Book 11: Chapter 7

Book 11: Chapter 7

With numerous knives swung in an instant, Lin Xiang started to wonder, how did Yalide do it?

Seeing his shocked expression, Yalide smiled proudly, "See? That's an improvised move of your Fallen Leaf Slash. I'm going to name it Hundred Slash. Now, worship Lady Yalide all you want."

Lin Xiang had to say that he needed to look at Yalide in a new light again. Although she had a weird personality, her strength was definitely strong. She had the fortune of being arrogant. He could not imagine how powerful she and Freed were before.

How is it? No one can withstand my power, unless the enemy escapes my attack range, or has a super high defense mechanism.

"Well, Yalide, this time, I really have to admit, you're amazing."

Isn't this nonsense? Come on, I'll teach you how to use it. You can attach fire to the sword. The one just now will be a flaming attack.

"I remember that darkness is the ability to devour, right?"

"Thats right. Light purifies, darkness devours. Demons and devils are actually similar to human spirits. They all have different attributes, such as fire, water, etc. However, the attributes of demons all contain dark energy, and their power is greatly enhanced. Not to mention, they also like to go on a killing spree. Now, let's not talk about this. You can try using your flame, or use the ice nature of the sword itself. I suggest you use the attributes of the ice sword, because attaching fire onto an ice sword will definitely consume more energy."


Yalide taught Lin Xiang patiently, which slightly surprised him. She told him that as long as he was swift enough, let alone a hundred hits in an instant, even a thousand hits was possible. The first thing he wanted to practise was the speed of his hands and the strength of the cut.

Hundred Slash was difficult to practise, but if he could make it, he would be more powerful. However, no matter how hard he tried, even if he entered the wind speed state, he could only slash one time, leaving a mist of ice in the air. The second slash could not be sent out in time.

"Don't worry, take your time, and practise more. You will be able to reach out your second and third slash."

"Yes." He nodded. Yalide, who taught others, had become very different. Lin Xiang had changed his opinion of her that time.

"By the way, give me some money. I want to buy a few books." Yalide extended her snowy-white hand to him.

Without hesitation, Lin Xiang took the money out of his pocket and gave it to her. He really did not expect that she loved learning so much that she wanted to buy books to read.

Yalide took the money and smiled happily, "Then I'm leaving."

"Be careful." Lin Xiang informed, and continued to practise his sword skills.

Wait, something feels wrong

Lin Xiang suddenly realized something.

Stop right there."

"Whats wrong?" Yalide asked, turning her head.

"You are going to buy those p**********c books, right?"

"Nonnonsense. Who do you think I am? Im Lady Yalide."

"It's all because that you're the Yalide, which made me feel more suspicious. What book do you want to buy?"

"This you don't understand anyways."

"I'll go with you. I'm afraid you don't know the way."

"No, I know it. Just focus on enhancing your sword skills."

"Get my money back."

"Hey, you've already given it to me." Yalide clenched the money in her hand, and rolled her bewitching red eyes. She immediately showed a smile on her anxious face, "If you can, get it yourself," saying that, she stuffed the money into her clothes at her chest.

"Uh" Lin Xiang could not do it.

"Since that's the case, I'm leaving." Yalide turned around and left. The pace of her steps became much faster.

Watching her figure disappearing into the corner of the room, Lin Xiang sighed, "Well, as long as you don't get in trouble when you go out, you can do whatever you want."

Yalide liked girls, so he had no reason to force her to change that. Like she said, everyone had something they liked.

With that in mind, Lin Xiang continued to practise his sword skills.

Pull sword, keep sword, pull sword, keep sword.

In half an hour

Walking out of the room with Remi, the room door that was situated diagonally opposite was also opened. Reidy walked out with a confused look. She slowly raised her head, and glanced at him. Her eyes suddenly flung wide open, "Youyou Are you going crazy?" After speaking, she slammed the door shut again. The moment the door closed, Lin Xiang seemed to notice her redden face.

That's weird, what did I do? How can she say Im going crazy

Lin Xiang sighed, and Remi only laughed, "Your organized appearance is very effective. It's just that it seems like nothing to a girl like Dusty, who doesn't pay attention to appearance, like you."

Is getting scolded part of the effectiveness?

"My sister is shy because she seen such a different you."

"I don't think she's shy"

After going downstairs, Silent Water was seen walking out of the yard with the laundry in her arms. When she saw Lin Xiang, she was obviously stunned. She showed him a heart-warming smile, "Master looks very handsome. Are you meeting a friend?"

"No, I just have to go to the school to meet the principal." He felt a little shy after being praised by Silent Water that he was handsome.

"Then Master, please be careful along the way."


When Lin Xiang passed Silent Water, his heartbeat rate increased. It was probably because Silent Water was smiling and looking at him the whole time. She seemed to be in a good mood, as if she saw something that made her on cloud nine.

Lin Xiang could organize himself now, so he did not have to trouble Silent Water anymore. Thinking of that, he felt apologetic. Why didn't he pay attention to his image before and always made Silent Water worry?

Without taking the cold sword, Remi and Lin Xiang left the house.

On the way to school, many girls kept looking at them. Of course, Lin Xiang assumed that most of them were watching Remi. Although Lin Xiang had a slight change, he was still the same, so he never thought that just a little tidying up would make him a handsome guy.

When they arrived at Pillar Nofu Academy, it was open even during the summer vacation. There were many students, to be precise, they were students who joined the clans.

The clans were similar to the school clubs in the original world, but clans could accept tasks from residents, such as finding pets, teaching children magic, combat skills and so on.

Clans were ranked by points, and the higher the ranking, the stronger the team. Some difficult tasks could also be accepted, such as catching bad guys and collecting materials in the demon realm. Those were the coveted tasks of the clan members, because everyone wanted to be the strong and let the people around them know they were not weak.

Well, anyway, that kind of thinking would only be reserved for the second grades. After finishing third grade and paying the outer world a visit, they would soon understand that being powerful in the human world was nothing great at all.

However, at least sorcerers still had an advantage among ordinary people. Promotions in careers, such as police officers, could be easier.

The arrival of Remi and Lin Xiang did not really attract anyone's attention. The students were either discussing how to carry out the missions, or reading the mission introductions.

Walking into the campus, Lin Xiang reached the principal's office. He found that Assistant Yonechi was not there, so he wondered if Michita was also unavailable. He knocked on the door, and after a while, Michita's voice came from inside, "Come in."

Good thing hes here. Lin Xiang opened the door, and walked in with Remi.

As before, Michita sat at his large wooden table, approving documents. He raised his head, saw him, and immediately smiled kindly, "Little Xiang, youve returned? Why didn't you call me?"

"Sorry, I should have informed you first."

"Ha, it's alright. Actually, I wanted to visit Dragonborn Village at the time, but I've been very busy recently. How is it? Have you gained anything?"

"Well" Lin Xiang roughly explained about what happened in Olipolia. Of course, he hid the news about Yalide and Valarie.

"Oh? Then, its all thanks to the little fire dragon and the little water dragon. However, the ice dragon hasn't regained its strength, right? I heard that adult ancient dragons, especially evil ones, are extremely powerful."

"Yes. By the way, Grandpa Mitsu, I want to ask, do you know a demon apostle organization called Blood Shadow Black Stars?"

"Blood Shadow Black Stars? Have you met the demon apostles?"

"Yes, but Im alright now."

"Well, I didn't join the defenders of the human world, so I don't know much about the demon apostles. Recently, there have been strange illegal intruders in our world, and I suspect that they are demon apostles. Just in case, I will call Lord Qian Libing to ask about that Blood Shadow Black Stars." After speaking, Michita picked up the phone as Remi and Lin Xiang sat on the sofa and waited.

"Hello, Lord Qian Libing? Yes, Little Xiang came back and learned some dragon roars. That's right, I want to ask about a demon apostle organization called Blood Shadow Black Stars"

Although Lin Xiang was clueless what Qian Libing said on the side of the phone, he guessed from Michitas increasingly serious expression that the demon apostle organization was just as how Ralph said. It was not simple, and was a very famous organization.

"Yes, I understand." Michita hung up the phone and took a deep breath, "Little Xiang, fortunately you are fine. Blood Shadow Black Stars, the demon apostle organization, is not an ordinary organization. There are a number of fallen humans who believe in and pursue demons. There are also numerous demon apostle organizations. Among them, there are three leading ones. The third one is [Blood Shadow Black Stars]. They have the largest number of members, and there are many powerful characters. Terrorist attacks are generally done by them. The second one is called [Dark Moon]. They have a relatively small number, but all of them are strong. According to the description given by Lord Qian Libing, the human ability of joining [Dark Moon] has reached the level of [Demon Hunting], which means that they all have great strength. The leading organization is called [Pitch-Black Sun]. This is a very mysterious one. Nobody survives upon meeting them. This also leads to the fact that the defenders of the human world cannot collect their data."

When talking about the [Pitch-Black Sun], Michita's expression was a little down and heavy, even could be considered as bitterness and hatred. Did [Pitch-Black Sun] cause any damage to Michita?