I thought that after Zhuang Xiaoyu woke up after the whole night of tenderness last night, the barrier between him and her was completely broken, but unexpectedly, she turned out to be more indifferent than before.

Zhuang Xiaoyu reached out, took the cloak that was thrown on the chair, wrapped it around her body, lifted off the quilt and walked towards the ear room barefoot: "I don't want to see the scars on your body that fell because of me, and I don't want to let you go. Your rough fingers touch me again.

If I could turn back time, I would rather never see you in my life.

If I could choose again, I would rather watch you fall into a trap and die of thirst than save you back to the priest's mansion..."

The truth is no longer important. Back then, she was obsessed with finding evidence, but at this moment she suddenly had a clear idea of ​​what to do with evidence. If Qin Wuyan could prove his innocence, the supernatural priest and Master Qingyun would have already Proved everything, instead of trying to hide something from her...

Zhuang Xiaoyu soaked in the bathtub, washing away the ambiguous marks on her body.

She scrubbed vigorously, only feeling that the blood on her body was sinful, wishing to rub off a layer of skin.

A low cry came from the ear room, Qin Wuyan stood in the middle of the bedroom numbly, he was at a loss looking at the curtain that separated the ear room and the bedroom, he couldn't get in, he couldn't retreat.

If they hadn't met, there wouldn't be any entanglements. Now that they are willing to repay kindness and revenge, they will not go against their conscience and leave a culprit whom he hates to the bone until now.

It would be great if Zhuang Xiaoyu was just a little girl from an ordinary family, and it would be great if he wasn't a priest who climbed to the top throne stepping on the bones and blood and tears all the way.

But there are so many ifs in this world.

Although the mansion is preparing for the funeral, there are not many people who are really sad, but there are many happy people.

After all, once the high priest dies, the substitute priest will officially take the throne.

After the high priest is buried, on an auspicious date, the substitute priest will become the high priest who truly controls everything in the entire Moon City.

Those personal guards and guards who followed him have also risen with the tide, and their status and status have become prominent together.

When Zhuang Xiaoyu came out of the ear room with a pale face after taking a bath, the wet nurse was bringing in some appetizers and clear porridge, and placed them on the table.

Zhuang Xiaoyu remembered the wine and dishes on the table last night, and asked: "What kind of wine was that wine last night? Although it tastes good, it seems to make people lose their minds after drinking it."

The wet nurse shook her head: "The old slave knows that Missy is not good at drinking, so I usually bring you some rice wine and fruit wine at most.

Yesterday's meal was prepared by the old slave according to my uncle's order, and also brought in by my uncle himself. After finishing all this work, the old slave was driven to his room by my uncle. "

Zhuang Xiaoyu rubbed her temples, "I see."

She sighed, lowered her voice, and told the wet nurse, "Go to Dr. Zhong and ask him to prescribe me a decoction for avoiding children, brew it secretly and bring it to me to drink."

The nurse was shocked: "Miss, why did you do this? Didn't you always look forward to having a child of your own?"

Zhuang Xiaoyu shook her head: "I don't want it now."

"Is it because of the Holy Maiden's child?" The wet nurse wiped her tears, "That child is his fate, I can't blame it on you, Miss.

The relatives around you are leaving one after another. If you can give birth to a son and a half daughter, it would be good to give you a long-term company in the future! "