Qin Wuyan's Adam's apple rolled, he rushed over and hugged Zhuang Xiaoyu tightly: "Xiao Yu, it's not what you think..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu let him hold her, and suddenly burst into tears: "Qin Wuyan, my father is about to pass away, I have nothing left, how long are you going to hide from me?

I know everything, I already know everything.

You lied to me so badly! "

Qin Wu spoke incoherently: "Xiao Yu, listen to me, it's not what you think, those gossips in the house like to make up stories, don't trust those people..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu suddenly pushed Qin Wuyan away, opened the drawer, pulled out a scroll from inside, and spread it in front of Qin Wuyan indiscriminately: "Tell me, who is this person?"

Qin Wuyan: "..."

With tears in her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyu said, "My paintings have never been good. I have been painting this painting for a long time. It is so lifelike. But all your personal guards know this person, so you won't be able to recognize him?"

Qin Wuyan's defense line that had just been poured in his heart completely collapsed.

Zhuang Xiaoyu threw the picture scroll on the ground casually: "Do you think that if someone is randomly found to pretend to be Yan Qing in the selection competition, I won't know?

If you and Zhuang Qingyun didn't have ghosts in your heart, why did you lie to me with one lie after another?

Qin Wuyan, how many lives of our dealer do you hold in your hands? "

Qin Wuyan was silent.

Zhuang Xiaoyu was desperate: "My brother is sorry for you, and now you have already returned what should be returned to you, Qin Wuyan, let's make a clean break."

Qin Wuyan didn't know how he got out of that bedroom. Standing under the setting sun, he felt that his eyes were shaking violently and he couldn't stand steadily. Finally, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness...

No one dared to prescribe to Zhuang Xiaoyu anymore, so Zhuang Xiaoyu moved to the front yard, lived in Zhuang Huaisen's bedroom, and waited on Zhuang Huaisen with all his clothes on.

Sometimes Zhuang Huaisen was sober and would tell Zhuang Xiaoyu a few words, but sometimes he was confused and kept calling Zhuang Xiaoyu's name.

When Zhuang Xiaoyu looked at Zhuang Huaisen, who was on the bed with a gray face and a face of death, who had been tossed by illness and had no human figure at all, his eyes were numb.

No one expected that Zhuang Huaisen would hold on for a month before grabbing Zhuang Xiaoyu's hand and dying amidst all kinds of reluctance and nostalgia.

Before he died, he had no medicine and could not eat anything. Zhuang Xiaoyu could only feed him some rice soup, but he spit it out again.

Zhuang Huaisen couldn't swallow, and finally starved himself to death.

It's really tragic that a generation of high priests with great power and power will end up like this in the end.

The funeral was very grand. Zhuang Xiaoyu was wearing a white mourning dress, kneeling in front of the hall, looking at the powerful family members who came to mourn in twos and threes, his eyes were dim.

There was no one from the Min family, and the wet nurse said that Qin Wuyan's people stopped her at the door.

Zhuang Xiaoyu threw the paper money into the basin, watched the paper money turn into ashes, the black ash rose again, floated into the sky, and finally fell on her filial piety...

The nurse twisted the food box and came over, and saw a group of talents just coming out of the mourning hall from a distance. When they met Zhuang Qingyun, their expressions immediately changed, and they smiled like a flower. They cupped their hands at Zhuang Qingyun and smiled: " Congratulations, I will soon be preparing for the enthronement of the high priest, and Master Qingyun is busy."

With a smile as warm as water on the corner of Zhuang Qingyun's lips, he reminded: "Everyone is too early to say, the dead are respected, and the dead are respected!"

Everyone thought of Zhuang Xiaoyu who was kneeling in the mourning hall, so they wisely shut up.