Book 1: Chapter 7: Magic Replenishment, Short-Tempered Satsuki and the Strange Meiko-sensei

Book 1: Chapter 7: Magic Replenishment, Short-Tempered Satsuki and the Strange Meiko-sensei

Volume 1 Chapter 7 Magic Replenishment, Short-Tempered Satsuki and the Strange Meiko-sensei

Because of last nights matter, I decided to get up a bit earlier today and diligently cook a delicious breakfast for Silent Water.

Yesterday night, the white dragon known as Freed and the black dragon known as Yalide appeared again. This time they didnt fight; rather, they discussed with me about how to quickly defeat the demons.

As we chatted, the white dragon said his light magic was good and the black dragon said his dark magic was good as well. In this manner, they got into another argument, but they didnt fight, which was good. Moreover, from their argument, I also understood which attacks were effective in killing demons.

If its a relatively high level demon, I could absorb its dark magic and then convert it into my own power. Finally, I can then unleash my Sacred Fire that way, I can avoid burning my soul. However, the prerequisite is that I must be battling a fire demon. Furthermore, if I dont absorb enough power then I still need to consume a bit of my soul to activate the Sacred Fire.

In addition, I also became aware that the Sacred Fire can eliminate demons that are possessing human bodies. That bit, with regards to me, is the most important discovery. Thats because up until now, expelling a demon from a possessed body was the hardest undertaking in the modern world let alone eliminating it.

Master? Silent Water rubbed her freshly woken eyes and said with a bit of shock as she saw me in the kitchen.

Yo~ Silent Water, good morning. Having caught sight of Silent Waters messy hair, I felt that she was very cute. She should have just woken up.

Good morning eh? At that moment, Silent Water realized that her hair was in a mess and immediately ran to the washroom.

Haha, sure enough, Silent Water is really cute. Only, her face seemed to appear a bit abnormal.

Ten minutes later, after washing up, Silent Water became a lot more spirited. Her hair was also combed as smoothly as it usually was. However, the weirdness on her face still didnt go away.

Silent water looked at me a bit strangely and asked: Master, today why are you up so earlier? You obviously have to go to school, what if youre not getting enough sleep? This sort of stuff wont it better if you hand it over to Silent Water?

Silent Water, at the present, has basically already mastered my skills. In barely four days, she mastered my cooking skills that I spent five years on. In fact, the food she cooked was even more delicious compared to mine. Was this the the legendary the student surpasses the teacher?

Today? I need to apologize for the matter from yesterday, so Im cooking for Silent Water a serving of my specialty dish egg fried rice. I believe you havent eat this before

You really dont have to apologize for yesterday Silent Water lowered her head, embarrassed.

Silent Water I dont have anything I can give you, so Right, Im not Silent Waters real master and also havent given her anything. Originally I said I wanted to take care of her, but presently the situation is in reverse and Im being taken care of by herShe cooks the food and also cleans the house.

No Master already gave me a lot

The current atmosphere, how do you say it? In any case, it felt weird

I saw Silent Waters sickly face and suddenly had an urge to want to embrace Silent Water?

Master Silent Waters body trembled suddenly in my embrace.

Sorry, I dont know what this is about either. Whats going on? Right after having the urge to hug Silent Water, in the next second I suddenly embraced Silent Water?

At that moment, I could feel that inside my body, something formless was flowing into Silent Waters body. Silent Water also felt that her hands, which she originally didnt know where to put, were now tightly embracing my waist.

After approximately 10 seconds, the feeling that resembled energy transfer faded away. At that moment, the strangeness on her face already disappeared and her usual rosiness was restored.

Master thank you What happened?

Thank me for what? I thought Silent Water would get mad instead.

Thank you, your formidable magic power giving a bit of it to me

Magic power? Whats this about?

Boy At that moment the voice of the white dragon, Freed, came up by my ear.

Freed? Whats this about?

After fusing for so many days, Yalide and I can now communicate with you through your conscious. Even though we can keep this up for at most 1 hour a day, it is enough for us to assist you during emergencies. Remember, this must not be exposed or it will bring about lots of problems.'

Fusing? For now, lets not talk about this. What was that just now?'

That? Oh, that. That was the spirits magic replenishment. You bastard, still have the nerve to talk about not forming a contract with her? Do you know that for a spirit to remaining and live normally in the human world, they need magic power?'

This. I really didn't know about it. Thats because it doesnt seem to be written in any books. No. as long as spirits exists, humans would probably always try to catch them to form contracts?

Okay, now I will simplify it for you. After spirits form a contract with humans, they can share magic power with their master. Humans can recover spiritual power daily and convert it to magic power. With this, they can supply their spirits with the necessary magic power. However, spirits without a contract need to use their own magic power to continue living in the human world. If spirits do not have a master, they will have a very slow magic power recovery. Furthermore, for king class spirits like her, naturally they will need a lot more magic power to support their activities.'

King class spirits? What is this about?' Ive heard about sharing of magic power before but I have never heard of king class spirits.

Are you serious? You dont even know about this? King class spirits are the protector of the spirit race. In total, there are light, dark, water, fire, wind, lightning. These are the 6 basic elements. They are entrusted with the duty of protecting the spirit race. Their ancestors were our faithful servants.'

I really didnt know about this.' These books sure are useless. Furthermore, humans seldom venture into the dangerous demon world, so how would they be able to clearly understand about the spirits? In addition, not all spirits are as talkative as Silent Water..

The higher the spirit class, the more magic power they need. The reason you unconsciously hugged her, was because your powers reacted to her needs. As a result, it led to resonance, which allows you to replenish her magic power through hugging her.'

So it was like this. in that case, I can use magic now?' I have always wanted to try those cool magic used by Takahashi.

Yes. but the magic you use belong to the power type. Until you can learn to control that magic, all spells you use will go berserk.' said Yalide.

So the reason was like this. This explains why during the first day, that mini tornado became a giant tornado instead.

How can I control this magic?'

I'm very sorry, but I dont think there are any ways for you to control this magic.'

Why?' Isnt this too saddening?

Its because you didnt start practicing from a young age. Actually, it is all a coincidence that you are able to come to this world and us living in your body.'


As Yalide and I were sealed, our body had disappeared, however, our souls did not completely vanish. The current me is just a incomplete soul. Yalide and I had drifted though a few space, where time and space seems to be countless. I cant remember drifting through how many space or how much time went by. Just like this, we drifted around for more than one thousand years. Only until a few days ago, did we happen to drift to your previous world, and you, coincidentally fell into the sea, and we accidentally bumped into you which brought out your soul. We have never come across this before.. perhaps your soul gave us power, and allowed us to return to this space and time, and even live inside your body.'

So it was like this..'

Master Master. Excuse me, how are you? Silent Water, extremely flustered, pulled my arm.

Ah? What is it? While talking to Yalide, I had lost track of time.

I knew it, its because you gave me too much magic power, so youre probably tired? Silent Water blamed herself as she spoke.

No no no, this is definitely not it. its just.. I was thinking too deeply about some things just now.. I quickly patted Silent Waters head.

Anyway, its good that nothing happened to her..

Dont frown. I already said it doesnt concern you. Have a seat, Ill go and make some breakfast for you.. While speaking, I continue to cook the fried rice from where I had left off.

After checking that I was no longer heavily distracted, the guilt she had had disappeared.

She quietly sat in front of the dining table and waited for me to finish cooking.

After taking a bite of the fried rice that I cooked, she covered her mouth and with a face full of happiness said: So delicious. Master. thank you.

If you like it then its fine.


After coming to school and seeing Satsuki sitting on her seat with a reddish complexion, I feel at ease.

Yo~~ good morning. I put down my bag and greeted her like usual.

After Class

Lin Xiang, not bad, for an idiot. Satsuki happily patted me, making it seem like she was the one who answered.

Im an idiot in that case, what are you? I raised my hand in preparation to mess up Satsukis hair. She didnt evade; rather, she took the initiative to stretch her head over.

I saw Takahashi coming over, stopped, and immediately withdrew my hand.

Xiang~ You are really impressive, even Fukichi, that stubborn old man, was helpless against you. Takahashi said a word of praise to me and then shifted his eyesight over to Satsuki.

Satsuki-san, since there is a 10 minute break now, how about we go buy some juice? Ill treat you.

Thanks, Takahashi-kun, Im not thirsty. After saying that, Satsuki took out her English book and started to study some words.

Takahashi paid it no mind and smiled: In that case, good luck with your studying, I wont disturb you.

That period was English class, I didnt dare to sleep. At least in her class I dont sleep, but Im not like the other male students, continuously staring at Ijima Meikos face in hopes that her beautiful electrifying eyes could settle over their bodies for just a moment.

As for me, I was looking at the English text in the back. Thats because, I discovered something fascinating. The nerdy Lin Xiangs academic achievement was 2nd place in his entire grade, but I knew that he mechanically memorized everything in order to obtain that kind of achievement.

English, with regards to him, was the hardest subject. But right now, no matter which page I flipped to, I could actually understand every page, seemingly as if I originally spoke English.

This fascinating matter made me feel endlessly excited. I continuously flipped through the book, looked at the text that I previously didnt understand, completely understanding them now.

Is there a problem with the book? Lin Xiang-san? All of a sudden, an extremely compelling voice rang by the side of my ear.

I raised my head to look. Meiko-sensei, at some unknown time, stood beside me.

Shit, I was momentarily too excited to the point that I was in a trance and didnt take note of her coming. My mind was secretly shocked, but thinking carefully, what was there to be afraid of?

Reporting to sensei, there isnt anything wrong. I replied like a soldier.

At that moment, a pleasant laughter that seeped into a persons heart rang in the peaceful classroom. I only saw Meiko-sensei use her beautiful smile to look at me: Youre very amusing, the you from before was very timid. Is it that after catching a cold, a person will change? Actually saying reporting to sensei? haha~~~

Catching a cold will change a person, that point, I agreed; Satsuki was just like that. However, that was the first time I saw Meiko-sensei laugh. She laughs so beautifully.

At that moment, I clearly detected the killing intent within the eyes of the male students in the class. Thats probably because Meiko-sensei, said to be an ice-queen, has never laughed in class before.

You must understand, other male students have racked their brains in hopes of gaining her one laugh. But at that moment, because of my one phrase, she laughed so happily.

The male students in the class naturally enjoyed her beautiful smile, but at the same time, also had produced some resentment towards me.

They were probably thinking: How could that worthless Lin Xiang make Meiko-sensei laugh? I clearly thought of so many jokes, yet still couldnt get her to laugh once. Dont tell me Im worse off than that worthless Lin Xiang? I suspected thats what theyre thinking.

Alright, since you said its so simple, stand up, Ill ask you a question. Meiko-sensei winked her eyes with a hidden meaning.

Sensei, can you take a look at the surrounding atmosphere? You actually winked that cutely at me?

I helplessly stood up, at that moment, Satsuki looked at me unhappily. Why was she unhappy? Right now Im not worried about that, Im only worried about what kind of question she would ask me.

Whats your name? Meiko-sensei used English to ask me a simple question.

Lin Xiang. I replied in English.


I glanced at the seemingly happy Meiko-sensei, and then helplessly replied: Male.

Arent you a student?


Arent you a breakfast person?

Yes. Right now I felt that the questions she asked have a degree of difficulty, because arent questions in English are easily misleading.

Arent you currently in class? Right now I also realized that words she used in her questions arent the simple commonly used words learned in middle school. Rather, some are relatively lesser used and troublesome words. I really admire myself for actually picking it up.


Arent you fond of me?


Pu~~~ Meiko-sensei laughed.

Satsuki also secretly hit me, what happened? Carefully recalled

No, no, Im not fond of Meiko-sensei Ah, wrong, I am fond of Meiko-sensei ah huh? Strange that

Meiko laughed while covering her stomach with her hand and placed her other beautiful white hand which countless boys yearn to hold on my shoulder, as if we were good friends for many years. She laughed for a while and then said: Youre so funny, I feel that youve really changed. Right now she still spoke in English: At the moment, do you like me or do you not like me?

Whats so funny? I dont understand

I At the moment, I saw Satsuki pout her lips, she appeared to be unhappy.

I also dont know. I really dont know how to reply to her, if I said I dont like her, it would appear as if I wasnt giving her any face. Yet, if I said I like her, it would become a somewhat strange situation.

Aiya, how terrible, I forgot were currently in class. Your change is to blame, causing me to lose my self-control. Meiko withdrew her hand: Alright, it seems as if you indeed already have a good grasp in this area that can easily be mixed up. Currently, she was still speaking in English, some of the class basically cant understand.

After that, she couldnt help but laugh again: But, next time before you answer a question, you need to listen carefully to the question. Right now, Ill just consider that you like me. In that case, when will you invite me to go on a date?

Ha? Not only did I yell out, but the boys in the class yelled out as well. Thats because after Meiko finished asking her question, she spoke in Japanese, so the boys in the class also heard it.

I I didnt know how to reply, I just said: Sensei, dont forget were currently in class Pranks and what not, shouldnt be played.

Right right right. But, not sure why, I just feel a lot happier right now, little Xiang. Oh, you dont mind me calling you that, right?

I dont mind Todays Meiko-sensei, her behaviour is really too strange.

In that case, little Xiang, after class come find me in the office. Meiko-sensei turned around and walked back to platform.

Whats the matter? I asked what was inside every male students thoughts.

Youll know when you come. Sit down first. Meiko-sensei winked at me, bewitchingly. Afterwards, she stood back up on the platform; her face already recovered its original ice-cold appearance.

I sat down, Satsuki coldly said: How great, Meiko-sensei is inviting you to go to the office.

Huh? What are you talking about? Shes just joking.

Oh? Joking? At that moment, I realized that Satsuki was mad, because her tiny mouth was pouting.

Why was she angry?

Right, didnt you see just now her face was full of desire to tease me?

That I really couldnt make out, I only made out that she is very interested in you.

What else can I say? As I looked at Satsukis pouting lips on top of her knitted eyebrows, I knew that right now, her mood was extremely bad.

The more I talk, the more mistakes I would make. The less I talk, the better. Therefore, I decided to not talk. If it was after class I could perhaps pat her head and divert her attention; but, right now were in class, so I dont dare.

In any case, I knew Meiko-sensei was just joking.