It is extremely shameful for a young woman who has not been out of the court to suffer from lovesickness in this Moon City, which is bound by three thousand rules of etiquette, integrity and shame.

By the time Min Huixian found out about the news, the whole Moon City was already full of storms.

Min Huixian was still immersed in her own sadness and hadn't let go of it, when she heard the sad news, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Who spread the word? It just ruined Miss Ben's reputation."

Compared with Min Huizhu, Min Huixian is the one who really cares about her reputation.

The girl cried and said with a sad face: "I don't know, I went to the powder shop and heard those women talking about it, so I simply asked those people, and then I realized that this matter has already been spread.

Nowadays, teahouses, restaurants and inns are discussing this matter everywhere.

say you..."

"What about me?"

"Say you're so masculine. When I went out to watch the dragon boat race, I met a young master. I fell in love at first sight. When I returned to Min Mansion, I didn't think about tea or food...

And said..."

"What else?"

"I also said that you spent a lot of money and spent 20,000 taels of silver to bet, just to make people laugh..."

Before the girl finished speaking, Min Huixian smashed the teacup in her hand: "It's nonsense, when did I enter the gambling house? Where did I get so much spare money?"

The girl lowered her head, not daring to make a sound.

Seeing that Min Huixian had finished venting, she asked in a crying voice: "What should I do now, miss, if this spreads outside, your reputation will be ruined."

Min Huixian sat on the chair decadently, and waved her hand at the girl: "Let me think about it, you go out first."

The girl was just about to leave when Min Huixian called out: "Does my father know about this?"

"I know, I'm already looking for the source, but unfortunately I can't find it out." The girl boldly said: "Miss, it's better to let Commander Qin..."

Min Huixian waved her hand: "When the storm is on the cusp, it's better not to disturb Commander Qin, even if Dad forces Commander Qin to marry me, even if we are together in the future, it will become a thorn in his heart.

In this world, there is no man who does not care about a woman's reputation. "

The girl muttered: "The young lady of the Zhuang family seems to have no reputation..."

Min Huixian gave the girl a gouged look, and the girl hurried out of the bedroom.

Min Huixian was tossed and turned by the sudden gossip, unable to sleep, not knowing what to do...

The night is dark and windy.

Qin Wuyan stood on the Zhuangzi left to him by Commander Jin, looked at the courtyard that had been barely repaired after the ruins, and heard the sound of the people inside who were seriously training, as if he had seen the dawn of hope.

These people are all 15 or 16-year-old young men selected from among the orphans by the hidden guards according to his instructions. Like him, they are all forced into danger and live a desperate life. There was a viciousness all over his body.

Once these fifty young men are trained successfully, they can almost be worth half of the guards in the Min Mansion.

This is his trump card, the person who is supported by Zhuang Xiaoyu's two hundred thousand taels of silver.

Although Min Huizhu returned to the Min Mansion, she avoided Min Rui and tried not to go out if she could stay in the bedroom.

But Qin Wuyan lived next door, and he didn't want to go to the priest's mansion to look for Zhuang Huaisen. He didn't touch a man for several days, so he started to feel anxious.

She opened the door and entered the bedroom next door, only to find that there was no one there.

In the middle of the night, Qin Wuyan unexpectedly disappeared again.

Could it be that Qin Wuyan went to that bitch Zhuang Xiaoyu again?

Thinking of this possibility, Min Huizhu's heart was full of Sanweizheng, wishing to burn everything.