Master Chu heard what Mo Siyu said, looked at Mo Siyu thoughtfully, and asked, "According to what you said, Mr. Yu, why are you doing this?"

Mo Siyu and Chu Chusheng supported Chu Chuyan, and Chu Chuyan wrapped his long arms around Mo Siyu's shoulders, and said, "Probably to stop someone, let's go into the room and talk about it."

A group of people went to the study.

After Mo Siyu supported Chu Chuyan to sit down, he closed the study door casually, and said, "Brother Yan and I have already analyzed this matter on the way.

It was heard that the young master of the Mo family had entered Yuecheng, but the high priest hadn't caught him for a long time. Now that it was the New Year, people in Jincheng paid special attention to celebrating the New Year.

So I'm thinking, maybe the high priest is trying to prevent the young master of the Mo family from leaving, and also to prevent the guards of the Mo family who want to come to pick up the young master of the Mo family from entering..."

Chu Chuyan nodded: "Whether this is the case or not, you will know the result when the guards who went to check the collapse come back.

If someone is determined not to let that road be unblocked, and it happens to be snowing heavily, it will not be unblocked. "

Chu Chusheng was curious: "When did there have such a big toothed fish in the canyon? As far as I know, even if there are these things in it, the number cannot be so huge.

What's more, once this kind of fish floods, there will be no other living creatures in the entire water area, but the people living downstream have not heard of the news of being buried in the belly of the fish? "

Mo Siyu also found it strange, and the song unconsciously appeared in his mind: "Perhaps, those sharp-toothed fish are concentrated near the canyon, and they live by eating corpses.

It’s just that I don’t know who are the people who are tied to the stone pillars under the water in the canyon, I’ve been in Moon City for so long, and I haven’t heard of anyone missing…”

Master Chu saw that these people were getting closer to the truth as they discussed, so he interrupted their questions: "Okay, it's getting late, I've been working all day, let's go rest first.

Let's talk about these things tomorrow when you have a good rest. "

Mo Siyu was also flustered with exhaustion, and after saluting to the elders, he helped Chu Chuyan out of the study.

Chu Chusheng was about to leave with Chu Chuyan and Mo Siyu, but was stopped by the head of the Chu family: "Sheng'er, you stay first, our Chu family still has some matters that need you to deal with."

Chu Chusheng turned around and said in surprise, "Father, I have already taken care of all the internal affairs of the mansion today, what else can I do?"

Patriarch Chu sighed, motioned him to close the door of the study, and then lowered his voice: "It's about today's affairs, you must keep your mouth shut, and don't allow it to spread.

Also, those corpses under the water are not allowed to inquire any more..."

Chu Chusheng was even more puzzled: "Why?"

"Don't say..." Patriarch Chu's brows were tinged with sternness: "You just need to do what your father told you, don't be so curious.

If you want the Chu family to be healthy, you can't get involved in any decisions related to the high priest..."

Chu Chusheng's eyes widened: "You mean, the high priest... oh my god!"

What on earth happened.

Mo Siyu washed up briefly, took out the things he brought back from the box one by one, and called Yuehua in to help Chu Chuyan take a bath in the ear room.

But I didn't expect Yuehua to be kicked out by Chu Chuyan just as soon as she entered.

Yuehua cried and felt wronged: "The young master dislikes me and won't let me help with grooming. Let little six come over."

Mo Siyu looked at Yuehua's pitiful appearance, so he nodded and asked her to go to Xiaoliuzi, and he comforted him: "He may have been bitten by a fish today, and he has wounds on his body, so I'm sorry to expose it to Yuehua. In front of you, little sister, don't think too much..."