Zhuang Qingyun's forehead touched the ground: "Ma'am, I didn't do it on purpose, I just killed people by mistake. If I knew that the man in black was the two of them, I wouldn't let someone shoot them directly."

Shi Shi ran away with Zhuang Xiaoyu's thin and lonely body, and his voice drifted into his earworm like mist: "If you really wanted to be punished, you would have killed yourself long ago."

Zhuang Xiaoyu knelt in the mourning hall, looking at the two corpses lying in the coffin with a blank expression.

Only the new owner was changed from the priest's mansion, and she sent away one close relative after another in this mansion, and she didn't know when it would end.

Zhuang Xiaoyu's eyes fell on the butler who was talking softly with the nurse, she paused, and then turned her eyes away.

The nurse glanced in Zhuang Xiaoyu's direction, and said in a low voice, "Go and tell the eldest lady."

The housekeeper took a look at Zhuang Xiaoyu, had no choice but to walk over boldly, and said in a low voice, "Miss..."

The old man hesitated to speak.

Zhuang Xiaoyu raised her eyelids: "What's the matter?"

The housekeeper said in a low voice: "After the high priest found out the truth last night, he suddenly suffered from a headache. After taking the medicine, he is still unconscious. You, go and see the high priest."

After all, Zhuang Qingyun did this matter, and it has nothing to do with Qin Wuyan.

Zhuang Xiaoyu lowered his eyes, threw the paper money into the brazier, and said softly: "You might as well send a few considerate and thoughtful women to serve you, it's better than letting me go.

Are you not afraid that I can't help but kill him with a knife after seeing him? "

The butler shuddered and said in a trembling voice, "Miss, please calm down..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu interrupted the housekeeper: "Didn't you say that you have found out the truth, what is going on?"

"Wenzhu has been following Master Qingyun secretly, and accidentally discovered that Master Qingyun went to the poisonous island to find a medicine that can make people forget the past, so he told Doctor Zhong...

Doctor Zhong was afraid that the medicine would be bad for you, Miss, so he wanted to take the pill away...

The two of them kept it from you, put on night clothes and sneaked into Master Qingyun's study in the dead of night...

The thing was found, but it also triggered the mechanism of the study and alarmed Master Qingyun...

Asparagus desperately tried to assassinate Master Qingyun, Master Qingyun thought it was a dead soldier sent by the family, so he made people shoot arrows..."

The housekeeper sighed: "If you were only captured alive, you would be able to intercede with the high priest, and if you were considerate in protecting you, you would not be guilty of death. I don't know what stimulated Wen Zhu, but he wanted to kill him regardless of his life." Master Qingyun..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu's heart was like a mirror: "He must have found what he wanted in Zhuang Qingyun's study, and knowing the truth, he would risk his life for revenge."


The butler's thoughts turned slightly, and in a blink of an eye, he suddenly figured out everything that happened before and after, and said in an inconceivable way: "Miss Yu Sui can't be..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu's face was indifferent, neither sad nor happy: "What about the pill? Show me!"

The housekeeper slapped his thigh, "The strange thing is here, the pill should have been taken away by Dr. Zhong, but last night the guards almost turned over the study, and they couldn't find the pill even after three feet of digging.

I heard that the pill is extremely precious and extremely difficult to prepare..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu listened silently, the corners of her lips twitched suddenly, and she laughed abruptly: "Zhuang Qingyun originally wanted to give me this pill, but now he doesn't want to find it for Qin Wuyan, right? "


Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyu's bright smile, the housekeeper felt creepy.