Book 12: Chapter 71

Book 12: Chapter 71

Volume 12 Chapter 71 : Counterattack Battle (5)

"I will agree? You really have confidence." Wind Chimes chuckled lightly after hearing what the female demon of the clan said.

"You scoundrel!" Several guards who arrived later saw that their comrade had fallen, and immediately surrounded the female demon of the clan. The eyes of each of them were full of fury, and they were clenching their teeth, wishing to kill the female demon of the clan on the spot.

"Come on, don't be shy, I know what you want to do. Hurry up and kill me." The female demon clan member extended her hand and gestured to the guards, her long nails were like sharp blades.

Naturally, the guards could not tolerate the taunt of the female demon of the clan, and they all launched attacks against her. However

Whoosh~ A gust of wind swept through. The female demon clan had not made any moves yet, but the guards all fell to the ground in pain, with scars of various sizes appearing on various parts of their bodies.

The most severely damaged was their breastplate, which was entirely torn apart, leaving a long, deep wound across their chests.

"Aww~ I underestimated the hardness of your equipment." The female demon clan sighed, as if regretting that she could not kill the guards immediately. Suddenly, her tone changed dramatically, "However, isnt enjoying the process of dying quite pleasant?"

The guards' bodies floated up in the air and began to spin. Their blood floated, seeming to be entering a weightless environment.

Wind Chimes probably guessed what the female demon clan intended to do, and she immediately used her wind to interfere with the process. With her intervention, the guards stopped spinning.

The female demon clan was also of the wind attribute, so she was interested in Wind Chimess interference. Seeing that Wind Chimes wanted to challenge her, she was more than willing to engage at that moment. She wanted to show Wind Chimes how powerful the demon clan was, so that Wind Chimes might choose to join them and become her spirit.

Heh~ The female of the demon clan squinted her eyes, and the airflow suddenly intensified, forcing Wind Chimes to take several steps back, almost falling off the city wall.

"Ah!" Meanwhile, the speed of the spinning guards were increasing, leaving black wind marks in the air. The spinning motion caused the guards' bodies to distort, constantly making them to spit out fresh red blood.

"Miss Wind Chimes!" The soldiers and guards who killed the remaining demonic insects all noticed the existence of the female demon clan member, especially after witnessing her killing their comrades. They all glared at her with anger.

"Shes very powerful! Don't attack recklessly."

"Whooosh!" At that moment, a red spark descended from the sky and landed in front of a dark flame that was advancing toward the city wall below, blocking the dark flame. Seeing that the spirits were under attack by demon soldiers, Wind Chimes said to the soldiers and guards.

"Hurry down. There are many commoner spirits who need your protection."

"But Miss Wind Chimes, you just told us that shes very powerful. If we go down"

"Staying here wont be effective either, because you can't get close to her. Only the guards of Wind Style Castle can stay."


"Do you want to die then? Get out of here quickly. Shes an unknown variable to us. Our great numbers are not her match either."


"No more buts. Leave quickly. Go help the commoners."

"You must be careful." The guards turned around very reluctantly, and joined the battle at the base of the city wall.

"Well, this is great. Its only the two of us left." The female demon clan member did not pursue the guards. Instead, she licked her long and sharp nails, "So, have you decided to become my spirit?"

"Thats right, about that"

"Hmm?" The female demon clan member was expecting Wind Chimes's answer, when suddenly, Wind Chimes vanished from her sight.

A voice sounded from behind her, "Of course, the answer is impossible."

The female demon clan member turned her head, only to see a dagger in Wind Chimes's hand aiming straight at her forehead.

Slick. Splashes of red blood bloomed and fell in the air. A metallic object also fell.

The dark clouds dispersed, revealing the long-lost moon, casting light onto Wind Chimes's face, making her look extremely pale. A line of blood slowly trickled from the corner of her mouth.

"That's right I saw your nails just now, but I didn't expect your nails to be longer than a dagger"

"Yeah, true, you should have better memory next time." The female demon clan member touched Wind Chimes's cheek, "Remember you asked me why I was so confident that youd definitely agree?"

Wind Chimes lowered her head and looked at her abdomen, then revealed a helpless smile, "So that's how it is"

"Exactly." After the female demon clan member finished speaking, she suddenly withdrew her hand, holding a purple crystal.

Wind Chimes's whole body seemed to have her strength sucked away in an instant, and she began to plummet downward. However, she was held in place by the female demon clan member.

"So, now, you already understand why Im so confident, right?" The female demon clan member tossed Wind Chimess magic crystal into her mouth, "Such an amazing taste. Just accept it willingly. I will craft a brand-new magic crystal for you and you will get unprecedented power. You should be able to hold on for a few minutes. I can also wait for the moment when you completely lose your conscious to rebel, and make a contract with you. Which will you choose?"

"Heh" Wind Chimes's eyelids felt heavy, and her consciousness gradually began to fade. Through her blurred vision, she seemed to catch sight of a shadow running, a figure leaping high and jumping over onto the city wall, coming towards her side.

"Get away from her!!!"

A cold glint flashed.