitting on the top of the snow-capped mountain heard the familiar tune, stood up in surprise, slowly frowned, and looked at the direction the music was coming from...