Zhuang Qingyun raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows: "You go down first, let Ben think about it less before going to Madam."

Yu Sui couldn't help it, seeing what Zhuang Qingyun said, thinking that Zhuang Qingyun would go to see Zhuang Xiaoyu, so he could only kowtow.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhuang Qingyun left, closed his eyes, and continued to review the official documents with a pen, not bothering to pay attention to Yu Sui's words. After all, it was not once or twice that Zhuang Xiaoyu and Qin Wuyan had such a fight.

A few days ago, Qin Wuyan left his business on the mountain road and heard that something happened to Zhuang Xiaoyu, so he rushed to Zhuangzi without even taking any guards, and went to see Zhuang Xiaoyu regardless of his own safety. Mansion, just took a look at Min Huizhu, and ran away...

It's still making such a big fuss, what's the difference between this and death?

It's just unreasonable to make trouble. If Zhuang Xiaoyu continues to win this time, I don't know what will happen to Zhuang Xiaoyu next time.

Anyway, what should be explained to her has already been explained, what else does Zhuang Xiaoyu want?

One should not be too greedy, a man is an indomitable man, not a woman's benevolence, Qin Wuyan does not have Yingying and Yanyan by his side, and he puts his wife first, in the eyes of Zhuang Qingyun and everyone else, he is already a man in the world. There is no other...

Zhuang Xiaoyu still wants to push forward, could it be that he intends to build a nest on Qin Wuyan's head?

Zhuang Qingyun himself has a lot of troubles, how could he find time to take care of the young couple's affairs?

Thinking so, Zhuang Qingyun picked up a pen and continued to review official documents as if nothing had happened...

Qin Wuyan's personal guard hurriedly came to report: "Master Qingyun, please take a look at the acting priest?"

Zhuang Qingyun's eyelids twitched: "What happened to the substitute priest?"

"Since the substitute priest had a quarrel with his wife, he has not eaten or drank for two days and one night. He locked himself in the study and did not allow the lowly officials to enter..."

Zhuang Qingyun put down the pen, continued to pinch the center of his eyebrows, and there was a bright red bloodstain between the eyebrows!

Zhuang Qingyun suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, "Do you know why the fight? Why did it get so big this time?"

The personal guard lowered his head: "Madam knows that the saint is living in Zhuangzi, so..."

"What else?" Zhuang Qingyun was impatient: "I have said everything that should be said at once, don't hesitate."

The guard could only bite the bullet and tell Zhuang Qingyun the truth about how he cut off those iron locks, how he opened the boxes and cabinets, and what was in those boxes and cabinets. Said: "The madam was so angry that she said a lot of words, beat the priest and even scratched the neck of the priest. The madam was dazzled by the anger and said a lot of extreme things...

The acting priest felt very uncomfortable, and the acting priest didn't know that there were these things in that bedroom..."

The more the guards talked, the more frightened Zhuang Qingyun became. No wonder Zhuang Xiaoyu made such a fuss this time. He didn't know that Min Huizhu had become so shameless.

Qin Wuyan regards Min Huizhu as a scourge, but the Min family cannot be offended, Min Huizhu is a useful pawn, Zhuang Qingyun can only help Qin Wuyan to appease Min Huizhu.

For Min Huizhu's request, she basically responded to her request. She wanted to decorate her bedroom like the bedroom of Min Mansion, so he let her do it.

She went to live in Zhuangzi from time to time, so Zhuang Qingyun arranged for Qing Huan to take good care of her and satisfied her.

But he didn't expect that he underestimated Min Huizhu's energy. This woman is so capable of tossing around, she would actually put these things in locked boxes and cabinets...

Fortunately, Zhuang Xiaoyu saw the undead...

Zhuang Qingyun wanted to kill Min Huizhu!