Chu Chuyan's blood surged up: "One more word, believe it or not, this young master will beat you into a ghost."

Boy: "..."

The young man looked down, and immediately let go of his heart. There were actually two figures printed on the ground. It was indeed the young master who had returned, but he brought back an extra beautiful girl.

The servant immediately closed the door, and hurriedly ran to the front yard: "Young Master, I will immediately notify the Patriarch's wife and the young Patriarch that you are back."

A few days ago, because of the funeral, the servants were busy. Finally, the last few days have been calm, and everyone is extremely tired. They slept soundly at night and did not make much noise.

But the master bedroom in the front yard was still lit, Mrs. Chu and Patriarch Chu hadn't rested yet.

Madam Chu counted the date with her fingers: "In a few days, Yan'er will be back, right?"

The head of the Chu family saw that Madam was in better health, and sat on the bed: "Madam, it's late at night, go to rest earlier, in a few days, Yan'er will indeed be back."

Mrs. Chu sighed: "But my heart is so up and down, I can't sleep."

Patriarch Chu stood up and was about to console him when he heard the servant knocking on the door: "Patriarch, madam, the young master is back, the young master is back!"

Before Mrs. Chu heard the servant's words clearly, Patriarch Chu rushed forward and opened the door of the bedroom.

The servant was out of breath: "Patriarch, the young master is back, it's just..."

"Really?" Patriarch Chu didn't wait for the boy to finish speaking, and hurriedly asked, "Where is it? Where is my son?"

The boy turned around, and saw two slender figures walking towards them quickly in the yard illuminated by the moonlight.

Mrs. Chu supported the door frame, looked at the two people who were walking up the steps quickly, and quickly stepped over the threshold: "My son is back, is it my son?"

Chu Chuyan walked up the steps in two steps in three steps, followed the direction of the voice, and reached Madam Chu, and held Madam Chu's hand: "Mother, it's me."

"You, your eyes..."

Madam Chu looked at the white cotton cloth covering Chu Chuyan's eyes, and suddenly broke down in tears: "You have suffered."

Patriarch Chu was full of excitement, and patted Mrs. Chu on the back: "It's a blessing among misfortunes that people can come back, Madam, don't be too sad, Yan'er has come back, isn't it good?"

Madam Chu covered her face and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, that's really great."

Chu Chuyan pulled his hand out of Mrs. Chu's palm, turned around and held Mo Siyu's wrist behind him, and held him in his arms.

Patriarch Chu looked Mo Siyu up and down, and felt that the eyebrows and eyes seemed familiar, but unfamiliar. After thinking about it in his mind, he had never seen this person before.

Patriarch Chu asked, "Who is this?"

"The person who saved me in the forbidden area." Chu Chuyan smiled, "It's a long story, let's go to the bedroom first, this is not the place to talk."

Patriarch Chu glanced at the young servant: "Go and inform the Patriarch Young, and tell him that the young master is back, and ask him to come here quickly."

The little servant took the order and immediately ran towards Chu Chusheng's courtyard.

Mrs. Chu quickly welcomed the two of them into the house, "Come in quickly, this girl..."

A thought flashed in her mind, but she was not sure, after all, compared with Yu Mo's delicate and handsome face, this face was really amazing.

But since he is his son's savior, he is a distinguished guest of the Chu Mansion.

Being able to come back alive is her greatest wish. Looking at Chu Chuyan's protection of this woman, the two seem to have a very close relationship, so Mrs. Chu can't help but think about it...