The cold wind was blowing on Yu Sui's face covered with rain and mist. Yu Sui woke up from the coma, opened her eyes, and the lightning flashed. She saw clearly the person approaching her, and was so frightened that she quickly turned over and wanted to go outside the cowshed. climb up.

But even though she was a girl, she was raised by Zhuang Xiaoyu in a very precious way, and her treatment was comparable to that of a young lady from a small family. She had fine skin and tender flesh, black hair like clouds, red lips and white teeth. There are also two gold hairpins that Zhuang Xiaoyu gave her in the bun.

And just now he inhaled the mist, and his whole body became weak.

The guard clasped Yu Sui's ankle with one hand, dragged her back, raised his hand and tore off the golden hairpin from her bun, put it in his arms, and began to tear her clothes.

Yu Sui screamed in horror, she hadn't eaten or drank water for a long time, she didn't have any strength in her body, how could she withstand the strength of the guards of the Min Mansion, her clothes were torn apart like rags, and she was pressed into the haystack, The screams were drowned in the howling thunder and the storm...

When Asparagus found the jade fragments, the rain still did not stop, but the thunder became quieter, and the muddy water on the ground gathered into a stream and flowed into the river.

The woman's gorgeous clothes were broken into pieces, scattered by the wind, wet by the sewage, and trampled into the mud by the horse's hooves on which Asparagus asparagus sat.

Asparagus looked at the scattered rags, and at the stinky cowshed on the hillside not far away, got off his horse, and quickly searched for it...

There were more and more debris along the way, all of which were women's clothes, Wenzhu's heart sank little by little, until he saw a pair of bare white feet sticking out straight from the haystack. From the raindrops falling on it, it was pale without the slightest color of blood...

"Jade Broken?" Wen Zhu called out tentatively, his voice trembling.

There was no movement in the haystack.

Asparagus suddenly opened the haystack and turned into the cowshed. The woman lay straight on the haystack without an inch of hair, her body was in a mess, her black hair scattered and fell into the sewage full of cow dung, her body was dirty Xi, with wide-open eyes, staring straight at a certain place on the top of the cowshed, turning a deaf ear to Asparagus bamboo's cry, as if he didn't hear it at all...

This woman is astonishingly the jade fragment that Wen Zhu has been searching for for two days and one night.

Wen Zhu gritted her teeth, leaned over and hugged Yu Sui, took off her cloak and wrapped it around her body, and cried loudly: "Yu Sui, Yu Sui, I'm late, I'm late, which beast is it? Which beast did it?"

Yu Sui was hugged tightly in her arms, and she finally had a reaction, her eyes trembled, she opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but her throat seemed to be on fire, the pain was unbearable, and she couldn't make a sound... ....

Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't know if she was asleep or not, and she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. The past seemed to pass by before her eyes. Sometimes she was the eldest lady of the Zhuang family who hadn't left the court, and sometimes she was married Mrs. Priestess...

Her eyes were tightly closed, wishing everything would return to the original point, she resisted everything in reality as if escaping, until the wet nurse pushed the door in and woke her up: "Miss, Miss, Yu Sui has found... ...."

Zhuang Xiaoyu suddenly opened her eyes, but only felt a splitting headache.

She quickly got up from the bed, "Did you find Yu Sui? Where did you find it?"

The nurse shook her head, hesitated to speak, and looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

Zhuang Xiaoyu didn't notice this, she lifted the quilt and began to put on clothes and shoes, "I'll go and see her, is she okay, where did she go? How did she disappear?"