Chapter 100: Jiang family

It is not clear how Qin Junhong and Xia Yang met, but there is absolutely nothing good for these two people to meet.

Zhu Tong glanced at the invitation letter in his cousin's hand again, and suddenly had a guess.

"This invitation letter won't have anything to do with Xia Yang, will it?"

Cheng Chen was dumbfounded, "Xia Yang? The Xia family has collapsed, can he still get the invitation letter for the Jiang family's party?"

Shao Ming said in a low voice: "Xia Yang lives in Jiang Wenhan's house now."

Cheng Chen: "…"

Cheng Chen's eyes widened suddenly, and he groaned inwardly, "He lives in Jiang Wenhan's house? What is their relationship?"

Zhu Tongxin said: Cousin, you don't know anything about the halo of heartthrobs.

He was succinct: "They were neighbors for a few years when they were young, and Jiang Wenhan liked him."

Cheng Chen: "…"

The cousin looked suspicious, and the doubts in his heart scored twice, "Don't you know Jiang Wenhan? Do you understand so clearly?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't change his face and said, "I checked it out last night."

Cheng Chen was half-trusted and dubious, and his eyes were tossed around the two for a long time. The black lines in his mind finally converged into four words, "Your circle is really messed up."

He thought that the circle he was in was already messy enough, but he didn't expect that there would be more chaos.

Zhu Tong did not refute him.

Because it's really messy enough, it's still just Jiang Wenhan now. When Xia Yang grows up, I don't know how many suitors will appear. The scene was that the harem was on fire everywhere, and it was the Shura field anytime, anywhere.

But what does Xia Yang mean by sending them an invitation letter now?

Let Jiang Wenhan help him seek "justice"?

Should be more than that.

Zhu Tong thought for a while and asked Cheng Chen: "Cousin, what would happen if the Jiang family sent the invitation letter and we didn't go in the end?"

Will it make people feel that they don't give the Jiang family face?

"It won't be so." Cheng Chen said indifferently: "The Jiang family is not a stingy person. Even if someone gossips, Uncle Liu is an old fritter and can handle it."


It can be dealt with, so it is more or less influential.

Generally speaking, attending a banquet after receiving an invitation letter is just a trivial matter, and there is no need to save the host's face by refusing to attend for a little trouble.

No one knows it's okay, if the matter spreads, someone will inevitably use it to sow discord.

It is impossible to offend the Jiang family, but the impression must be greatly reduced.

So the person who sent the invitation probably decided that they would definitely go.

After you go?

If the invitation letter is really Xia Yang's handwriting, what is his purpose? In other words, what is the purpose of him and Qin Junhong?

Just thinking about it, there were light and slow footsteps coming from the corner of the stairs. Zhu Xin didn't seem to wake up too much, and she covered her mouth and yawned as she went downstairs.

Zhu Tong turned his head to look over, his eyes stopped.

In a dilapidated hotel outside the bustling downtown of City A, Qin Junhong was sitting on a hard wooden bed and was talking on the phone.

"...As long as you get Zhu Tong away, you don't need to take care of other things. Don't worry, Young Master Yang, you only need to get people away, and you don't need to do the rest. As long as you don't say anything, there will be no cooperation between us. You know, I just want to meet my sister, you helped me, how could I implicate you?"

Qin Junhong's voice is gentle, just like the gentle elder brother he once showed in Zhu's villa.

It's just his attitude that makes Xia Yang feel creepy.

He clearly remembered that when Qin Junhong contacted him for the first time, he made no secret of his hatred for Zhu Tong on the phone. When they met at the hotel, Qin Junhong's bulging eye sockets all showed his spirit. problem.

He's crazy.

He was like a schizophrenic patient, sometimes mad, sometimes sober.

But crazy...isn't it just right?

What a madman can do is unpredictable, and what a madman says is unbelievable.

Even if Qin Junhong fails, he can stay out of it as long as he doesn't admit it.

After seeing Qin Junhong's dejected appearance with his own eyes, Xia Yang was more convinced of Qin Junhong's use value.

Qin Junhong hates Zhu Tong to the core, without his intervention, Qin Junhong will help him accomplish what he dare not do.

After he hung up the phone, there was unspeakable anticipation and excitement in his heart.

In the hotel, Qin Junhong was holding his cell phone with a black screen, and the faces of Zhu Tong and Zhu Xin appeared in front of him.

He knew what Zhu Tong cared about.

What does Zhu Tong care about, then he ruins something!

He has been hiding in a dark residential building for the past few months. He knows that someone is looking for him, and someone wants to punish him. What will happen if he is found? He didn't know, all he knew was that he could never be found.

He has no friends he can trust, and he dares not meet people or go out.

He lived a life that was worse than death every day.

The cash he had brought with him when he escaped ran out quickly, and after a period of misery, he couldn't help contacting a friend who had lent him a lot of money before.

What surprised him was that the man didn't seem to know that he was down. Although he didn't pay him back, Qin Junhong heard a lot of news about Zhu Tong from him.

He saw the news of the Xia Group on the Internet and tried to contact Xia Yang.

Those rich people wantonly enjoy their own lives, look down on him, ridicule him, they can't see his favors, but they will punish him with thousands of times of pain for the mistakes he has made.

Knowing that he was plotting against Zhu Tong, what would Cheng Qingsong do to him? Hand him over to the judiciary? No, it's worse than that.

He won't accept an apology, he won't give him a chance to admit his mistake, he'll step him directly into the abyss and make him never get up again.

He will be worse than death... Even if life is worse than death, he will let Zhu Tong accompany him!

The five days are very fast. On the day of the Lantern Festival, Shao Ming made glutinous rice **** for breakfast. After eating, he began to prepare for the evening exchange exhibition.

Zhu Xin also wants to prepare. In the evening, the students of the art class organized a dinner.

Too coincidental time.

Zhu Tong sat in his sister's room and looked at the girl who came out of the cloakroom. She wore light-colored clothes, and her temperament was elegant and vulgar, light and pleasant.

"Can I wear this set?" Zhu Xin turned around in front of Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong absent-mindedly said: "Yes."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Her brother is so perfunctory.

With a light sigh, Zhu Xin walked over to sit next to him, took his hand and said, "Don't worry, brother, I'll be fine, aren't everyone following me?"

After Zhu Tong thought about it, he still told Zhu Xin about Qin Junhong's appearance in City A.

Qin Junhong probably thought that a long time had passed, and the people who were arranged by his grandfather to find him would relax their vigilance, so he reappeared.

It was Zhu Tong's request that he didn't bring people back immediately.

He wanted to know what Qin Junhong's trump card was, so he gave him this chance.

A few days after returning to the city, Qin Junhong did not notice anything unusual when he went out several times, and gradually went out more frequently, but he was still very cautious.

Since the last time he saw Xia Yang and took a sum of cash from him, Qin Junhong hasn't seen anyone else in the past few days, and he hasn't contacted anyone.

Zhu Tong turned his head and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Zhu Xin shook his head decisively and said, "Don't be afraid, what's so scary about having dinner at your own place?"


Zhu Tongyi thought about it too. After knowing the location of the dinner, my grandfather asked someone to find the person in charge of the club all night last night.

"And didn't you all promise to pick me up after my dinner? I'm not afraid of anything if you pick me up and go home."

Zhu Xin leaned on his shoulder and acted like a spoiled child.

Zhu Tong faintly felt that something was wrong, and when she told Xiao Xin that Qin Junhong might be detrimental to her, the girl was too calm.

It seems that Qin Manwen, their father, and now Qin Junhong, and Zhu Xin's affairs with them all seem to accept it more easily than Zhu Tong imagined.

And grandfather.

After Qin Junhong appeared, they should have brought people under control as soon as possible, but after Zhu Tong proposed his idea, the grandfather agreed directly without even doubting it.

Let the people who are monitoring Qin Junhong not startled.

Did grandpa indulge him too much?

Or has the grandfather actually discovered something?

Zhu Tong left his sister's room with full of doubts, and habitually pushed away the guest room next to his own room, where the people in the room were changing clothes.

The dark blue suit has been worn on the body, and the double-breasted design is very prominent. Compared with the leisurely clothes, Shao Ming in the suit is more energetic and aura, giving people a strong visual impact.

Zhu Tong was hit.

He couldn't help swallowing his throat, looking at the people in the room and couldn't take his eyes away.

Shao Ming looked at him stunned at the door and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why don't you come in?"

Zhu Tong had no choice but to go in and close the door, glancing around disguisedly.

But it's too late.

Shao Ming didn't say anything, just pulled the person into his arms and made his eyes unavoidable.

Probably no one would dislike the way the other half was attracted to him, and Shao Ming was the same.

He touched Zhu Tong's forehead and asked, "How is Xiao Xin?"

Zhu Tong immediately turned serious: "She's fine."

Saying that, he pulled himself out of Sering's stupor, "I'll go back to my room to change clothes first, and we'll come back at night when we show our faces."

He originally went back to his room to change his clothes, so he went to the wrong room in a daze.

Shao Ming knew that he was in a hurry and did not stop him.

At six o'clock in the evening, the two arrived at the banquet scene on time with Uncle Liu.

After getting out of the car, they went straight into the main hall of the Jiang family and went to greet the host of the party.

The main hall is gorgeously decorated and resplendent, with a huge crystal chandelier in the center, which is luxurious and atmospheric.

Contrary to this luxurious main hall are the guests of the party.

As my cousin said, this cultural exchange exhibition is attended by celebrities from all walks of life.

Most of the people who came to the scene, from the business world, the political world, and the literary and art world, have a certain reputation and are leaders in their respective fields.

They are well-dressed, but very low-key, and they are very self-confident in their conversation and communication.

The Jiang family is also a very friendly person. Seeing the two people who appeared with Uncle Liu, they maintained the enthusiasm of the elders just right.

After saying hello, Zhu Tong and the others were called by Cheng Chen.

Cheng Chen brought two drinks to the two of them from the waiter. Seeing his cousin looking at him, he shook his head lightly and said, "I didn't see Jiang Wenhan, so I didn't see any Xia Yang. Could it be that you think too much? ?"

In fact, Zhu Tong is not 100% sure.

But one thing is certain.

"The Jiang family's invitation to us on this occasion can't really be for us to meet the world, right?"

Cheng Chen paused, then nodded: "It makes sense."


The three were talking when a man in a maid's uniform walked towards them, stood in front of Shao Ming and said, "Sir, my young master would like to invite you to sit upstairs."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Please?"

The maid nodded: "Yes."

"He's not going."

Before Shao Ming could speak, Zhu Tong had already blurted out refusal.

what's the situation?

Jiang Wenhan asked Shao Ming to go upstairs?

One is the real boyfriend of the future, and the other is Bai Yueguang, who is unforgettable. The meeting of these two people is no longer the Shura field, it is the crematorium!

Zhu Tong suddenly doubted his guess.

He thought that Xia Yang invited them to let him leave the house and give people the opportunity to call Xiao Xin out alone.

Did he get it wrong?

Didn't Xia Yang invite them because he made some shady deal with Qin Junhong? But now that he has Jiang Wenhan's backing, he wants to regain his place in front of Shao Ming?

At this moment, Young Master Zhu came up with a beautiful Chinese word in his heart.

Shao Ming could not be allowed to go up.

To go can only go together!


The author has something to say:

The weather is getting colder and colder, and I'm getting lazy _(:з"∠)_

Rise up! Add more slaps tomorrow!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-29 16:06:37~2021-12-3015:51:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 sunny doll;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Qingqingzhu, 1 bottle of Nuannuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!