Qin was speechless, turned his gaze back, and continued to stare at the page in his hand, despite Min Huizhu acting like a vexatious madwoman.

Min Huizhu couldn't bear it anymore. Looking back now, although she was indeed a bit unrestrained in the past, she was forced to do everything. After Qin Wuyan, she restrained herself a lot, and tolerated all his cynicism and sarcasm in every possible way.

Asking herself, Min Huizhu felt that she gave Qin Wuyan all the tolerance and tolerance in her life, but Qin Wuyan still treated her like ice and never cared about his feelings.

Perhaps for Qin Wuyan, being able to share a ride with her is a huge concession.

Min Huizhu once again tasted the feeling of heartache, her voice was a bit miserable and deliberately soft, as if showing weakness: Could it be that you were not the one who went to Wushan with me in those nights, you can't be happy Time is hard to part with me, I wish I could be crushed and integrated into your flesh and blood, and when we part at dawn, you will turn your face and deny anyone, and you will be like a stranger to me..."

Qin Wuyan only felt disgusted, even when he heard Min Huizhu say these words, he felt an indescribable nausea.

Fortunately, every lonely and unbearable night of Min Huizhu, it was Qing Huan who was waiting for her, not herself.

But just thinking of the two shameless people who even made a child out of them, I felt chills one after another.

Qing Huan grew up in that kind of place since she was a child, and she has been taking medicine all year round since she joined the industry, and she was able to make Min Huizhu conceive a child. I don't know what method the two of them used.

Qin Wuyan didn't bother to pay attention to these things, so he didn't bother to care about them either.

He lifted the curtain that blocked the carriage, hung it on the wall of the carriage, and looked at the scenery that kept receding outside.

Sitting in the same carriage as Min Huizhu, he felt a little breathless, only that the air was too dirty, and he missed Zhuang Xiaoyu.

Only since Min Rui passed away, he racked his brains and tried his best to send several gifts to Zhuang Xiaoyu. Every night after returning home, he accompanied her to play the chess pieces Min Rui sent over. Her mood became better day by day. His attitude has also improved a lot, and he is no longer as cold as before.

The relationship between the two returned to the way it was before, and it seemed that it was just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Qin Wuyan's eyes became much gentler, and a faint smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his lips...

The cold aura around her suddenly disappeared. Min Huizhu raised her eyes and looked at Qin Wuyan. The man was sitting next to the car door, the farthest distance away from her, and she wished she could be next to the driver.

From her point of view, she could only see Qin Wuyan's slightly softened expression. The man's brows suddenly became much gentler for some reason. She had never received this kind of gaze in front of him.

If it was another woman who was treated like this, she would have given up a long time ago, but Min Huizhu has always wanted the wind and the rain since she was a child. Whatever she wants, whether it is a thing or a person, she must get it, and she is determined not to be so fast. It's easy to let go.

The more you can't get it, the more you can stimulate the desire to challenge in your heart.

Min Huizhu gritted her teeth, raised her hand to gently caress the child in her belly, and secretly made a decision: a lifetime is so long, and one day, this man will be moved by her sincerity.

As long as this child is born safely and she sees such a lovely child every day, she does not believe that Qin Wuyan can remain indifferent.

In this world, the strongest relationship is not the feeling of sharing life and death, but the blood relationship that exists innately, which cannot be cut off even if it is cut...