After the results of the game came out, one family was happy, but several were sad.

Zhuang Qingyun swayed down the stairs holding on to the wooden handrail, walked up to the dealer, and spread his hands: "One pays ten, where is my money?"

This year's bets were basically on the No. 1 and No. 2 dragon boats of the two young masters of the banker, but no one expected that the No. 1 dragon boat, which had won five consecutive championships in the past, only won the bottom one this year. Dragon Boat No. 1 did not enter the top five.

It is not well-known, and the No. 3 dragon boat, which was thought to be lost, rode Juechen like a dark horse, riding the wind and waves like an arrow, and won the leader. It is really surprising.

The bet of one to ten is called out by the dealer.

There were not many gamblers who bet on the No. 3 dragon boat, but it was still a lot of bets. What's more, there were people who bet more than 20,000 at one time, and it was a bloody loss to lose.

When seeing Zhuang Qingyun approaching, Zhuang's face was ashen.

From the initial opposition and group ridicule, the spectators have become full of praise:

"Young master, how did you predict that the No. 3 dragon boat will definitely win the first prize?"

"It's really amazing, but I didn't expect the guard leader of the Min family to be so capable."

"Little son, you are really a prophet, you are amazing."

"I won so much money all at once. I knew it earlier. Before placing the bet, I listened to your advice since I was a kid."

"Fortunately, I followed this young master's advice and allocated some money to bet on the No. 3 dragon boat. Not only did I not lose money, but I even won some. Thank you very much."

Zhuang Qingyun cupped his hands to the onlookers: "Everyone, you have won the prize. I didn't expect the No. 3 dragon boat to win the first prize. I thought it was hopeless to win the first prize just like everyone else.

At that time, I thought, if you lose, you lose, and if you win, you can win a big game.

Gambling, what you want is happiness, and you shouldn't care so much about it.

It's just that he didn't expect that the person at the helm of the No. 3 dragon boat turned out to be the chosen one, like a god descending, he would turn the situation around at a critical moment and take the top spot. He deserves to be the main candidate for the next high priest. "

After talking about the household chores, Zhuang Qingyun boasted about Qin Wuyan again to ensure that these people would support Qin Wuyan among the candidates for the next high priest.

Seeing that the dealer didn't respond for a while, Zhuang Qingyun urged again: "The dealer, where should I pay?"

The banker is heartbroken and intends to repent: "This bet is not counted. The No. 3 dragon boat won the championship with the help of swimming fish and puffer fish. It is not the credit of the helmsman."

The man looked at Zhuang Qingyun: "Your bet doesn't count, I'll return your bet to you."

Everyone booed, and they all became aggrieved: "How can a gambling house go back on its word, why should it not be counted?"

"The first place recognized by the high priest and all the aristocratic families, why can't it be regarded as the credit of the helm?"

"Can't play Guiyuan song, do you think those swimming fish and puffer fish will help Dragon Boat No. 3?"

"That is, why don't those swimming fish and puffer fish help other dragon boats, and lose money and lose money."

Everyone was chattering, chattering, and arguing so loudly.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be out of control, the banker's two fat hands were fisted, he hammered hard on the table, and shouted: "If the banker says it doesn't count, then it doesn't count, what can you do with me?

Besides, from ancient times to the present, when has there ever been a 10 to 10 bet in our gambling shop, at most it is only 1 to 3, why should we pay him ten times the betting money? "

The spectators were left speechless, the store bullied the customers, it existed, even if it was unreasonable, they could only suffer from being dumb......