Book 12: Chapter 63

Book 12: Chapter 63Views:0

Volume 12 Chapter 63 : The Siege (2)L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

"I see it, the city!" Bull-head, who was walking in the lead, stood a kilometer away from Delza, whilst looking up at the towering city wall.

"I wonder if therere any obedient and cute children here." The female of the demon clan licked her fingers, revealing a look of expectation.

"Tsk." Bull-head demons, Pine, glanced at the female demon clan member, then noticed the low demons approaching from the South: "The useless low demons are here."

The low demon who took the lead obviously heard what the bull-head demon clans words, but it could not react aggressively. After all, there was a huge difference in strength between the low demons and the demon clan. The low demons had already experienced it in the war at South.

The demonic soldiers that were originally in the low demons team all returned to their own demon clans team.

"Don't get in the way here, go to Shadowar. There are still many spirits there." A shadowman said.

"Understood." The low demons nodded and left.

"Hey, some of you go over too. Go support Shadowar and the others to have our swift victory." The shadowman asked some demonic soldiers to follow the low demons to support Shadowar.

"How useless. Five nobles cant even handle these little spirits. Let's start first, the main show is about to begin." With a wave of Pines big hand, the demonic insects immediately rushed towards Delza.

"The enemy is starting to attack! Prepare for defense!" The commander of the soldiers shouted, and the city wall was full of archers.

"Don't attack right away, wait for the enemy to trigger the traps."

The demonic insects were densely packed on the ground, like a tide. Several archers' hands were trembling, and their breathing became hasty.

"Swish~" When the demonic insects running ahead was almost close to the city wall, a shining magic circle appeared on the ground.

"Boom!" Various elements erupted from the magic circles, blasting the demonic insects into the air. The scene was very spectacular. In the dark night, the explosion illuminated the appearance of the demonic insects, which made the soldiers feel disgusted.

No matter what, those bugs must never be allowed in.

That was their current thought.

"Fire!" The commander gave an order, and the archers drew their bows and released their arrows!

Arrows rained down, piercing the carapaces of the demonic insects. Some of the demonic insects became like hedgehogs, with more than a dozen arrows sticking out of their bodies.

However, the number of demonic insects was terrifying. They continued to crawl forward without fear of death. Of course, they chomped on the corpses of their kind to strengthen their bodies.

The rain of arrows only lasted for a few minutes before it came to a stop. Bows and arrows were depleted. Since the demonic insects kept eating the corpses of their kind, the arrows could no longer penetrate their carapaces.

"Magic artillery, stand-by!"

The archers retreated, while the soldiers, who were proficient in magic, stepped forward and released magic at the demonic insects under the city wall that were attempting to climb up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The demonic insects kept falling, but there was still an endless stream of them crawling forward. The scene at the moment was like a group of ants struggling to climb up a sugar jar.

Although there were magic attacks from the magic artillery to slow their pace, it could be seen that the height the demonic insects climbed kept increasing.

"Damn it! We can't let them come up!" The commanders heart was torn with anxiety, "Spirits of the same element, stand together, and use the powerful combined technique!"

Red, yellow, green as gorgeous as a rainbow, a burst of elemental attacks erupted from the city wall.

"Don't say such things! As long as were alive, we must drive out the invaders!"

Although the soldiers had a fierce fight, they were still gradually killed by the low demons and the demonic soldiers.

Out of thousands of soldiers, there were only slightly over eight hundred remained at that moment. Yet, there were more than two thousand low demons and demonic soldiers left.

"We cant hold on anymore! Damn it, we really have no strength now!" The soldier who had just finished speaking was pierced through the chest by a demonic soldiers spear from behind.


Pfft Heh heh, I'll take my leave first." With his companions watching in agony, the soldier used his remaining magic, ignited his own body, and caused a self-detonation.

The explosion engulfed several demonic soldiers and low demons.

"Great! I'll join you too!" Another soldier, driven mad by the loss of his best friend, charged at the demon horde and then there was another explosion.

"Everyone, remember what I've always said?" Hawke stood up again.

"Never stop fighting, never surrender!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

"That's right! Come on, let's fight to our hearts content! Even if it means death, it's better than being those surviving traitors!"

"Fight to our hearts content!"

At that moment, the remaining soldiers were completely surrounded.

"Adam, let's see who kills the most in the end."

"Itll definitely be me, do you even need to ask?"

The soldiers prepared themselves for death, and now, it was a competition to see who could kill the most before they died.

"Zap!" A bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, which exploded within the low demon team.

"Is this?!"

A massive tornado appeared without warning, originating from an unknown location and sweeping up a large number of low demons and demonic soldiers.

"That must be Lord Wind Fury!" a soldier shouted.

"That lightning just now! It's City Lord Reggie! Only he and his daughter, Miss Reidy, can summon thunderbolt out of thin air!"

As expected by the soldiers, a group of people appeared before their eyes.

"City Lord! You've finally returned!" The soldiers who had just embraced their imminent demise suddenly regained hope upon seeing Reggie and the others.

"Sorry, we came back late." Leading the way were Reggie, Remi, Wind Fury, and Paulie Water, who was carrying Gentle Water on his back. Behind them were more than a thousand guards, clad in armor stained with black and red blood.

"Damn traitors, luring those monsters in, I will never let them go! Charge!" Reggie gave the command, and the guards of Thunder Castle charged forward, taking the lead in attacking the low demons.

"How dare you act before me, Reggie, youve got some nerve." After Wind Fury spoke, the guards of Wind Castle refused to be left behind.

The tide of battle shifted once again.
