TL: Hua

“Actually, your son is gay.”

Both Xia parents just wanted to help him up, but their knees softened again: “What?!”

Xia Shu’an has thought about it. If he says that he and Shen Boyan are lovers at this time, it will always arouse people’s imagination. After much thought, he decided to use the tactic of shifting contradictions to blur the focus of the matter.

Xia Shu’an put on a heavy expression when he came out to his parents: “I’ve never dared to tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to accept it. But now, I have to say it.”

“Dad, Mom, I have a boyfriend who is in good condition and has been trying to help me after our family’s accident, but he was afraid of being suspected by you two if he didn’t have a good reason to help, so he never dared to act rashly in case he exposed himself.”

“Dad, Mom, I hope you can accept him and his help.”

Father and Mother Xia were so stimulated by the word “boyfriend” that they didn’t even clearly hear the term “in good condition”. Mother Xia helped Xia Shu’an up, frowned, and said:

“Xiao An, what’s going on? Why did you suddenly…”

Suddenly changed his sexual orientation.

Although her child had never had a girlfriend, he never showed any inclination toward that way. When he was a child, he would blush when receiving a love letter from a girl.

“Dad, Mom, it wasn’t sudden. We’ve been together for a while, and I’ve always… admired him!”

Xia Shu’an closed his eyes and spewed nonsense, talking about how nice the other party was and how much he respected and cared for him. He was very moved but didn’t dare tell his family because of gender issues, and besides, the other party was afraid that he would be wronged. After the two Xia parents heard the last thing, they felt that it was a blessing in eight lives for their son to have such a boyfriend. If they didn’t acknowledge them, they would be the most vicious and unenlightened parents in the world.

No—it was obviously our own child who was stolen by a pig.

Father Xia’s mind was completely confused, and with the last of his reasons, he asked, “Then, what are your plans?”

To suddenly bring up this matter, something must have been decided.

“Yes.” Xia Shu’an said solemnly, “I want to bring him home tomorrow.”

“Bring a bottle of rice wine over tomorrow. My dad doesn’t like to drink foreign wine. You can drink a little, but not too much. My mother won’t allow it. Oh, and bring a pearl necklace for my mom; she likes it…”

Xia Shu’an explained carefully and then repeated what he said to his parents today, so that both their fake experiences are consistent.

Xia Shu’an was not worried that he would change his mind. Even in his previous life, he was gentle in front of his parents, which was how he fooled the two elders. Otherwise, if he dares act tough in front of his parents, he will drag Shen Boyan to hell even if he dies.

“Did you hear clearly?”

The man’s casual voice came from the mobile phone attached to his ear: “I heard clearly.”

There was a sudden silence at both ends, and the night breeze slowly penetrated through the open window, bringing the aroma of wild osmanthus flowers by the roadside. With the inaudible zipping current, a rustling sound came from the other side of the microphone, as well as a movement similar to clocking out from work.

Xia Shu’an listened carefully for a while and said, “Are you off work?”


“Then have you eaten?”

The man chuckled and said in an intimate tone, “I didn’t expect you to care so much about me.”

Xia Shu’an sighed with emotion. He was definitely not the only one who had a problem like that in his previous life; you see, he just never spoke properly.

With a distance of several thousand meters, Xia Shu’an said patiently, “I’m just worried that you will get stomach problems—”

Before someone could feel “touched”, he quickly said, “I heard that people with stomach problems will have bad breath, so I won’t kiss you.”

He repeated again: “Absolutely not!”

The world immediately plunged into silence, and there was no sound over there for a few seconds. After a while, the man’s voice had already cooled down when he spoke again: “Do you have anything else?”

Xia Shu’an said calmly, “Yes, you will pass by Lushui Street tomorrow, right? There is a bakery on that street. Bring me some mochi puffs from that shop.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Looking at the darkened screen, Shen Boyan felt a little puzzled in his heart. He would pass by that street every day to work, and the store had only been open for a few days. Xia Shu’an should be busy with family affairs these days, so how could he still have the time to pay attention to this place?


Putting down the doubts in his heart, Shen Boyan sat quietly for a while after returning to his desk. Finally, he picked up the phone on the desk.

“Assistant Lin, bring me some dinner.”

This day, father and mother Xia got up early in the morning, and both of them were restless. Yesterday, Xia Shu’an said a lot of good things about his boyfriend, but he insisted on not telling them who that person was.

He also said that he didn’t want them to have stereotypes and wanted them to face him directly in person for the first time and get to know him personally.

The two elders couldn’t help worrying. Could it be someone with a messy private life? That’s why they were asked not to care about his reputation? They spent the night chattering about who that person might be, and by the end of the day, they were prepared for the worst.

When the doorbell rang, the two felt tense. Father Xia sat on the chair and said:

“Xiao An, go and open the door.”

Xia Shu’an smiled to himself. With a happy expression on his face, he walked to the door in a few steps and opened it.

After opening the door, he was also stunned.

Shen Boyan’s appearance has always been arrogant and sharp, and his temperament is particularly prominent. He never knows how to restrain or hide. Therefore, in Xia Shu’an’s heart, he is a beast in human skin.

But today he was dressed in a properly ironed high-end suit, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and the delicate roses washed away the aggressiveness of his appearance. His other hand carried two large bags, and with a smile on his face, he looked handsome and gentle, which is very much in line with the older generation’s view of the younger generation.

The moment he saw Xia Shu’an, a natural smile appeared on his face, and with a doting gaze, he handed out the flowers from his hand.

“For you.”

“Uh, thank you.”

Xia Shu’an took the flowers in a daze. The roses were so fragrant that he couldn’t help but lower his head and sniff them.

He was dressed very homely today, wearing a rare dark-colored T-shirt on top and pants that loosely covered the backs of his slipper-clad feet. The overly long hair was tied behind his head with a black hair band, and a few tufts fell scatteredly on both sides of his cheeks.

The delicate roses gently touched his fair face. This scene was like a scene from an old movie. The light in Shen Boyan’s eyes trembled, and he then looked up.

Father Xia anxiously looked at the door. When he saw that it wasn’t the rich second-generation people who often showed their faces in the circle, he felt relieved, but he was also a little puzzled. When he took a closer look, he couldn’t help but shout out before his brain could react:

“President Shen!”

Shen Boyan is not conspicuous in the circle of wealthy young masters, but he has a great reputation among those who are actually in power.

Huiwen Pharmaceutical was originally just a small, semi-dead company, but after some operations by Shen Boyan, it quickly went public and regained vitality within two years. Afterwards, Shen Boyan opened up a series of battlefields and achieved remarkable results. He quickly rose to the top of the industry as an upstart, and because of his young age, he was once thought to be just a chess piece pushed onto the stage by the capital behind the scenes. It wasn’t until after several business contacts that this rumor gradually faded.

Father Xia never expected that the “boyfriend” his son mentioned would be Shen Boyan. After all, he has only been in Rongchuan City for half a year, and he can be described as the new money among the new money. Even Father Xia himself doesn’t have much contact with him, only seeing him at a few social dinners.

“Xiao An, you…”

Xia Shu’an had already reacted at this time. He held the flower in one hand and Shen Boyan’s arm in the other, saying enthusiastically, “Boyan, come in.”

When Father Xia heard such an intimate address, his eyelids jumped, and he didn’t know what to say at once. On the contrary, Mother Xia’s attitude was quite ordinary because she doesn’t know Shen Boyan’s identity. She had been sizing him up since he entered the door.

At this moment, she was enthusiastically taking the things in his hand and said with a smile, “It’s fine if you come; what gifts do you bring?”

Shen Boyan replied politely: “It’s okay, it should be; it’s the first time I’m meeting Uncle and Auntie; how can I come empty-handed?”

After he finished speaking, he turned to Xia Shu’an again with a smile in his tone, inadvertently revealing his pampering attitude: “Here are your favorite mochi puffs.”

“Oh, I’ve been craving it.” Xia Shu’an pursed his lips with a secret joy in his eyes, as if he were really a young man in love.

Father Xia’s eyes hurt from looking at it, but Shen Boyan is not an ordinary person after all, and he is not easy to handle, so he can only ask patiently: “Mr. Shen, how did you meet our Xiao An?”

These were all well prepared confessions in advance, and Shen Boyan’s answers were impeccable. He even added his own feelings from his point of view, and the description was so vivid that Xia Shu’an finished a cup of tea with the story.

Neither of them mentioned the current situation of the Xia family. They just exchanged views on some things in business. As the leaders of the previous and subsequent generations of companies, the two of them had a good conversation about this aspect.

Father Xia nodded secretly. Sure enough, the evaluation of Shen Boyan in the business circle was not groundless, and he acknowledged Shen Boyan’s ability quite a bit.

But ability is ability, and this matter of dating is not proportional to ability. Father Xia swallowed his tea and said in a deep thought, “Boyan, you treat our Xiao An, you two…”

“Uncle.” Shen Boyan said seriously:

“I’m serious about Shu An.”

Xia Shu’an looked at him askance. What a good actor!

“From the first time I saw him, I knew he was the one I was looking for.”

“I know that as a businessman, many of my ideas are too mundane, and it’s inevitable that they will sometimes be contrary to Shu An’s ideas, but I hope we can understand each other. After all, two people cannot rely on one person’s unilateral concessions.”

Xia Shu’an: Drink soup, drink soup; ah, this shrimp is delicious.

“He is physically weak and has a proud personality. Although he is very unwilling, when we are together, I will respect his ideas. Whether he wants to work or start a business, or even if he just wants to have fun without a care in the world, I will support him. I absolutely respect him.”

The soup spoon collided with the mouth of the bowl, and a few people turned their attention to him. Xia Shu’an raised his hand, expressing his surprise.

“Now that the same-sex marriage law has been passed in China, my first hope is that the two of us can get married. I hope that I can share my career and happiness with him. A relationship without a common language will not last long.”

Xia Shu’an couldn’t help but twist the head of the prawn in his hand.

“In the worst-case scenario, even if our relationship breaks down one day, I will respect his choice and give him the freedom to come and go in this relationship.”

With a “click”, the chopsticks fell to the ground.

Mother Xia turned her head and said, “Xiao An, why are you so clumsy today?”

Xia Shu’an said quietly, “No, I’m just too touched, Boyan; you treat me so well.”

Shen Boyan gave him a doting smile in return.

Xia Shu’an said silently in his heart, Touched, so touched.

The way you supposedly treat me well is by imprisoning me, locking me up, and threatening me with my family and friends when I am almost insane?

Mr. Shen’s language art is really extraordinary.

What Shen Boyan said moved Father Xia and Mother Xia very much. Unknowingly, the atmosphere between them became harmonious.

Xia Shu’an took a bite of the apple and sat down on the sofa, gently placing his hand on it. His fingertips seemed to touch Shen Boyan’s leg.

Shen Boyan hooked his finger on his leg and moved it to the side, quickly covering the back of Xia Shuan’s hand and inserting his fingers into the gaps between his fingertips. Xia Shu’an curled his fingers without struggling.

Update every Saturday !