Wenzhu was overjoyed, picked up the hairpin and rushed out of the house, rode on the horse and galloped away.

The wet nurse was worried: "Miss, do you suspect that Yu Sui's disappearance is related to you, and someone came after you?"

Zhuang Xiaoyu nodded: "It's not the first time they have resorted to this method, and it probably won't be the last time. I stay in the priest's mansion all day and don't come out. Even if I go out, I will be protected by guards all over me. Those guards have There were people in guard uniforms, and some in ordinary clothes mixed in with the crowd. No one dared to do anything to me blatantly.

But if you want to deal with the people around me, if there is one less person, then there is one less help......

Sister, you and I will go back to the priest's mansion immediately to find out what kind of rumors are going on in this mansion, and see if we can find out the source and ask something..."

She knew better than anyone else that in the entire Moon City, few people dared to touch the people in the priest's mansion. If they did, they might be ready to fight the priest's mansion to death.

If they really stretched out their hands so long that they all came into the priest's mansion, then she would not blame her for uprooting these people from the mansion.

She doesn't care much about the affairs of the mansion, but it doesn't mean that some people can make trouble in the mansion.

Zhuang Xiaoyu left some guards on the Zhuangzi to continue searching for the whereabouts of Yu Sui, and returned to the priest's mansion with the wet nurse in a carriage.

The housekeeper is very busy, there are too many things in the mansion, welcoming and sending, all kinds of trivial matters, and now he has to look for jade pieces, it is really exhausting.

On weekdays, Zhuang Qingyun assisted Qin Wuyan in handling the internal affairs and official documents of the priest's mansion, and balanced the relationship between all parties.

Qin Wuyan implemented a policy that would allow the people of Yuecheng to live and work in peace and contentment.

Just after returning to the Priest's Mansion, the already gloomy weather began to rain. At first, it was just raindrops the size of soybeans, and then, the rain became heavier and heavier, like pouring.

The temperature that has been sweltering for several days has finally cooled down again. The sky is gloomy, as if a big hole has been torn open in the black curtain, and the rain inside is pouring into the ground...

Zhuang Xiaoyu seldom goes to the deacon's hall. This kind of place has always been the place where the head of the family came to enforce the family law. In this priest's mansion, when Zhuang Huaisen was the head of the house, he punished his own clansmen in the deacon's hall. Later, Qin Wuyan became the head of the house. , has not been stained with blood.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xiaoyu was the first to step into a place like the deacon's hall.

The butler was also a little puzzled. After all, from being a daughter to being the wife of an acting priest, the eldest lady has always been like an outsider, not greedy for power.

He never thought about taking back the rights from the steward, regaining control of the internal affairs of the priest's mansion, and didn't care about other things in the mansion.

He just stays busy in his own courtyard for a long time, or stays in the front yard, taking care of the dying high priest.

The housekeeper called everyone to the deacon's hall, and even Dr. Zhong, who had just arrived in the mansion, followed.

The housekeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead and reported: "In this mansion, except for the guards and the servants who accompanied Young Master Qingyun and the priest, everyone else has called here."

The windows were open, and it was clearly broad daylight, but the sky was as dark as night, with thunder and lightning, and the branches outside the house were blown to this side.

Zhuang Xiaoyu said something irrelevant: "It's raining this summer, and the dams that Ah Yan built for the people blocked the flood, but I haven't heard of any people who were devoured by the flood and displaced like before..."