Qin Wuyan didn't say a word, and quietly listened to the strong man tearfully say: "But one time, my daughter-in-law came to the market with my son in her arms, killed a few pigs, sold them I bought some meat and finally made some money.

On the way home with the baby in the arms of the young couple, they happened to meet the young master of the dealer..."

Speaking of the Zhuang family, Zhuang Xiaoyu clearly saw the hatred and despair bursting out from the eyes of the strong man, and the whites of his eyes turned red all of a sudden, like a trapped animal: "My daughter-in-law is beautiful, and she has just given birth. The beast...sees the color and takes my daughter-in-law in front of my son..."

The brawny man couldn't continue, his voice was choked: "My daughter-in-law was so ashamed and angry, for the sake of the child, she didn't have the idea of ​​committing suicide, she planned to live on.

But those frenzied guards didn't intend to let my son go, they beat him to death in front of my daughter-in-law...

The old woman and I waited at home until it was dark and the rain was pouring, but before the three of them came back, I rode the donkey at home and the old woman went out to look for...

When the two of us find the three of them..."

As if recalling that miserable and frightening scene, the strong man began to cry heart-piercingly. A tall and thick man, crying like an ignorant child, raised his fist and beat his chest. Heart: "It's really miserable, my son's stomach was smashed, my daughter-in-law was lying dying in the rain, holding a baby in her arms, she couldn't even cry, my wife suffered Excited, fainted on the spot...

After I managed to call the people in the village and take them back, I just buried my son. My daughter-in-law couldn’t bear it. She had nightmares all day long and committed suicide by biting her tongue. We white-haired people give away black-haired people. Not very good, also went with them.

There is only one child who screams at the full moon and I, and I thought about dying, but the child has just reached the full moon, and a big fat boy is as thin as a monkey. He was caught in the rain and got pneumonia. I carried the child around to seek medical treatment, and after three months, the child still died in my arms..."

The strong man looked blank, "I'm alone, what's the use of living in this world, I died once, and was rescued by the villagers, they advised me to live well, even if I get revenge, it's better than dying like this good.

The fertile land in our village is occupied by them, good girls are brutally murdered if they are attracted by these people, and if they disagree with young people, their subordinates will start beating people, killing or maiming people, and disregarding human lives.

The favorite thing for the two young masters of the Zhuang family is to hunt in the mountains. These days, only the high priest takes over. More and more people in our village starve to death every year. Many people have never had enough to eat. The grass roots and trees on the mountains The skin has been eaten up by the people at the bottom of the mountain, so where is the prey left?

Those two frenzied young masters asked their subordinates to come and pull people from village to village. They dragged us to the mountains and rounded us up like prey. They also competed to see who could shoot more people and who Just won the jackpot...

My God, why did such a person reincarnate in our Priest's Mansion in Moon City? Why did such a cruel and vicious person become the successor of the high priest, why did he grow up in a powerful family, is God blind?

Especially three years ago, they tortured and killed two very good young people in our neighboring village for a dog..."