Book 12: Chapter 87

Book 12: Chapter 87

"Let's go."ReaD lateSt chapters at Only

Flapping its huge wings, the wind dragon flew up.

Both Yalide’s hands grabbed around the chest area. Her black hair flew in the wind, her sharp eyes, her signature smirk, and her feet on the dragon, looked majestic.

"Oh~ That’s so awesome. The Great Dragon God is truly worthy of admiration." The spirits of Delza were completely impressed and unquestionably loyal to Yalide. Although the spirits of Selga were surprised that Yalide could control the dragon, they did not think that Yalide was a Dragon God. Moreover, their trust in Lin Xiang was not as high as that of the Delza spirits.

Defeating the blocking dragons, the poison dragon came towards the spirits, causing the spirits to panic. They would be happy if the dragon fought for them, but they would never want to make an enemy of the dragon.

"Don't panic, everyone, The Great Dragon God will get rid of the evil dragon for us." Wind Fury and others tried hard to calm down the spirits.


Valarie was bringing Lin Xiang, almost returning to the spirit army. They met Yalide who took off. Yalide made the wind dragon stop in front of Lin Xiang, "Hey, brat, it's time to have a meal."

"A meal?"

"I mean absorb the dragon soul, idiot."

"Yalide, do you have a plan!?" Yalide was a close combat kind of person. Could she really deal with poison dragons that were skilled in dealing with near and far enemies? Lin Xiang was somewhat doubtful.

"Of course, come here quickly."

Valarie flew above the wind dragon and let go of Lin Xiang.

Lin Xiang aimed for the dragon's back and stepped on it. However, the dragon's back was not flat, so he lost his balance and fell forward.


Lin Xiang's face hit something extremely soft.

"Can I say that it was intentional on your part," Yalide still maintained her original posture of crossing her arms as she looked down at Lin Xiang who was pressed against her chest.

"No way!" Lin Xiang lifted his reddened head up and turned around to gasp for breath, panting heavily. His face was completely buried in the impact just now.

Boobs, boobs... They were really weapons that could kill people, and they could also make people die in happiness. How terrifying was that?

Throwing a dragon fireball and hitting the poison dragon, regardless of how much damage it caused, would at least make it feel pain, which signified a good step forward.

Lin Xiang, who understood Yalide's intentions, began to gather dragon fire in his hand.

Seeing Lin Xiang's awakening, Yaliide just watched and stayed silent.

The wind dragon, being the leader, was indeed superior in speed and reflexes compared to the other wind dragons.

The poison dragon had been making consecutive attacks, but failed to hit or catch up with the wind dragon. It could only follow behind, roaring with a tearing sound.

Lin Xiang could not understand the dragon language, but he felt that the poison dragon might be telling the wind dragon not to run away or something.

Stars of fire, like fireflies, swirled around Lin Xiang's palm.

Whoosh~ A ball of flame emerged and formed a ball. The dragon fireball was condensed.

The dragon fireball was bright red and translucent, as beautiful and dazzling as a crystal. Upon a closer inspection, while it did not seem very different from a regular fireball in appearance, its aura and contained energy were on a completely different level from the regular spell.

"Alright, get ready, the first throw. Remember to use your spiritual power, so that the fireball can fly farther." Yalide tapped on the dragon's back. As if responding to Yalide's training, the wind dragon switched from pure evasion to actively engaging the poison dragon.

The poison dragon was, of course, very pleased about that. Opening its mouth, it immediately released a few bursts of toxic gas.

The wind dragon dove sharply, dodging the ball of gas above its head, barely avoiding it. However, the sudden movement caused Lin Xiang to lose his balance again. After regaining his balance, he immediately pushed the fireball out.


Unfortunately, the dragon fireball missed. It was still some distance away from the poison dragon, flying straight into the sky and exploding immediately.

"Precision still has room for improvement," Yalide remarked.

"I know." Lin Xiang felt a little embarrassed. He was clearly very confident earlier.

Let’s have another go.

Thus, the wind dragon continued to maneuver around the poison dragon. Though the dragon fireball consumed Lin Xiang's dragon energy, he was confident enough to keep using it. After releasing several dragon fireballs, the seventh one finally hit the abdomen of the poison dragon, causing a small blaze.