Qin Wuyan also jumped out of the carriage, followed closely behind Zhuang Xiaoyu, and saw Zhuang Xiaoyu angrily walking towards Min Huizhu.

She wants to take an oath of sovereignty today, a saint, don't always use other excuses to get too close to married men, don't be too shameless.

Thinking of Min Huizhu's past with his father, Zhuang Xiaoyu felt disgusted seeing Min Huizhu now.

At least let this woman not step into the priest's mansion in the future, out of sight and out of mind.

Zhuang Xiaoyu's footsteps were windy, and he quickly stood behind Min Huizhu, showing the momentum of the wife of the priest, and called Min Huizhu: "Saint! My wife hopes that you will..."

Hearing the sound, Min Huizhu, who was waiting at the gate of the priest's mansion, turned her head.

The scorching sun at the beginning was a bit dazzling, Zhuang Xiaoyu hadn't finished speaking, all the words in his mouth were blocked in his throat, and he couldn't utter a word at once.

The ends of her eyes were a little red, as if she had been stung by something, and her heart constricted.

Min Huizhu was already beautiful, with a dazzling radiance. Although her lower abdomen was slightly protruding, her figure was still slender, and her skin was like suet jade, shining brightly in the sun.

She looked at Zhuang Xiaoyu, raised her chin slightly, with great momentum, even tore off the veil on her face on purpose, and straightened her swollen belly, supporting her back with one hand and stroking her belly with the other belly, as if the straightened belly is her confidence.

But Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't look at her belly at all, Zhuang Xiaoyu just stared at the three golden step rocks stuck in her bun.

Familiar style, luxurious style, inlaid with precious red and green gemstones.

90% new.

No one is more familiar with these three steps than Zhuang Xiaoyu.

This was what she saw under the pillow in Qin Wuyan Zhuangzi's upper bedroom last night.

At that time, I only thought that this step shaker was intended to be given to her, but I just put it under the pillow because I was afraid that she would not like it.

Originally, she planned to test it out and ask him which three walking sticks he wanted.

But at this time, those three buds were actually worn in Min Huizhu's bun. This bud was a perfect match for Min Huizhu's temperament, luxurious and gorgeous, as if she was born to belong to Min Huizhu.

Zhuang Xiaoyu suddenly remembered, when she saw these three steps, why did she feel familiar at the first glance, because Min Huizhu was originally a luxurious person, and when she was able to come and go freely in the priest's mansion, those hairpins on her head And Bu Yao, many are similar styles.

She hated Min Huizhu, and even hated everything that belonged to Min Huizhu.

Min Huizhu felt a little strange when she saw Zhuang Xiaoyu's gaze, but Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't look surprised at all, as if she had known about her pregnancy for a long time.

But it's not that she has no expression at all, her face is ugly, her haughty face is frozen, her eyes are fixed on her bun, as if she saw a ghost.

Min Huizhu didn't know why, so she raised her hand to touch her hair bun, and touched three buyao that had just been inserted this morning on her fingertips.

She looked at Zhuang Xiaoyu with a smile, with that confident smile still on her face, her momentum was not lost at all: "Miss Zhuang, don't come here without any problems!"

Zhuang Xiaoyu was full of confidence, and in Min Huizhu's understatement, he suddenly felt like an exploded balloon, and there was nothing in an instant.

Her mentality collapsed in an instant, and her nails dug deeply into her palm, so numb that she couldn't feel the slightest pain.

Zhuang Xiaoyu was completely defeated!