After being seated, Zhuang Xiaoyu took the teacup and changed the subject: "Two years ago, Mr. Min and I visited Qingyu Temple, but we were too tired to move after climbing halfway up the mountain.

I remember that there were two eminent monks on the mountainside, one thin and one fat, but I didn't meet them this time. I don't know where those two eminent monks went? "

"It passed away more than a year ago." The abbot, the abbot, rolled the prayer beads: "It's rare that the benefactor still remembers these."

"At the beginning, I also came here with Mr. Min. At that time, two eminent monks calculated my marriage and fate for me, so I remember it very clearly." Zhuang Xiaoyu reported his birth date: "I don't know what my fate will be in the future?"

"The benefactor should have heard a saying that tells people to conquer the sky. The benefactor is destined to be rich and honored. Therefore, he was born in the priest's mansion and is a kind person. He should have had a lot of blessings." It's a match made in heaven, it's just a pity..."

It's so good, they reconciled so silently, and missed such a good marriage for nothing.

Min Rui smiled: "This kind of thing also needs to pay attention to fate. The fate between Miss Zhuang and I is probably too shallow."

The abbot just smiled, "It's probably fate, fate is not predetermined, what you plant causes what you plant, and the cycle of cause and effect."

In the past, Zhuang Xiaoyu probably wouldn't understand these specious words, but now it's different, whether it's because she has experienced too much or because she is blessed, she suddenly understood what the abbot said.

The so-called fate is not her own fate, but the fate of the entire banker.

If the elder brothers were not so arrogant, and if the father had sympathized with Qin Wuyan, what happened later would not be possible.

It's just that at this time Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't know that the encounter between her and Qin Wuyan was caused by the elder brothers of her two close relatives.

If it wasn't for the two of them shooting people like wild beasts, Qin Wuyan would not have fallen into the hunter's trap, would not have been rescued by her, would not have met later, and would not have brought him back to the priest's mansion …

If Zhuang Xiaoyu knew about this, perhaps she could only use the word "retribution" to describe the fate between her and Qin Wuyan.

What else the abbot said later, Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't remember very well, but when she and Min Rui left, she still couldn't help but mixed up the birthday horoscopes of her two brothers with Qin Wuyan's, wanting the abbot Help to see.

The abbot just shook his head and said, "The secrets of heaven must not be revealed, everything has its own destiny."

Zhuang Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat.

Min Rui supported Zhuang Xiaoyu: "The master is not a fortune teller, this kind of thing, whether you believe it or not, don't pay too much attention to it."

Zhuang Xiaoyu nodded, and the two of them went out of the reception room to find that it was pitch black outside, and it was raining: "There are still a few dim stars in the sky, why is it raining?"

Min Rui smiled, and when passing by the bushes, he raised his hand and shook the trunk, "There is too much dew on this mountain, it's wet, not rain."

Zhuang Xiaoyu stopped in her tracks, looked up by the light of the lantern outside the courtyard wall, and really saw dew flowing down the withered leaves and tree trunks.

Zhuang Xiaoyu rushed under the tree trunk, pushed Min Rui away, shook the tree trunk violently, and ran away quickly holding his head: "Let you also taste the feeling of being drenched, hahaha."

Min Rui was drenched, his hair and clothes were wet, but because he wore a lot, he didn't feel cold except his face was cold.