As he said, Xue Zhong took out a detoxification pill from his bosom, melted it with warm water, poured it into Zhuang Huaisen's throat, Zhuang Huaisen's throat made a sound like being stuck with phlegm, and his pale face seemed to be better...

Even the sound of breathing became longer and longer. Zhuang Huaisen coughed a few times, then he recovered in one breath, his breathing gradually became even, and he fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Zhuang Xiaoyu's face was full of anxiety: "Doctor Zhong, is my father out of danger?"

"The high priest's body has reached the point where the oil is exhausted, and I just felt the pulse. The high priest has suffered from bone erosion poison. It is not easy to survive until now. Missy, don't have too much expectation." Doctor Zhong pulled the silver needle from Zhuang Huaisen's arm and straightened up.

The nurse was about to send Xue Zhong back to the room, but the butler stepped forward with a smile and stopped the nurse: "You stay here with the eldest lady, and I will take Dr. Zhong back to the courtyard. By the way, ask Dr. Zhong what else he needs. Here it should be set up for you..."

Dr. Zhong quickly shook his head and kept saying no.

In the secluded wing, the butler followed Dr. Zhong into the door, closed the door casually, and sneered, "Xue Zhong, you have disappeared so strangely for so many years, and you will come back with Missy."

Doctor Zhong shivered, and was about to deny it, but the housekeeper stared at him, "Don't try to deny it. I recognized you from the first moment I saw you. The scar behind your ear is from the whip used by the high priest." When I whipped you, the barb at the top of the whip was scratched there, leaving a crescent-shaped scar, you don’t remember, but I remember it clearly. Back then, I helped you clean up all the wounds on your body... ..”

Dr. Zhong lowered his eyes: "For so many years, I have become this inhuman and ghost-like appearance. It's hard for the old people in this house to remember me."

The housekeeper asked straight to the point: "Missy knows your identity?"


"What are you doing back here?"

"I'm worried about Missy's safety, and I want to stay by Missy's side."

The butler was silent for a moment, and asked: "The high priest's physical condition has deteriorated rapidly in recent days, but is it artificial?"

Xue Zhong lowered his head, nodded for a while, and said again: "If it wasn't for the sake of the eldest lady, he deserved what he deserved for falling into this situation.

What's more, he is not much in Japan, if you don't want to see the eldest lady sad, it's best to keep this matter a secret. "

The housekeeper sighed, "This mansion is not what it used to be."


Zhuang Qingyun was sitting in the gazebo, surrounded by ice cubes, and was processing official documents, the witch doctor stepped forward and reported: "Master Qingyun, the eldest lady brought a doctor in from outside, and temporarily saved the life of the high priest. Let's get on with it..."

Hearing this, Zhuang Qingyun put the brush on the pen holder, and looked up at the witch doctor: "The medicine you mentioned was mixed in the soup and he took it?"

"Yes, according to your instructions, young master, he has been increasing the dosage. Even if he wants to live, he will not live for long. Most of the time he is unconscious. Once he wakes up, he will be in pain. Life is worse than death. The high priest is already stupid now, and his speech is slurred, if he is sober, he might have wanted to commit suicide a long time ago..."

You can't really seek death if you can't survive.

Zhuang Qingyun waved his hand, "Go down."

The witch doctor was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhuang Qingyun: "Wait, what kind of doctor did the young miss bring back?"