This incident was exposed again. In the future, Xiao Huan did not have any terrible things. Once Xiao Huan wants to count the general ledger with her, can she have a good life in the future?

Even, Mu Dong grievances his mother’s interference in his control, but he is already used to listening to her. I don’t know, if she wants something wrong, what should he do, what will he do in his future life, so he Rather, she still manages him, and she doesn't want her to have anything.

Ms. Mu’s so savvy person, Mu Dongsheng can think of her, she naturally thought of it, but she felt that she had to turn back to Mu Huan, it was too late.

Not to mention that after Mu Huan is not afraid, I will count the general ledger with her, even if she does not count, thin Jun Yan just looked at it, let her know that he will not let her have a good life in the future!

Therefore, she can't look back, she can only break the boat!

"I...I..." Mrs. Mu’s head bowed her head, and she didn’t know what to say.

However, she clearly said that she did see it, that is a man!

Mu Dongsheng, "..."

His mother has always been shrewd, how come this time stupid...

Master Meng looked at Mu Huan. "Now, what else do you have to say!"

Mu Huan, "..."

She has nothing to say, because she has been looking for evidence, she has not found it, and there is no evidence to prove it. She said that it is useless.

Some people may think, impossible, how can a person not be able to reveal nothing at all in the process of growing up, it is impossible to hide such identity in school, so this bartender will not go to primary school, and later come After arriving in Yuncheng, her dad wanted to let her go to a technical school, but because her mother was afraid of revealing stuff, she said that she didn't like to study and didn't want to go to school.

The bartender itself wants to learn. She is self-taught when she is at home. She wants to live freely, wants to go out and communicate with people normally, and doesn't want to work at home or in the factory every day.

Every day she is bound to herself, and she is scared every day. However, when she wants to resist, her mother is not asking her. She told her that she must have a son in the next child. When she gave birth to her son, she will let her recover her identity and threaten her with death. She can only think of other ways.

In the second year of coming to Yuncheng, she persuaded her mother to say that she was too easy to be found at home. In the case that she was almost discovered by her dad several times, her mother agreed to let her out and rent her. The house, free life outside, makes her want to completely away from home, to restore her woman's normal life, and all this requires money, she can not be exposed because of her identity, can only play in the vicinity of the place to rent, play a variety of Work, short hours, night shifts.

Some people may not be able to imagine such a life, but there are women in the society who pretend to be men and marry and swindle money. After living for half a year, they have not found that the other party is a woman. Nothing is impossible.

In some places, there are indeed many such poor people who will not be allowed to go to the primary school.

There are also many families who have given birth to one child and another, just to have a son. If you want to have more than forty, you have to fight for a child. If you can’t give birth, your son will not give up.

In short, the world is big, no wonder!

Just when Meng’s father still wants to say something.

Bo Junyan said, "She doesn't need to say anything, prove what, because she said I believe."

"You believe, we don't believe it!"