Seeing her like that, Yu Sui and the wet nurse were filled with displeasure, and wanted to persuade her, but they didn't know what to say.

Zhuang Xiaoyu finally swallowed the food in his mouth. Seeing that these people didn't move, he drank two sips of tea and said, "Why don't you eat? After ordering so many things, it is natural to finish them, so we can't waste them." up.

Many people in Yuecheng City don't even have porridge to drink. "

As he said that, he picked up another piece of pastry and put it into his mouth, as if he would not give up until he finished eating the things he ordered today.

Seeing this, Yu Sui winked at the nurse, kicked the asparagus under the table, picked up the chopsticks, and started eating quickly.

The table was in the corner, quiet, only the slight sound of chewing, and the crisp sound of chopsticks accidentally hitting the cups and plates.

But there were a few other tables of diners in the whole hall, because the hall was too empty, those diners spoke more and more unscrupulously, even their voices were raised a lot, and their remarks were particularly harsh:

"The wife of the acting priest, my brothers and I have all seen it, she looks so beautiful and beautiful, so beautiful..."

"Tch, who doesn't know that when the priest of her generation got out of the carriage, she covered her face. When you see her appearance, you know how to brag..."

"Although I haven't seen all the faces, the eyebrows and eyes are all exposed. The skin is whiter than white flour steamed buns and smoother than white jade. The hair is like black silk and satin. It can shine.

And that figure, that small waist... even if he is a fairy, he probably is nothing more than that. "

"Some people say that the wife of the deputy priest looks a bit like a saint. I don't know if it's true?"

"I haven't really seen what the saintess looks like, but the figure and figure are indeed somewhat similar to the saintess. But then again, aren't all beautiful women similar?"

"I didn't know that the young lady of the Zhuang family turned out to be such a beauty. No wonder the vicarious priest left everything and ran away with her, and was later married by the young master of the Min family in a palanquin."

"Hey, what a beauty, if it weren't for the young lady of the Zhuang family, the young master of the Min family wouldn't have died. Maybe he could live another year or so..."

Before finishing speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyu suddenly raised his head.

Wenzhu couldn't listen anymore, stood up, stepped on the bench, turned around, and said fiercely: "Then the death of the young master of the Min family, what does it have to do with the eldest lady of the Zhuang family? How many drinks have you had?" If you dare to talk about cat urine here, you won’t be afraid of being caught?”

The men at the three tables were drinking to the point of joy, and when they were scolded like this, they all turned their heads and saw that this table was actually two young women, an old woman and a young man. , not native.

These people didn't have the slightest fear when they heard Wen Zhu say this, but instead laughed: "Boy, are you new here?"

"This has been spread two days ago, and you don't even know?"

Wen Zhu was puzzled: "Know what?"

"The young lady of the Zhuang family rekindled their old relationship with the young master of the Min family. The two went to Qingyu Temple to worship together. At night, the lonely man and widow lived in the same room, talking at night by candlelight..."

"Yeah, between grown men and women, what can they do? The head of the Min family, who was already in poor health, was so excited that he died. He died on the night he returned home, and passed away after two days."

"I heard that before he died, the young master of the Min family was still chanting the name of the eldest lady of the Zhuang family, and the eldest lady of the Zhuang family was married by the young patriarch of the Min family eight times in a sedan chair..."